public class


extends Object
implements IEntity
package org.anddev.andengine.entity;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;

import javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10;

import org.anddev.andengine.engine.handler.IUpdateHandler;
import org.anddev.andengine.engine.handler.UpdateHandlerList;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.modifier.EntityModifierList;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.modifier.IEntityModifier;
import org.anddev.andengine.entity.modifier.IEntityModifier.IEntityModifierMatcher;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.ParameterCallable;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.SmartList;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.Transformation;
import org.anddev.andengine.util.constants.Constants;

 * (c) 2010 Nicolas Gramlich 
 * (c) 2011 Zynga Inc.
 * @author Nicolas Gramlich
 * @since 12:00:48 - 08.03.2010
public class Entity implements IEntity {
	// ===========================================================
	// Constants
	// ===========================================================

	private static final int CHILDREN_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 4;
	private static final int ENTITYMODIFIERS_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 4;
	private static final int UPDATEHANDLERS_CAPACITY_DEFAULT = 4;

	private static final float[] VERTICES_SCENE_TO_LOCAL_TMP = new float[2];
	private static final float[] VERTICES_LOCAL_TO_SCENE_TMP = new float[2];

	private static final ParameterCallable<IEntity> PARAMETERCALLABLE_DETACHCHILD = new ParameterCallable<IEntity>() {
		public void call(final IEntity pEntity) {

	// ===========================================================
	// Fields
	// ===========================================================

	protected boolean mVisible = true;
	protected boolean mIgnoreUpdate = false;
	protected boolean mChildrenVisible = true;
	protected boolean mChildrenIgnoreUpdate = false;

	protected int mZIndex = 0;

	private IEntity mParent;

	protected SmartList<IEntity> mChildren;
	private EntityModifierList mEntityModifiers;
	private UpdateHandlerList mUpdateHandlers;

	protected float mRed = 1f;
	protected float mGreen = 1f;
	protected float mBlue = 1f;
	protected float mAlpha = 1f;

	protected float mX;
	protected float mY;

	private final float mInitialX;
	private final float mInitialY;

	protected float mRotation = 0;

	protected float mRotationCenterX = 0;
	protected float mRotationCenterY = 0;

	protected float mScaleX = 1f;
	protected float mScaleY = 1f;

	protected float mScaleCenterX = 0;
	protected float mScaleCenterY = 0;

	private boolean mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
	private boolean mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	private final Transformation mLocalToParentTransformation = new Transformation();
	private final Transformation mParentToLocalTransformation = new Transformation();

	private final Transformation mLocalToSceneTransformation = new Transformation();
	private final Transformation mSceneToLocalTransformation = new Transformation();

	private Object mUserData;

	// ===========================================================
	// Constructors
	// ===========================================================

	public Entity() {
		this(0, 0);

	public Entity(final float pX, final float pY) {
		this.mInitialX = pX;
		this.mInitialY = pY;

		this.mX = pX;
		this.mY = pY;

	// ===========================================================
	// Getter & Setter
	// ===========================================================

	// ===========================================================
	// Methods for/from SuperClass/Interfaces
	// ===========================================================

	public boolean isVisible() {
		return this.mVisible;

	public void setVisible(final boolean pVisible) {
		this.mVisible = pVisible;

	public boolean isChildrenVisible() {
		return this.mChildrenVisible;

	public void setChildrenVisible(final boolean pChildrenVisible) {
		this.mChildrenVisible = pChildrenVisible;

	public boolean isIgnoreUpdate() {
		return this.mIgnoreUpdate;

	public void setIgnoreUpdate(final boolean pIgnoreUpdate) {
		this.mIgnoreUpdate = pIgnoreUpdate;

	public boolean isChildrenIgnoreUpdate() {
		return this.mChildrenIgnoreUpdate;

	public void setChildrenIgnoreUpdate(final boolean pChildrenIgnoreUpdate) {
		this.mChildrenIgnoreUpdate = pChildrenIgnoreUpdate;

	public boolean hasParent() {
		return this.mParent != null;

	public IEntity getParent() {
		return this.mParent;

	public void setParent(final IEntity pEntity) {
		this.mParent = pEntity;

	public int getZIndex() {
		return this.mZIndex;

	public void setZIndex(final int pZIndex) {
		this.mZIndex = pZIndex;

	public float getX() {
		return this.mX;

	public float getY() {
		return this.mY;

	public float getInitialX() {
		return this.mInitialX;

	public float getInitialY() {
		return this.mInitialY;

	public void setPosition(final IEntity pOtherEntity) {
		this.setPosition(pOtherEntity.getX(), pOtherEntity.getY());

	public void setPosition(final float pX, final float pY) {
		this.mX = pX;
		this.mY = pY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setInitialPosition() {
		this.mX = this.mInitialX;
		this.mY = this.mInitialY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public float getRotation() {
		return this.mRotation;

	public boolean isRotated() {
		return this.mRotation != 0;

	public void setRotation(final float pRotation) {
		this.mRotation = pRotation;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public float getRotationCenterX() {
		return this.mRotationCenterX;

	public float getRotationCenterY() {
		return this.mRotationCenterY;

	public void setRotationCenterX(final float pRotationCenterX) {
		this.mRotationCenterX = pRotationCenterX;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setRotationCenterY(final float pRotationCenterY) {
		this.mRotationCenterY = pRotationCenterY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setRotationCenter(final float pRotationCenterX, final float pRotationCenterY) {
		this.mRotationCenterX = pRotationCenterX;
		this.mRotationCenterY = pRotationCenterY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public boolean isScaled() {
		return this.mScaleX != 1 || this.mScaleY != 1;

	public float getScaleX() {
		return this.mScaleX;

	public float getScaleY() {
		return this.mScaleY;

	public void setScaleX(final float pScaleX) {
		this.mScaleX = pScaleX;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setScaleY(final float pScaleY) {
		this.mScaleY = pScaleY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setScale(final float pScale) {
		this.mScaleX = pScale;
		this.mScaleY = pScale;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setScale(final float pScaleX, final float pScaleY) {
		this.mScaleX = pScaleX;
		this.mScaleY = pScaleY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public float getScaleCenterX() {
		return this.mScaleCenterX;

	public float getScaleCenterY() {
		return this.mScaleCenterY;

	public void setScaleCenterX(final float pScaleCenterX) {
		this.mScaleCenterX = pScaleCenterX;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setScaleCenterY(final float pScaleCenterY) {
		this.mScaleCenterY = pScaleCenterY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public void setScaleCenter(final float pScaleCenterX, final float pScaleCenterY) {
		this.mScaleCenterX = pScaleCenterX;
		this.mScaleCenterY = pScaleCenterY;
		this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = true;
		this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = true;

	public float getRed() {
		return this.mRed;

	public float getGreen() {
		return this.mGreen;

	public float getBlue() {
		return this.mBlue;

	public float getAlpha() {
		return this.mAlpha;

	 * @param pAlpha from <code>0.0f</code> (transparent) to <code>1.0f</code> (opaque)
	public void setAlpha(final float pAlpha) {
		this.mAlpha = pAlpha;

	 * @param pRed from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	 * @param pGreen from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	 * @param pBlue from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	public void setColor(final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue) {
		this.mRed = pRed;
		this.mGreen = pGreen;
		this.mBlue = pBlue;

	 * @param pRed from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	 * @param pGreen from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	 * @param pBlue from <code>0.0f</code> to <code>1.0f</code>
	 * @param pAlpha from <code>0.0f</code> (transparent) to <code>1.0f</code> (opaque)
	public void setColor(final float pRed, final float pGreen, final float pBlue, final float pAlpha) {
		this.mRed = pRed;
		this.mGreen = pGreen;
		this.mBlue = pBlue;
		this.mAlpha = pAlpha;

	public int getChildCount() {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return 0;
		return this.mChildren.size();

	public IEntity getChild(final int pIndex) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return null;
		return this.mChildren.get(pIndex);

	public int getChildIndex(final IEntity pEntity) {
		if (this.mChildren == null || pEntity.getParent() != this) {
			return -1;
		return this.mChildren.indexOf(pEntity);

	public boolean setChildIndex(final IEntity pEntity, final int pIndex) {
		if (this.mChildren == null || pEntity.getParent() != this) {
			return false;
		try {
			this.mChildren.add(pIndex, pEntity);
			return true;
		} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
			return false;

	public IEntity getFirstChild() {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return null;
		return this.mChildren.get(0);

	public IEntity getLastChild() {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return null;
		return this.mChildren.get(this.mChildren.size() - 1);

	public boolean detachSelf() {
		final IEntity parent = this.mParent;
		if(parent != null) {
			return parent.detachChild(this);
		} else {
			return false;

	public void detachChildren() {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {

	public void attachChild(final IEntity pEntity) throws IllegalStateException {
		if(pEntity.hasParent()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("pEntity already has a parent!");
		if(this.mChildren == null) {

	public boolean attachChild(final IEntity pEntity, final int pIndex) throws IllegalStateException {
		if(pEntity.hasParent()) {
			throw new IllegalStateException("pEntity already has a parent!");
		if (this.mChildren == null) {
		try {
			this.mChildren.add(pIndex, pEntity);
			return true;
		} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
			return false;

	public IEntity findChild(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return null;
		return this.mChildren.find(pEntityMatcher);

	public boolean swapChildren(final IEntity pEntityA, final IEntity pEntityB) {
		return this.swapChildren(this.getChildIndex(pEntityA), this.getChildIndex(pEntityB));

	public boolean swapChildren(final int pIndexA, final int pIndexB) {
		try {
			Collections.swap(this.mChildren, pIndexA, pIndexB);
			return true;
		} catch (final IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
			return false;

	public void sortChildren() {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {

	public void sortChildren(final Comparator<IEntity> pEntityComparator) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
		ZIndexSorter.getInstance().sort(this.mChildren, pEntityComparator);

	public boolean detachChild(final IEntity pEntity) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mChildren.remove(pEntity, PARAMETERCALLABLE_DETACHCHILD);

	public IEntity detachChild(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return null;
		return this.mChildren.remove(pEntityMatcher, Entity.PARAMETERCALLABLE_DETACHCHILD);

	public boolean detachChildren(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mChildren.removeAll(pEntityMatcher, Entity.PARAMETERCALLABLE_DETACHCHILD);

	public void callOnChildren(final IEntityCallable pEntityCallable) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {

	public void callOnChildren(final IEntityMatcher pEntityMatcher, final IEntityCallable pEntityCallable) {
		if(this.mChildren == null) {
		}, pEntityCallable);

	public void registerUpdateHandler(final IUpdateHandler pUpdateHandler) {
		if(this.mUpdateHandlers == null) {

	public boolean unregisterUpdateHandler(final IUpdateHandler pUpdateHandler) {
		if(this.mUpdateHandlers == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mUpdateHandlers.remove(pUpdateHandler);

	public boolean unregisterUpdateHandlers(final IUpdateHandlerMatcher pUpdateHandlerMatcher) {
		if(this.mUpdateHandlers == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mUpdateHandlers.removeAll(pUpdateHandlerMatcher);

	public void clearUpdateHandlers() {
		if(this.mUpdateHandlers == null) {

	public void registerEntityModifier(final IEntityModifier pEntityModifier) {
		if(this.mEntityModifiers == null) {

	public boolean unregisterEntityModifier(final IEntityModifier pEntityModifier) {
		if(this.mEntityModifiers == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mEntityModifiers.remove(pEntityModifier);

	public boolean unregisterEntityModifiers(final IEntityModifierMatcher pEntityModifierMatcher) {
		if(this.mEntityModifiers == null) {
			return false;
		return this.mEntityModifiers.removeAll(pEntityModifierMatcher);

	public void clearEntityModifiers() {
		if(this.mEntityModifiers == null) {

	public float[] getSceneCenterCoordinates() {
		return this.convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(0, 0);

	public Transformation getLocalToParentTransformation() {
		final Transformation localToParentTransformation = this.mLocalToParentTransformation;
		if(this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty) {

			/* Scale. */
			final float scaleX = this.mScaleX;
			final float scaleY = this.mScaleY;
			if(scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1) {
				final float scaleCenterX = this.mScaleCenterX;
				final float scaleCenterY = this.mScaleCenterY;

				/* TODO Check if it is worth to check for scaleCenterX == 0 && scaleCenterY == 0 as the two postTranslate can be saved.
				 * The same obviously applies for all similar occurrences of this pattern in this class. */

				localToParentTransformation.postTranslate(-scaleCenterX, -scaleCenterY);
				localToParentTransformation.postScale(scaleX, scaleY);
				localToParentTransformation.postTranslate(scaleCenterX, scaleCenterY);

			/* TODO There is a special, but very likely case when mRotationCenter and mScaleCenter are the same.
			 * In that case the last postTranslate of the scale and the first postTranslate of the rotation is superfluous. */

			/* Rotation. */
			final float rotation = this.mRotation;
			if(rotation != 0) {
				final float rotationCenterX = this.mRotationCenterX;
				final float rotationCenterY = this.mRotationCenterY;

				localToParentTransformation.postTranslate(-rotationCenterX, -rotationCenterY);
				localToParentTransformation.postTranslate(rotationCenterX, rotationCenterY);

			/* Translation. */
			localToParentTransformation.postTranslate(this.mX, this.mY);

			this.mLocalToParentTransformationDirty = false;
		return localToParentTransformation;

	public Transformation getParentToLocalTransformation() {
		final Transformation parentToLocalTransformation = this.mParentToLocalTransformation;
		if(this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty) {

			/* Translation. */
			parentToLocalTransformation.postTranslate(-this.mX, -this.mY);

			/* Rotation. */
			final float rotation = this.mRotation;
			if(rotation != 0) {
				final float rotationCenterX = this.mRotationCenterX;
				final float rotationCenterY = this.mRotationCenterY;

				parentToLocalTransformation.postTranslate(-rotationCenterX, -rotationCenterY);
				parentToLocalTransformation.postTranslate(rotationCenterX, rotationCenterY);

			/* TODO There is a special, but very likely case when mRotationCenter and mScaleCenter are the same.
			 * In that case the last postTranslate of the rotation and the first postTranslate of the scale is superfluous. */

			/* Scale. */
			final float scaleX = this.mScaleX;
			final float scaleY = this.mScaleY;
			if(scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1) {
				final float scaleCenterX = this.mScaleCenterX;
				final float scaleCenterY = this.mScaleCenterY;

				parentToLocalTransformation.postTranslate(-scaleCenterX, -scaleCenterY);
				parentToLocalTransformation.postScale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY);
				parentToLocalTransformation.postTranslate(scaleCenterX, scaleCenterY);

			this.mParentToLocalTransformationDirty = false;
		return parentToLocalTransformation;

	public Transformation getLocalToSceneTransformation() {
		// TODO Cache if parent(recursive) not dirty.
		final Transformation localToSceneTransformation = this.mLocalToSceneTransformation;

		final IEntity parent = this.mParent;
		if(parent != null) {

		return localToSceneTransformation;

	public Transformation getSceneToLocalTransformation() {
		// TODO Cache if parent(recursive) not dirty.
		final Transformation sceneToLocalTransformation = this.mSceneToLocalTransformation;

		final IEntity parent = this.mParent;
		if(parent != null) {

		return sceneToLocalTransformation;

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(float, float)
	public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY) {
		return this.convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(pX, pY, VERTICES_LOCAL_TO_SCENE_TMP);

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(float, float, float[])
	public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY, final float[] pReuse) {
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X] = pX;
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y] = pY;


		return pReuse;

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(float[])
	public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates) {
		return this.convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(pCoordinates, VERTICES_LOCAL_TO_SCENE_TMP);

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(float[], float[])
	public float[] convertLocalToSceneCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates, final float[] pReuse) {
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X] = pCoordinates[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X];
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y] = pCoordinates[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y];


		return pReuse;

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(float, float)
	public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY) {
		return this.convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(pX, pY, VERTICES_SCENE_TO_LOCAL_TMP);

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(float, float, float[])
	public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float pX, final float pY, final float[] pReuse) {
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X] = pX;
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y] = pY;


		return pReuse;

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(float[])
	public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates) {
		return this.convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(pCoordinates, VERTICES_SCENE_TO_LOCAL_TMP);

	/* (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see org.anddev.andengine.entity.IEntity#convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(float[], float[])
	public float[] convertSceneToLocalCoordinates(final float[] pCoordinates, final float[] pReuse) {
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X] = pCoordinates[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_X];
		pReuse[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y] = pCoordinates[Constants.VERTEX_INDEX_Y];


		return pReuse;

	public void onAttached() {


	public void onDetached() {


	public Object getUserData() {
		return this.mUserData;

	public void setUserData(final Object pUserData) {
		this.mUserData = pUserData;

	public final void onDraw(final GL10 pGL, final Camera pCamera) {
		if(this.mVisible) {
			this.onManagedDraw(pGL, pCamera);

	public final void onUpdate(final float pSecondsElapsed) {
		if(!this.mIgnoreUpdate) {

	public void reset() {
		this.mVisible = true;
		this.mIgnoreUpdate = false;
		this.mChildrenVisible = true;
		this.mChildrenIgnoreUpdate = false;

		this.mX = this.mInitialX;
		this.mY = this.mInitialY;
		this.mRotation = 0;
		this.mScaleX = 1;
		this.mScaleY = 1;

		this.mRed = 1.0f;
		this.mGreen = 1.0f;
		this.mBlue = 1.0f;
		this.mAlpha = 1.0f;

		if(this.mEntityModifiers != null) {

		if(this.mChildren != null) {
			final ArrayList<IEntity> entities = this.mChildren;
			for(int i = entities.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

	// ===========================================================
	// Methods
	// ===========================================================

	 * @param pGL the OpenGL GL1.0 Context (potentially higher than 1.0) to use for drawing.
	 * @param pCamera the currently active {@link Camera} i.e. to be used for culling.
	protected void doDraw(final GL10 pGL, final Camera pCamera) {


	private void allocateEntityModifiers() {
		this.mEntityModifiers = new EntityModifierList(this, Entity.ENTITYMODIFIERS_CAPACITY_DEFAULT);

	private void allocateChildren() {
		this.mChildren = new SmartList<IEntity>(Entity.CHILDREN_CAPACITY_DEFAULT);

	private void allocateUpdateHandlers() {
		this.mUpdateHandlers = new UpdateHandlerList(Entity.UPDATEHANDLERS_CAPACITY_DEFAULT);

	protected void onApplyTransformations(final GL10 pGL) {
		/* Translation. */

		/* Rotation. */

		/* Scale. */

	protected void applyTranslation(final GL10 pGL) {
		pGL.glTranslatef(this.mX, this.mY, 0);

	protected void applyRotation(final GL10 pGL) {
		final float rotation = this.mRotation;

		if(rotation != 0) {
			final float rotationCenterX = this.mRotationCenterX;
			final float rotationCenterY = this.mRotationCenterY;

			pGL.glTranslatef(rotationCenterX, rotationCenterY, 0);
			pGL.glRotatef(rotation, 0, 0, 1);
			pGL.glTranslatef(-rotationCenterX, -rotationCenterY, 0);

			/* TODO There is a special, but very likely case when mRotationCenter and mScaleCenter are the same.
			 * In that case the last glTranslatef of the rotation and the first glTranslatef of the scale is superfluous.
			 * The problem is that applyRotation and applyScale would need to be "merged" in order to efficiently check for that condition.  */

	protected void applyScale(final GL10 pGL) {
		final float scaleX = this.mScaleX;
		final float scaleY = this.mScaleY;

		if(scaleX != 1 || scaleY != 1) {
			final float scaleCenterX = this.mScaleCenterX;
			final float scaleCenterY = this.mScaleCenterY;

			pGL.glTranslatef(scaleCenterX, scaleCenterY, 0);
			pGL.glScalef(scaleX, scaleY, 1);
			pGL.glTranslatef(-scaleCenterX, -scaleCenterY, 0);

	protected void onManagedDraw(final GL10 pGL, final Camera pCamera) {

			this.doDraw(pGL, pCamera);

			this.onDrawChildren(pGL, pCamera);

	protected void onDrawChildren(final GL10 pGL, final Camera pCamera) {
		if(this.mChildren != null && this.mChildrenVisible) {
			this.onManagedDrawChildren(pGL, pCamera);

	public void onManagedDrawChildren(final GL10 pGL, final Camera pCamera) {
		final ArrayList<IEntity> children = this.mChildren;
		final int childCount = children.size();
		for(int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
			children.get(i).onDraw(pGL, pCamera);

	protected void onManagedUpdate(final float pSecondsElapsed) {
		if(this.mEntityModifiers != null) {
		if(this.mUpdateHandlers != null) {

		if(this.mChildren != null && !this.mChildrenIgnoreUpdate) {
			final ArrayList<IEntity> entities = this.mChildren;
			final int entityCount = entities.size();
			for(int i = 0; i < entityCount; i++) {

	// ===========================================================
	// Inner and Anonymous Classes
	// ===========================================================