

Internal implementation classes for efficient handling of of symbols in JSON (field names in Objects)


BytesToNameCanonicalizer A caching symbol table implementation used for canonicalizing JSON field names (as Names which are constructed directly from a byte-based input source). 
CharsToNameCanonicalizer This class is a kind of specialized type-safe Map, from char array to String value. 
Name Base class for tokenized names (key strings in objects) that have been tokenized from byte-based input sources (like 
Name1 Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of at most 4 bytes. 
Name2 Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of 5 to 8 bytes. 
Name3 Specialized implementation of PName: can be used for short Strings that consists of 9 to 12 bytes. 
NameN Generic implementation of PName used for "long" names, where long means that its byte (UTF-8) representation is 13 bytes or more. 
TestByteBasedSymbols Unit test(s) to verify that handling of (byte-based) symbol tables is working. 
TestJsonParserSymbols Unit tests for verifying that JsonParser instances properly merge back symbols to the root symbol table  