public static final class


extends PicasaApi.Columns
 * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
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package com.cooliris.picasa;

import org.xml.sax.Attributes;

 * This class models the album entry kind in the Picasa GData API.
public final class AlbumEntry extends Entry {
    public static final EntrySchema SCHEMA = new EntrySchema(AlbumEntry.class);

     * The user account that is the sync source for this entry. Must be set
     * before insert/update.
    public String syncAccount;

     * The ETag for the album/photos GData feed.
    public String photosEtag = null;

     * True if the contents of the album need to be synchronized. Must be set
     * before insert/update.
    public boolean photosDirty;

     * The "edit" URI of the album.
    public String editUri;

     * The album owner.
    public String user;

     * The title of the album.
    @Column(value = Columns.TITLE)
    public String title;

     * A short summary of the contents of the album.
    @Column(value = Columns.SUMMARY)
    public String summary;

     * The date the album was created.
    public long datePublished;

     * The date the album was last updated.
    public long dateUpdated;

     * The date the album entry was last edited. May be more recent than
     * dateUpdated.
    public long dateEdited;

     * The number of photos in the album.
    public int numPhotos;

     * The number of bytes of storage that this album uses.
    public long bytesUsed;

     * The user-specified location associated with the album.
    public String locationString;

     * The thumbnail URL associated with the album.
    public String thumbnailUrl;

     * A link to the HTML page associated with the album.
    public String htmlPageUrl;

     * Column names specific to album entries.
    public static final class Columns extends PicasaApi.Columns {
        public static final String PHOTOS_ETAG = "photos_etag";
        public static final String USER = "user";
        public static final String BYTES_USED = "bytes_used";
        public static final String NUM_PHOTOS = "num_photos";
        public static final String LOCATION_STRING = "location_string";
        public static final String PHOTOS_DIRTY = "photos_dirty";

     * Resets values to defaults for object reuse.
    public void clear() {
        syncAccount = null;
        photosDirty = false;
        editUri = null;
        user = null;
        title = null;
        summary = null;
        datePublished = 0;
        dateUpdated = 0;
        dateEdited = 0;
        numPhotos = 0;
        bytesUsed = 0;
        locationString = null;
        thumbnailUrl = null;
        htmlPageUrl = null;

     * Sets the property value corresponding to the given XML element, if
     * applicable.
    public void setPropertyFromXml(String uri, String localName, Attributes attrs, String content) {
        char localNameChar = localName.charAt(0);
        if (uri.equals(GDataParser.GPHOTO_NAMESPACE)) {
            switch (localNameChar) {
            case 'i':
                if (localName.equals("id")) {
                    id = Long.parseLong(content);
            case 'u':
                if (localName.equals("user")) {
                    user = content;
            case 'n':
                if (localName.equals("numphotos")) {
                    numPhotos = Integer.parseInt(content);
            case 'b':
                if (localName.equals("bytesUsed")) {
                    bytesUsed = Long.parseLong(content);
        } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.ATOM_NAMESPACE)) {
            switch (localNameChar) {
            case 't':
                if (localName.equals("title")) {
                    title = content;
            case 's':
                if (localName.equals("summary")) {
                    summary = content;
            case 'p':
                if (localName.equals("published")) {
                    datePublished = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
            case 'u':
                if (localName.equals("updated")) {
                    dateUpdated = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
            case 'l':
                if (localName.equals("link")) {
                    String rel = attrs.getValue("", "rel");
                    String href = attrs.getValue("", "href");
                    if (rel.equals("alternate") && attrs.getValue("", "type").equals("text/html")) {
                        htmlPageUrl = href;
                    } else if (rel.equals("edit")) {
                        editUri = href;
        } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.APP_NAMESPACE)) {
            if (localName.equals("edited")) {
                dateEdited = GDataParser.parseAtomTimestamp(content);
        } else if (uri.equals(GDataParser.MEDIA_RSS_NAMESPACE)) {
            if (localName == "thumbnail") {
                thumbnailUrl = attrs.getValue("", "url");