public abstract class


extends Object
implements Converter
   ↳ org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.AbstractArrayConverter
Known Direct Subclasses

This class is deprecated.
Replaced by the new ArrayConverter implementation

Class Overview

Convenience base class for converters that translate the String representation of an array into a corresponding array of primitives object. This class encapsulates the functionality required to parse the String into a list of String elements that can later be individually converted to the appropriate primitive type.

The input syntax accepted by the parseElements() method is designed to be compatible with the syntax used to initialize arrays in a Java source program, except that only String literal values are supported. For maximum flexibility, the surrounding '{' and '}' characters are optional, and individual elements may be separated by any combination of whitespace and comma characters.


public static final Object NO_DEFAULT This is a special reference that can be passed as the "default object" to the constructor to indicate that no default is desired.
protected Object defaultValue The default value specified to our Constructor, if any.
protected static String[] strings

Model object for string arrays.

protected boolean useDefault Should we return the default value on conversion errors?
Public Constructors
Create a Converter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.
AbstractArrayConverter(Object defaultValue)
Create a Converter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs.
Public Methods
abstract Object convert(Class type, Object value)
Convert the specified input object into an output object of the specified type.
Protected Methods
List parseElements(String svalue)

Parse an incoming String of the form similar to an array initializer in the Java language into a List individual Strings for each element, according to the following rules.

Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.commons.beanutils.Converter


public static final Object NO_DEFAULT

This is a special reference that can be passed as the "default object" to the constructor to indicate that no default is desired. Note that the value 'null' cannot be used for this purpose, as the caller may want a null to be returned as the default.

protected Object defaultValue

The default value specified to our Constructor, if any.

protected static String[] strings

Model object for string arrays.

protected boolean useDefault

Should we return the default value on conversion errors?

Public Constructors

public AbstractArrayConverter ()

Create a Converter that will throw a ConversionException if a conversion error occurs.

public AbstractArrayConverter (Object defaultValue)

Create a Converter that will return the specified default value if a conversion error occurs.

defaultValue The default value to be returned

Public Methods

public abstract Object convert (Class type, Object value)

Convert the specified input object into an output object of the specified type. This method must be implemented by a concrete subclass.

type Data type to which this value should be converted
value The input value to be converted
  • The converted value
ConversionException if conversion cannot be performed successfully

Protected Methods

protected List parseElements (String svalue)

Parse an incoming String of the form similar to an array initializer in the Java language into a List individual Strings for each element, according to the following rules.

  • The string is expected to be a comma-separated list of values.
  • The string may optionally have matching '{' and '}' delimiters around the list.
  • Whitespace before and after each element is stripped.
  • Elements in the list may be delimited by single or double quotes. Within a quoted elements, the normal Java escape sequences are valid.

svalue String value to be parsed
  • The parsed list of String values
ConversionException if the syntax of svalue is not syntactically valid
NullPointerException if svalue is null