public static final class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.lucene.util.FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType

Class Overview

An Enumeration of the different types of "insane" behavior that may be detected in a FieldCache.


public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType EXPECTED Indicates an expected bit of "insanity".
public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType SUBREADER Indicates an overlap in cache usage on a given field in sub/super readers.
public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType VALUEMISMATCH

Indicates entries have the same reader+fieldname but different cached values.

Public Methods
String toString()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType EXPECTED

Indicates an expected bit of "insanity". This may be useful for clients that wish to preserve/log information about insane usage but indicate that it was expected.

public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType SUBREADER

Indicates an overlap in cache usage on a given field in sub/super readers.

public static final FieldCacheSanityChecker.InsanityType VALUEMISMATCH

Indicates entries have the same reader+fieldname but different cached values. This can happen if different datatypes, or parsers are used -- and while it's not necessarily a bug it's typically an indication of a possible problem.

Only the reader, fieldname, and cached value are actually tested -- if two cache entries have different parsers or datatypes but the cached values are the same Object (== not just equal()) this method does not consider that a red flag. This allows for subtle variations in the way a Parser is specified (null vs DEFAULT_LONG_PARSER, etc...)

Public Methods

public String toString ()