
Default implementations for interfaces in
There are implementations of the transport encodings used by HTTP, in particular the chunked coding for sending and receiving entities.


AbstractMessageParser Abstract base class for HTTP message parsers that obtain input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
AbstractMessageWriter Abstract base class for HTTP message writers that serialize output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
AbstractSessionInputBuffer Abstract base class for session input buffers that stream data from an arbitrary InputStream. 
AbstractSessionOutputBuffer Abstract base class for session output buffers that stream data to an arbitrary OutputStream. 
ChunkedInputStream Implements chunked transfer coding. 
ChunkedOutputStream Implements chunked transfer coding. 
ContentLengthInputStream Input stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. 
ContentLengthOutputStream Output stream that cuts off after a defined number of bytes. 
HttpRequestParser HTTP request parser that obtain its input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
HttpRequestWriter HTTP request writer that serializes its output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
HttpResponseParser HTTP response parser that obtain its input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer
HttpResponseWriter HTTP response writer that serializes its output to an instance of SessionOutputBuffer
HttpTransportMetricsImpl Default implementation of HttpTransportMetrics
IdentityInputStream Input stream that reads data without any transformation. 
IdentityOutputStream Output stream that writes data without any transformation. 
SocketInputBuffer SessionInputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket. 
SocketOutputBuffer SessionOutputBuffer implementation bound to a Socket.