public class


extends IndexReader
implements Cloneable
   ↳ org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
     ↳ org.apache.lucene.index.SegmentReader

Class Overview

NOTE: This API is new and still experimental (subject to change suddenly in the next release)


protected boolean readOnly
Inherited Fields
From class org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
Public Constructors
Public Methods
synchronized final IndexReader clone(boolean openReadOnly)
Clones the IndexReader and optionally changes readOnly.
synchronized final Object clone()
Efficiently clones the IndexReader (sharing most internal state).
Directory directory()
Returns the directory this index resides in.
int docFreq(Term t)
Returns the number of documents containing the term t.
Document document(int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)
Get the Document at the n th position.
static SegmentReader get(boolean readOnly, Directory dir, SegmentInfo si, int readBufferSize, boolean doOpenStores, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
static SegmentReader get(boolean readOnly, SegmentInfo si, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
Object getDeletesCacheKey()
final Object getFieldCacheKey()
Collection<String> getFieldNames(IndexReader.FieldOption fieldOption)
Get a list of unique field names that exist in this index and have the specified field option information.
String getSegmentName()
Return the name of the segment this reader is reading.
void getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, String field, TermVectorMapper mapper)
Load the Term Vector into a user-defined data structure instead of relying on the parallel arrays of the TermFreqVector.
void getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, TermVectorMapper mapper)
Map all the term vectors for all fields in a Document
TermFreqVector getTermFreqVector(int docNumber, String field)
Return a term frequency vector for the specified document and field.
TermFreqVector[] getTermFreqVectors(int docNumber)
Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document.
int getTermInfosIndexDivisor()
For IndexReader implementations that use TermInfosReader to read terms, this returns the current indexDivisor as specified when the reader was opened.
long getUniqueTermCount()
Returns the number of unique terms (across all fields) in this reader.
boolean hasDeletions()
Returns true if any documents have been deleted
synchronized boolean hasNorms(String field)
Returns true if there are norms stored for this field.
synchronized boolean isDeleted(int n)
Returns true if document n has been deleted
int maxDoc()
Returns one greater than the largest possible document number.
synchronized byte[] norms(String field)
Returns the byte-encoded normalization factor for the named field of every document.
synchronized void norms(String field, byte[] bytes, int offset)
Read norms into a pre-allocated array.
int numDocs()
Returns the number of documents in this index.
TermDocs termDocs()
Returns an unpositioned TermDocs enumerator.
TermDocs termDocs(Term term)
Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term.
TermPositions termPositions()
Returns an unpositioned TermPositions enumerator.
TermEnum terms(Term t)
Returns an enumeration of all terms starting at a given term.
TermEnum terms()
Returns an enumeration of all the terms in the index.
Protected Methods
BitVector cloneDeletedDocs(BitVector bv)
Clones the deleteDocs BitVector.
byte[] cloneNormBytes(byte[] bytes)
Clones the norm bytes.
void doClose()
Implements close.
void doCommit(Map<StringString> commitUserData)
Implements commit.
void doDelete(int docNum)
Implements deletion of the document numbered docNum.
void doSetNorm(int doc, String field, byte value)
Implements setNorm in subclass.
void doUndeleteAll()
Implements actual undeleteAll() in subclass.
synchronized byte[] getNorms(String field)
Inherited Methods
From class org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader
From class java.lang.Object
From interface


protected boolean readOnly

Public Constructors

public SegmentReader ()

Public Methods

public final synchronized IndexReader clone (boolean openReadOnly)

Clones the IndexReader and optionally changes readOnly. A readOnly reader cannot open a writeable reader.

public final synchronized Object clone ()

Efficiently clones the IndexReader (sharing most internal state).

On cloning a reader with pending changes (deletions, norms), the original reader transfers its write lock to the cloned reader. This means only the cloned reader may make further changes to the index, and commit the changes to the index on close, but the old reader still reflects all changes made up until it was cloned.

Like reopen(), it's safe to make changes to either the original or the cloned reader: all shared mutable state obeys "copy on write" semantics to ensure the changes are not seen by other readers.

public Directory directory ()

Returns the directory this index resides in.

public int docFreq (Term t)

Returns the number of documents containing the term t.


public Document document (int n, FieldSelector fieldSelector)

Get the Document at the n th position. The FieldSelector may be used to determine what Fields to load and how they should be loaded. NOTE: If this Reader (more specifically, the underlying FieldsReader) is closed before the lazy Field is loaded an exception may be thrown. If you want the value of a lazy Field to be available after closing you must explicitly load it or fetch the Document again with a new loader.

NOTE: for performance reasons, this method does not check if the requested document is deleted, and therefore asking for a deleted document may yield unspecified results. Usually this is not required, however you can call isDeleted(int) with the requested document ID to verify the document is not deleted.

n Get the document at the nth position
fieldSelector The FieldSelector to use to determine what Fields should be loaded on the Document. May be null, in which case all Fields will be loaded.
  • The stored fields of the Document at the nth position

public static SegmentReader get (boolean readOnly, Directory dir, SegmentInfo si, int readBufferSize, boolean doOpenStores, int termInfosIndexDivisor)

CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt
IOException if there is a low-level IO error

public static SegmentReader get (boolean readOnly, SegmentInfo si, int termInfosIndexDivisor)

CorruptIndexException if the index is corrupt
IOException if there is a low-level IO error

public Object getDeletesCacheKey ()

Expert. Warning: this returns null if the reader has no deletions

public final Object getFieldCacheKey ()


public Collection<String> getFieldNames (IndexReader.FieldOption fieldOption)

Get a list of unique field names that exist in this index and have the specified field option information.

fieldOption specifies which field option should be available for the returned fields
  • Collection of Strings indicating the names of the fields.

public String getSegmentName ()

Return the name of the segment this reader is reading.

public void getTermFreqVector (int docNumber, String field, TermVectorMapper mapper)

Load the Term Vector into a user-defined data structure instead of relying on the parallel arrays of the TermFreqVector.

docNumber The number of the document to load the vector for
field The name of the field to load
mapper The TermVectorMapper to process the vector. Must not be null

public void getTermFreqVector (int docNumber, TermVectorMapper mapper)

Map all the term vectors for all fields in a Document

docNumber The number of the document to load the vector for
mapper The TermVectorMapper to process the vector. Must not be null

public TermFreqVector getTermFreqVector (int docNumber, String field)

Return a term frequency vector for the specified document and field. The vector returned contains term numbers and frequencies for all terms in the specified field of this document, if the field had storeTermVector flag set. If the flag was not set, the method returns null.

docNumber document for which the term frequency vector is returned
field field for which the term frequency vector is returned.
  • term frequency vector May be null if field does not exist in the specified document or term vector was not stored.

public TermFreqVector[] getTermFreqVectors (int docNumber)

Return an array of term frequency vectors for the specified document. The array contains a vector for each vectorized field in the document. Each vector vector contains term numbers and frequencies for all terms in a given vectorized field. If no such fields existed, the method returns null.

docNumber document for which term frequency vectors are returned
  • array of term frequency vectors. May be null if no term vectors have been stored for the specified document.

public int getTermInfosIndexDivisor ()

For IndexReader implementations that use TermInfosReader to read terms, this returns the current indexDivisor as specified when the reader was opened.

public long getUniqueTermCount ()

Returns the number of unique terms (across all fields) in this reader. This method returns long, even though internally Lucene cannot handle more than 2^31 unique terms, for a possible future when this limitation is removed.

public boolean hasDeletions ()

Returns true if any documents have been deleted

public synchronized boolean hasNorms (String field)

Returns true if there are norms stored for this field.

public synchronized boolean isDeleted (int n)

Returns true if document n has been deleted

public int maxDoc ()

Returns one greater than the largest possible document number. This may be used to, e.g., determine how big to allocate an array which will have an element for every document number in an index.

public synchronized byte[] norms (String field)

Returns the byte-encoded normalization factor for the named field of every document. This is used by the search code to score documents.


public synchronized void norms (String field, byte[] bytes, int offset)

Read norms into a pre-allocated array.


public int numDocs ()

Returns the number of documents in this index.

public TermDocs termDocs ()

Returns an unpositioned TermDocs enumerator.


public TermDocs termDocs (Term term)

Returns an enumeration of all the documents which contain term. For each document, the document number, the frequency of the term in that document is also provided, for use in search scoring. If term is null, then all non-deleted docs are returned with freq=1. Thus, this method implements the mapping:

    Term    =>    <docNum, freq>*

The enumeration is ordered by document number. Each document number is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration.


public TermPositions termPositions ()

Returns an unpositioned TermPositions enumerator.


public TermEnum terms (Term t)

Returns an enumeration of all terms starting at a given term. If the given term does not exist, the enumeration is positioned at the first term greater than the supplied term. The enumeration is ordered by Term.compareTo(). Each term is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration.


public TermEnum terms ()

Returns an enumeration of all the terms in the index. The enumeration is ordered by Term.compareTo(). Each term is greater than all that precede it in the enumeration. Note that after calling terms(), next() must be called on the resulting enumeration before calling other methods such as term().

Protected Methods

protected BitVector cloneDeletedDocs (BitVector bv)

Clones the deleteDocs BitVector. May be overridden by subclasses. New and experimental.

bv BitVector to clone
  • New BitVector

protected byte[] cloneNormBytes (byte[] bytes)

Clones the norm bytes. May be overridden by subclasses. New and experimental.

bytes Byte array to clone
  • New BitVector

protected void doClose ()

Implements close.


protected void doCommit (Map<StringString> commitUserData)

Implements commit.


protected void doDelete (int docNum)

Implements deletion of the document numbered docNum. Applications should call deleteDocument(int) or deleteDocuments(Term).

protected void doSetNorm (int doc, String field, byte value)

Implements setNorm in subclass.


protected void doUndeleteAll ()

Implements actual undeleteAll() in subclass.

protected synchronized byte[] getNorms (String field)
