AbstractHttpClientConnection | Abstract client-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving
data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and
SessionOutputBuffer implementations. |
AbstractHttpEntity | Abstract base class for entities. |
AbstractHttpMessage | Basic implementation of HttpMessage . |
AbstractHttpParams | Abstract base class for parameter collections. |
AbstractHttpServerConnection | Abstract server-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving
data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and
SessionOutputBuffer implementations. |
AbstractMessageParser | Abstract base class for HTTP message parsers that obtain input from
an instance of SessionInputBuffer . |
AbstractMessageWriter | Abstract base class for HTTP message writers that serialize output to
an instance of SessionOutputBuffer . |
AbstractSessionInputBuffer | Abstract base class for session input buffers that stream data from an arbitrary InputStream. |
AbstractSessionOutputBuffer | Abstract base class for session output buffers that stream data to an arbitrary OutputStream. |
BasicHeader | Basic implementation of Header . |
BasicHeaderElement | Basic implementation of HeaderElement |
BasicHeaderElementIterator | Basic implementation of a HeaderElementIterator . |
BasicHeaderIterator | Basic implementation of a HeaderIterator . |
BasicHeaderValueFormatter | Basic implementation for formatting header value elements. |
BasicHeaderValueParser | Basic implementation for parsing header values into elements. |
BasicHttpContext | Default implementation of HttpContext . |
BasicHttpEntity | A generic streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream. |
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest | Basic implementation of HttpEntityEnclosingRequest . |
BasicHttpParams | Default implementation of HttpParams interface. |
BasicHttpProcessor | Default implementation of HttpProcessor . |
BasicHttpRequest | Basic implementation of HttpRequest . |
BasicHttpResponse | Basic implementation of HttpResponse . |
BasicLineFormatter | Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. |
BasicLineParser | Basic parser for lines in the head section of an HTTP message. |
BasicListHeaderIterator | Implementation of a HeaderIterator based on a List. |
BasicNameValuePair | Basic implementation of NameValuePair . |
BasicRequestLine | Basic implementation of RequestLine . |
BasicStatusLine | Basic implementation of StatusLine |
BasicTokenIterator | Basic implementation of a TokenIterator . |
BufferedHeader | This class represents a raw HTTP header whose content is parsed 'on demand' only when the header value needs to be consumed. |
BufferedHttpEntity | A wrapping entity that buffers it content if necessary. |
BufferInfo | Basic buffer properties. |
ByteArrayBuffer | A resizable byte array. |
ByteArrayEntity | A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a byte array. |
CharArrayBuffer | A resizable char array. |
ChunkedInputStream | Implements chunked transfer coding. |
ChunkedOutputStream | Implements chunked transfer coding. |
ConnectionClosedException | Signals that the connection has been closed unexpectedly. |
ConnectionReuseStrategy | Interface for deciding whether a connection can be re-used for subsequent requests and should be kept alive. |
ContentLengthInputStream | Input stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. |
ContentLengthOutputStream | Output stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. |
ContentLengthStrategy | Represents a strategy to determine length of the enclosed content entity based on properties of the HTTP message. |
ContentProducer | An abstract entity content producer. |
CoreConnectionPNames | Defines parameter names for connections in HttpCore. |
CoreProtocolPNames | Defines parameter names for protocol execution in HttpCore. |
DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy | Default implementation of a strategy deciding about connection re-use. |
DefaultedHttpContext | HttpContext implementation that delegates resolution of an attribute
to the given default HttpContext instance if the attribute is not
present in the local one. |
DefaultedHttpParams | HttpParams implementation that delegates resolution of a parameter
to the given default HttpParams instance if the parameter is not
present in the local one. |
DefaultHttpClientConnection | Default implementation of a client-side HTTP connection. |
DefaultHttpRequestFactory | Default factory for creating HttpRequest objects. |
DefaultHttpResponseFactory | Default factory for creating HttpResponse objects. |
DefaultHttpServerConnection | Default implementation of a server-side HTTP connection. |
EncodingUtils | The home for utility methods that handle various encoding tasks. |
EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog | English reason phrases for HTTP status codes. |
EntityDeserializer | HTTP entity deserializer. |
EntitySerializer | HTTP entity serializer. |
EntityTemplate | Entity that delegates the process of content generation
to a ContentProducer . |
EntityUtils | Static helpers for dealing with HttpEntity s. |
EofSensor | EOF sensor. |
ExceptionUtils | The home for utility methods that handle various exception-related tasks. |
ExecutionContext | HttpContext attribute names for protocol execution. |
FileEntity | A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a file. |
FormattedHeader | An HTTP header which is already formatted. |
Header | Represents an HTTP header field. |
HeaderElement | One element of an HTTP header value consisting of
a name / value pair and a number of optional name / value parameters. |
HeaderElementIterator | A type-safe iterator for HeaderElement objects. |
HeaderGroup | A class for combining a set of headers. |
HeaderIterator | A type-safe iterator for Header objects. |
HeaderValueFormatter | Interface for formatting elements of a header value. |
HeaderValueParser | Interface for parsing header values into elements. |
HTTP | Constants and static helpers related to the HTTP protocol. |
HttpAbstractParamBean | |
HttpClientConnection | A client-side HTTP connection, which can be used for sending requests and receiving responses. |
HttpConnection | A generic HTTP connection, useful on client and server side. |
HttpConnectionMetrics | The point of access to the statistics of an HttpConnection . |
HttpConnectionMetricsImpl | Default implementation of the HttpConnectionMetrics interface. |
HttpConnectionParamBean | This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of
HttpParams and manipulate HTTP connection parameters using Java Beans
conventions. |
HttpConnectionParams | Utility class for accessing connection parameters in HttpParams . |
HttpContext | HttpContext represents execution state of an HTTP process. |
HttpDateGenerator | Generates a date in the format required by the HTTP protocol. |
HttpEntity | An entity that can be sent or received with an HTTP message. |
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest | A request with an entity. |
HttpEntityWrapper | Base class for wrapping entities. |
HttpException | Signals that an HTTP exception has occurred. |
HttpExpectationVerifier | Defines an interface to verify whether an incoming HTTP request meets the target server's expectations. |
HttpHeaders | Constants enumerating the HTTP headers. |
HttpHost | Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host. |
HttpInetConnection | An HTTP connection over the Internet Protocol (IP). |
HttpMessage | HTTP messages consist of requests from client to server and responses from server to client. |
HttpMessageParser | Abstract message parser intended to build HTTP messages from an arbitrary data source. |
HttpMessageWriter | Abstract message writer intended to serialize HTTP messages to an arbitrary data sink. |
HttpParams | HttpParams interface represents a collection of immutable values that define a runtime behavior of a component. |
HttpProcessor | HTTP protocol processor is a collection of protocol interceptors that implements the 'Chain of Responsibility' pattern, where each individual protocol interceptor is expected to work on a particular aspect of the HTTP protocol the interceptor is responsible for. |
HttpProtocolParamBean | This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of
HttpParams and manipulate HTTP protocol parameters using Java Beans
conventions. |
HttpProtocolParams | Utility class for accessing protocol parameters in HttpParams . |
HttpRequest | A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use. |
HttpRequestExecutor | HttpRequestExecutor is a client side HTTP protocol handler based on the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the client side message processing, as described by RFC 2616. |
HttpRequestFactory | A factory for HttpRequest objects. |
HttpRequestHandler | HttpRequestHandler represents a routine for processing of a specific group of HTTP requests. |
HttpRequestHandlerRegistry | Maintains a map of HTTP request handlers keyed by a request URI pattern. |
HttpRequestHandlerResolver | HttpRequestHandlerResolver can be used to resolve an instance of
HttpRequestHandler matching a particular request URI. |
HttpRequestInterceptor | HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol. |
HttpRequestInterceptorList | Provides access to an ordered list of request interceptors. |
HttpRequestParser | HTTP request parser that obtain its input from an instance
of SessionInputBuffer . |
HttpRequestWriter | HTTP request writer that serializes its output to an instance
of SessionOutputBuffer . |
HttpResponse | After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message. |
HttpResponseFactory | A factory for HttpResponse objects. |
HttpResponseInterceptor | HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol. |
HttpResponseInterceptorList | Provides access to an ordered list of response interceptors. |
HttpResponseParser | HTTP response parser that obtain its input from an instance
of SessionInputBuffer . |
HttpResponseWriter | HTTP response writer that serializes its output to an instance
of SessionOutputBuffer . |
HttpServerConnection | A server-side HTTP connection, which can be used for receiving requests and sending responses. |
HttpService | HttpService is a server side HTTP protocol handler based in the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the server side message processing as described by RFC 2616. |
HttpStatus | Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes. |
HttpTransportMetrics | The point of access to the statistics of SessionInputBuffer or
SessionOutputBuffer . |
HttpTransportMetricsImpl | Default implementation of HttpTransportMetrics . |
HttpVersion | Represents an HTTP version. |
IdentityInputStream | Input stream that reads data without any transformation. |
IdentityOutputStream | Output stream that writes data without any transformation. |
ImmutableHttpProcessor | Immutable HttpProcessor . |
InputStreamEntity | A streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream. |
LangUtils | A set of utility methods to help produce consistent
equals and hashCode methods. |
LaxContentLengthStrategy | The lax implementation of the content length strategy. |
LineFormatter | Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. |
LineParser | Interface for parsing lines in the HEAD section of an HTTP message. |
MalformedChunkCodingException | Signals a malformed chunked stream. |
MethodNotSupportedException | Signals that an HTTP method is not supported. |
NameValuePair | A name / value pair parameter used as an element of HTTP messages. |
NoConnectionReuseStrategy | A strategy that never re-uses a connection. |
NoHttpResponseException | Signals that the target server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response. |
ParseException | Signals a parse error. |
ParserCursor | This class represents a context of a parsing operation:
ProtocolException | Signals that an HTTP protocol violation has occurred. |
ProtocolVersion | Represents a protocol version. |
ReasonPhraseCatalog | Interface for obtaining reason phrases for HTTP status codes. |
RequestConnControl | RequestConnControl is responsible for adding Connection header
to the outgoing requests, which is essential for managing persistence of
HTTP/1.0 connections. |
RequestContent | RequestContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing requests. |
RequestDate | RequestDate interceptor is responsible for adding Date header
to the outgoing requests This interceptor is optional for client side
protocol processors. |
RequestExpectContinue | RequestExpectContinue is responsible for enabling the 'expect-continue'
handshake by adding Expect header. |
RequestLine | The Request-Line begins with a method token, followed by the Request-URI and the protocol version, and ending with CRLF. |
RequestTargetHost | RequestTargetHost is responsible for adding Host header. |
RequestUserAgent | RequestUserAgent is responsible for adding User-Agent header. |
ResponseConnControl | ResponseConnControl is responsible for adding Connection header
to the outgoing responses, which is essential for managing persistence of
HTTP/1.0 connections. |
ResponseContent | ResponseContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing responses. |
ResponseDate | ResponseDate is responsible for adding Date |
ResponseServer | ResponseServer is responsible for adding Server header. |
SerializableEntity | A streamed entity that obtains its content from a Serializable. |
SessionInputBuffer | Session input buffer for blocking connections. |
SessionOutputBuffer | Session output buffer for blocking connections. |
SocketHttpClientConnection | Implementation of a client-side HTTP connection that can be bound to an arbitrary Socket for receiving data from and transmitting data to a remote server. |
SocketHttpServerConnection | Implementation of a server-side HTTP connection that can be bound to a network Socket in order to receive and transmit data. |
SocketInputBuffer | SessionInputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket. |
SocketOutputBuffer | SessionOutputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket. |
StatusLine | The first line of a Response message is the Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each element separated by SP characters. |
StrictContentLengthStrategy | The strict implementation of the content length strategy. |
StringEntity | A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a String. |
SyncBasicHttpContext | Thread-safe extension of the BasicHttpContext . |
SyncBasicHttpParams | Thread-safe extension of the BasicHttpParams . |
TokenIterator | An iterator for String tokens. |
TruncatedChunkException | Signals a truncated chunk in a chunked stream. |
UnsupportedHttpVersionException | Signals an unsupported version of the HTTP protocol. |
UriPatternMatcher | Maintains a map of objects keyed by a request URI pattern. |
VersionInfo | Provides access to version information for HTTP components. |