Class Index



AbstractHttpClientConnection Abstract client-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and SessionOutputBuffer implementations. 
AbstractHttpEntity Abstract base class for entities. 
AbstractHttpMessage Basic implementation of HttpMessage
AbstractHttpParams Abstract base class for parameter collections. 
AbstractHttpServerConnection Abstract server-side HTTP connection capable of transmitting and receiving data using arbitrary SessionInputBuffer and SessionOutputBuffer implementations. 
AbstractMessageParser Abstract base class for HTTP message parsers that obtain input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
AbstractMessageWriter Abstract base class for HTTP message writers that serialize output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
AbstractSessionInputBuffer Abstract base class for session input buffers that stream data from an arbitrary InputStream. 
AbstractSessionOutputBuffer Abstract base class for session output buffers that stream data to an arbitrary OutputStream. 


BasicHeader Basic implementation of Header
BasicHeaderElement Basic implementation of HeaderElement 
BasicHeaderElementIterator Basic implementation of a HeaderElementIterator
BasicHeaderIterator Basic implementation of a HeaderIterator
BasicHeaderValueFormatter Basic implementation for formatting header value elements. 
BasicHeaderValueParser Basic implementation for parsing header values into elements. 
BasicHttpContext Default implementation of HttpContext
BasicHttpEntity A generic streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream. 
BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest Basic implementation of HttpEntityEnclosingRequest
BasicHttpParams Default implementation of HttpParams interface. 
BasicHttpProcessor Default implementation of HttpProcessor
BasicHttpRequest Basic implementation of HttpRequest
BasicHttpResponse Basic implementation of HttpResponse
BasicLineFormatter Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 
BasicLineParser Basic parser for lines in the head section of an HTTP message. 
BasicListHeaderIterator Implementation of a HeaderIterator based on a List. 
BasicNameValuePair Basic implementation of NameValuePair
BasicRequestLine Basic implementation of RequestLine
BasicStatusLine Basic implementation of StatusLine 
BasicTokenIterator Basic implementation of a TokenIterator
BufferedHeader This class represents a raw HTTP header whose content is parsed 'on demand' only when the header value needs to be consumed. 
BufferedHttpEntity A wrapping entity that buffers it content if necessary. 
BufferInfo Basic buffer properties. 
ByteArrayBuffer A resizable byte array. 
ByteArrayEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a byte array. 


CharArrayBuffer A resizable char array. 
ChunkedInputStream Implements chunked transfer coding. 
ChunkedOutputStream Implements chunked transfer coding. 
ConnectionClosedException Signals that the connection has been closed unexpectedly. 
ConnectionReuseStrategy Interface for deciding whether a connection can be re-used for subsequent requests and should be kept alive. 
ContentLengthInputStream Input stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. 
ContentLengthOutputStream Output stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. 
ContentLengthStrategy Represents a strategy to determine length of the enclosed content entity based on properties of the HTTP message. 
ContentProducer An abstract entity content producer. 
CoreConnectionPNames Defines parameter names for connections in HttpCore. 
CoreProtocolPNames Defines parameter names for protocol execution in HttpCore. 


DefaultConnectionReuseStrategy Default implementation of a strategy deciding about connection re-use. 
DefaultedHttpContext HttpContext implementation that delegates resolution of an attribute to the given default HttpContext instance if the attribute is not present in the local one. 
DefaultedHttpParams HttpParams implementation that delegates resolution of a parameter to the given default HttpParams instance if the parameter is not present in the local one. 
DefaultHttpClientConnection Default implementation of a client-side HTTP connection. 
DefaultHttpRequestFactory Default factory for creating HttpRequest objects. 
DefaultHttpResponseFactory Default factory for creating HttpResponse objects. 
DefaultHttpServerConnection Default implementation of a server-side HTTP connection. 


EncodingUtils The home for utility methods that handle various encoding tasks. 
EnglishReasonPhraseCatalog English reason phrases for HTTP status codes. 
EntityDeserializer HTTP entity deserializer. 
EntitySerializer HTTP entity serializer. 
EntityTemplate Entity that delegates the process of content generation to a ContentProducer
EntityUtils Static helpers for dealing with HttpEntitys. 
EofSensor EOF sensor. 
ExceptionUtils The home for utility methods that handle various exception-related tasks. 
ExecutionContext HttpContext attribute names for protocol execution. 


FileEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a file. 
FormattedHeader An HTTP header which is already formatted. 


Header Represents an HTTP header field. 
HeaderElement One element of an HTTP header value consisting of a name / value pair and a number of optional name / value parameters. 
HeaderElementIterator A type-safe iterator for HeaderElement objects. 
HeaderGroup A class for combining a set of headers. 
HeaderIterator A type-safe iterator for Header objects. 
HeaderValueFormatter Interface for formatting elements of a header value. 
HeaderValueParser Interface for parsing header values into elements. 
HTTP Constants and static helpers related to the HTTP protocol. 
HttpClientConnection A client-side HTTP connection, which can be used for sending requests and receiving responses. 
HttpConnection A generic HTTP connection, useful on client and server side. 
HttpConnectionMetrics The point of access to the statistics of an HttpConnection
HttpConnectionMetricsImpl Default implementation of the HttpConnectionMetrics interface. 
HttpConnectionParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP connection parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
HttpConnectionParams Utility class for accessing connection parameters in HttpParams
HttpContext HttpContext represents execution state of an HTTP process. 
HttpDateGenerator Generates a date in the format required by the HTTP protocol. 
HttpEntity An entity that can be sent or received with an HTTP message. 
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest A request with an entity. 
HttpEntityWrapper Base class for wrapping entities. 
HttpException Signals that an HTTP exception has occurred. 
HttpExpectationVerifier Defines an interface to verify whether an incoming HTTP request meets the target server's expectations. 
HttpHeaders Constants enumerating the HTTP headers. 
HttpHost Holds all of the variables needed to describe an HTTP connection to a host. 
HttpInetConnection An HTTP connection over the Internet Protocol (IP). 
HttpMessage HTTP messages consist of requests from client to server and responses from server to client. 
HttpMessageParser Abstract message parser intended to build HTTP messages from an arbitrary data source. 
HttpMessageWriter Abstract message writer intended to serialize HTTP messages to an arbitrary data sink. 
HttpParams HttpParams interface represents a collection of immutable values that define a runtime behavior of a component. 
HttpProcessor HTTP protocol processor is a collection of protocol interceptors that implements the 'Chain of Responsibility' pattern, where each individual protocol interceptor is expected to work on a particular aspect of the HTTP protocol the interceptor is responsible for. 
HttpProtocolParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP protocol parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
HttpProtocolParams Utility class for accessing protocol parameters in HttpParams
HttpRequest A request message from a client to a server includes, within the first line of that message, the method to be applied to the resource, the identifier of the resource, and the protocol version in use. 
HttpRequestExecutor HttpRequestExecutor is a client side HTTP protocol handler based on the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the client side message processing, as described by RFC 2616. 
HttpRequestFactory A factory for HttpRequest objects. 
HttpRequestHandler HttpRequestHandler represents a routine for processing of a specific group of HTTP requests. 
HttpRequestHandlerRegistry Maintains a map of HTTP request handlers keyed by a request URI pattern. 
HttpRequestHandlerResolver HttpRequestHandlerResolver can be used to resolve an instance of HttpRequestHandler matching a particular request URI. 
HttpRequestInterceptor HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol. 
HttpRequestInterceptorList Provides access to an ordered list of request interceptors. 
HttpRequestParser HTTP request parser that obtain its input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
HttpRequestWriter HTTP request writer that serializes its output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
HttpResponse After receiving and interpreting a request message, a server responds with an HTTP response message. 
HttpResponseFactory A factory for HttpResponse objects. 
HttpResponseInterceptor HTTP protocol interceptor is a routine that implements a specific aspect of the HTTP protocol. 
HttpResponseInterceptorList Provides access to an ordered list of response interceptors. 
HttpResponseParser HTTP response parser that obtain its input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
HttpResponseWriter HTTP response writer that serializes its output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
HttpServerConnection A server-side HTTP connection, which can be used for receiving requests and sending responses. 
HttpService HttpService is a server side HTTP protocol handler based in the blocking I/O model that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the server side message processing as described by RFC 2616. 
HttpStatus Constants enumerating the HTTP status codes. 
HttpTransportMetrics The point of access to the statistics of SessionInputBuffer or SessionOutputBuffer
HttpTransportMetricsImpl Default implementation of HttpTransportMetrics
HttpVersion Represents an HTTP version. 


IdentityInputStream Input stream that reads data without any transformation. 
IdentityOutputStream Output stream that writes data without any transformation. 
ImmutableHttpProcessor Immutable HttpProcessor
InputStreamEntity A streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream. 


LangUtils A set of utility methods to help produce consistent equals and hashCode methods. 
LaxContentLengthStrategy The lax implementation of the content length strategy. 
LineFormatter Interface for formatting elements of the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 
LineParser Interface for parsing lines in the HEAD section of an HTTP message. 


MalformedChunkCodingException Signals a malformed chunked stream. 
MethodNotSupportedException Signals that an HTTP method is not supported. 


NameValuePair A name / value pair parameter used as an element of HTTP messages. 
NoConnectionReuseStrategy A strategy that never re-uses a connection. 
NoHttpResponseException Signals that the target server failed to respond with a valid HTTP response. 


ParseException Signals a parse error. 
ParserCursor This class represents a context of a parsing operation:
  • the current position the parsing operation is expected to start at
  • the bounds limiting the scope of the parsing operation
ProtocolException Signals that an HTTP protocol violation has occurred. 
ProtocolVersion Represents a protocol version. 


ReasonPhraseCatalog Interface for obtaining reason phrases for HTTP status codes. 
RequestConnControl RequestConnControl is responsible for adding Connection header to the outgoing requests, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. 
RequestContent RequestContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing requests. 
RequestDate RequestDate interceptor is responsible for adding Date header to the outgoing requests This interceptor is optional for client side protocol processors. 
RequestExpectContinue RequestExpectContinue is responsible for enabling the 'expect-continue' handshake by adding Expect header. 
RequestLine The Request-Line begins with a method token, followed by the Request-URI and the protocol version, and ending with CRLF. 
RequestTargetHost RequestTargetHost is responsible for adding Host header. 
RequestUserAgent RequestUserAgent is responsible for adding User-Agent header. 
ResponseConnControl ResponseConnControl is responsible for adding Connection header to the outgoing responses, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. 
ResponseContent ResponseContent is the most important interceptor for outgoing responses. 
ResponseDate ResponseDate is responsible for adding Date header to the outgoing responses. 
ResponseServer ResponseServer is responsible for adding Server header. 


SerializableEntity A streamed entity that obtains its content from a Serializable. 
SessionInputBuffer Session input buffer for blocking connections. 
SessionOutputBuffer Session output buffer for blocking connections. 
SocketHttpClientConnection Implementation of a client-side HTTP connection that can be bound to an arbitrary Socket for receiving data from and transmitting data to a remote server. 
SocketHttpServerConnection Implementation of a server-side HTTP connection that can be bound to a network Socket in order to receive and transmit data. 
SocketInputBuffer SessionInputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket. 
SocketOutputBuffer SessionOutputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket. 
StatusLine The first line of a Response message is the Status-Line, consisting of the protocol version followed by a numeric status code and its associated textual phrase, with each element separated by SP characters. 
StrictContentLengthStrategy The strict implementation of the content length strategy. 
StringEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a String. 
SyncBasicHttpContext Thread-safe extension of the BasicHttpContext
SyncBasicHttpParams Thread-safe extension of the BasicHttpParams


TokenIterator An iterator for String tokens. 
TruncatedChunkException Signals a truncated chunk in a chunked stream. 


UnsupportedHttpVersionException Signals an unsupported version of the HTTP protocol. 
UriPatternMatcher Maintains a map of objects keyed by a request URI pattern. 


VersionInfo Provides access to version information for HTTP components.