public class


extends Object
implements DistributedRowLock

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;


 * Takes a distributed row lock for a single row.  The row lock is accomplished using
 * a sequence of read/write events to Cassandra without the need for something like
 * zookeeper.  
 * Algorithm 
 * 1. Write a column with name <prefix>_<uuid>. Value is an expiration time. 
 * 2. Read back all columns with <prefix> 
 *      case 1) count==1 Got the lock 
 *      case 2) count> 1 No lock
 * 3. Do something in your code assuming the row is locked
 * 4. Release the lock by deleting the lock columns
 * Usage considerations
 * 1. Set an expiration time (expireLockAfter) that is long enough for your processing to complete
 * 2. Use this when the probability for contension is very low
 * 3. Optimize by reading all columns (withIncludeAllColumn(true)) and merge the mutation
 *      into the release.  This will save 2 calls to cassandra.
 * 4. If the client fails after Step 1.  A subsequent attempt to lock will automatically 
 *      release these stale locks.  You can turn this auto cleanup off by calling
 *      failOnStaleLock(false), handling a StaleLockException and doing manual cleanup by
 *      calling releaseExpiredLocks()
 * 5. An optional TTL can be set on the lock columns which will ensure abandoned/stale locks
 *      will be cleaned up by compactions at some point.
 * 6. You can customize the 'prefix' used for the lock columns.  This will help with storing
 *      the lock columns with data in the same row.  
 * 7. You can customize the unique part of the lock column to include meaningful data such
 *      as the UUID row key from another column family.  This can have the same effect as 
 *      assigning a foreign key to the lock column and is useful for uniqueness constraint.
 * 8. This recipe is not a transaction.  
 * Take a lock,
 * <code>
 *      ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String> lock = new ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String>(keyspace, columnFamily, "KeyBeingLocked");
 *      try {
 *          lock.acquire();
 *      }
 *      finally {
 *          lock.release();
 *      }
 * </code>
 * Read, Modify, Write.  The read, modify, write piggybacks on top of the lock calls.
 * <code>
 *      ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String> lock = new ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<String>(keyspace, columnFamily, "KeyBeingLocked");
 *      MutationBatch m = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch();
 *      try {
 *          ColumnMap<String> columns = lock.acquireLockAndReadRow();
 *          m.withRow("KeyBeingLocked")
 *              .putColumn("SomeColumnBeingUpdated", );
 *          lock.releaseWithMutation(m);
 *      }
 *      catch (Exception e) {
 *          lock.release();
 *      }
 * </code>
 * @author elandau
 * @param <K>
public class ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> implements DistributedRowLock {
    public static final int LOCK_TIMEOUT = 60;
    public static final TimeUnit DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_UNITS = TimeUnit.MINUTES;
    public static final String DEFAULT_LOCK_PREFIX = "_LOCK_";

    private final ColumnFamily<K, String> columnFamily; // The column family for data and lock
    private final Keyspace keyspace;                    // The keyspace
    private final K key;                                // Key being locked

    private long timeout = LOCK_TIMEOUT;                // Timeout after which the lock expires
    private TimeUnit timeoutUnits = DEFAULT_OPERATION_TIMEOUT_UNITS;
    private String prefix = DEFAULT_LOCK_PREFIX;        // Prefix to identify the lock columns
    private ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.CL_LOCAL_QUORUM;
    private boolean failOnStaleLock = false;           
    private String lockColumn = null;
    private String lockId = null;
    private Set<String> locksToDelete = Sets.newHashSet();
    private ColumnMap<String> columns = null;
    private Integer ttl = null;
    private boolean readDataColumns = false;
    private RetryPolicy backoffPolicy = RunOnce.get();
    private long acquireTime = 0;
    private int retryCount = 0;

    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock(Keyspace keyspace, ColumnFamily<K, String> columnFamily, K key) {
        this.keyspace = keyspace;
        this.columnFamily = columnFamily;
        this.key = key;
        this.lockId = TimeUUIDUtils.getUniqueTimeUUIDinMicros().toString();

     * Modify the consistency level being used. Consistency should always be a
     * variant of quorum. The default is CL_QUORUM, which is OK for single
     * region. For multi region the consistency level should be CL_LOCAL_QUORUM.
     * CL_EACH_QUORUM can be used but will Incur substantial latency.
     * @param consistencyLevel
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel) {
        this.consistencyLevel = consistencyLevel;
        return this;

     * Specify the prefix that uniquely distinguishes the lock columns from data
     * column
     * @param prefix
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withColumnPrefix(String prefix) {
        this.prefix = prefix;
        return this;

     * If true the first read will also fetch all the columns in the row as 
     * opposed to just the lock columns.
     * @param flag
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withDataColumns(boolean flag) {
        this.readDataColumns = flag;
        return this;
     * Override the autogenerated lock column.
     * @param lockId
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withLockId(String lockId) {
        this.lockId = lockId;
        return this;

     * When set to true the operation will fail if a stale lock is detected
     * @param failOnStaleLock
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> failOnStaleLock(boolean failOnStaleLock) {
        this.failOnStaleLock = failOnStaleLock;
        return this;

     * Time for failed locks. Under normal circumstances the lock column will be
     * deleted. If not then this lock column will remain and the row will remain
     * locked. The lock will expire after this timeout.
     * @param timeout
     * @param unit
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> expireLockAfter(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) {
        this.timeout = timeout;
        this.timeoutUnits = unit;
        return this;

     * This is the TTL on the lock column being written, as opposed to expireLockAfter which 
     * is written as the lock column value.  Whereas the expireLockAfter can be used to 
     * identify a stale or abandoned lock the TTL will result in the stale or abandoned lock
     * being eventually deleted by cassandra.  Set the TTL to a number that is much greater
     * tan the expireLockAfter time.
     * @param ttl
     * @return
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withTtl(Integer ttl) {
        this.ttl = ttl;
        return this;
    public ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock<K> withBackoff(RetryPolicy policy) {
        this.backoffPolicy  = policy;
        return this;

     * Try to take the lock.  The caller must call .release() to properly clean up
     * the lock columns from cassandra
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public void acquire() throws Exception {
        RetryPolicy retry = backoffPolicy.duplicate();
        retryCount = 0;
        while (true) {
            try {
                long curTimeMicros = getCurrentTimeMicros();
                MutationBatch m = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch().setConsistencyLevel(consistencyLevel);
                fillLockMutation(m, curTimeMicros, ttl);
                acquireTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            catch (BusyLockException e) {
                    throw e;

     * Take the lock and return the row data columns.  Use this, instead of acquire, when you 
     * want to implement a read-modify-write scenario and want to reduce the number of calls
     * to Cassandra.
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public ColumnMap<String> acquireLockAndReadRow() throws Exception {
        return getDataColumns();
     * Verify that the lock was acquired.  This shouldn't be called unless it's part of a recipe
     * built on top of ColumnPrefixDistributedRowLock.  
     * @param curTimeInMicros
     * @throws BusyLockException
    public void verifyLock(long curTimeInMicros) throws Exception, BusyLockException, StaleLockException {
        if (lockColumn == null) 
            throw new IllegalStateException("verifyLock() called without attempting to take the lock");
        // Read back all columns. There should be only 1 if we got the lock
        Map<String, Long> lockResult = readLockColumns(readDataColumns);

        // Cleanup and check that we really got the lock
        for (Entry<String, Long> entry : lockResult.entrySet()) {
            // This is a stale lock that was never cleaned up
            if (entry.getValue() != 0 && curTimeInMicros > entry.getValue()) {
                if (failOnStaleLock) {
                    throw new StaleLockException("Stale lock on row '" + key + "'.  Manual cleanup requried.");
            // Lock already taken, and not by us
            else if (!entry.getKey().equals(lockColumn)) {
                throw new BusyLockException("Lock already acquired for row '" + key + "' with lock column " + entry.getKey());

     * Release the lock by releasing this and any other stale lock columns
    public void release() throws Exception {
        if (!locksToDelete.isEmpty() || lockColumn != null) {
            MutationBatch m = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch().setConsistencyLevel(consistencyLevel);
            fillReleaseMutation(m, false);

     * Release using the provided mutation.  Use this when you want to commit actual data
     * when releasing the lock
     * @param m
     * @throws Exception
    public void releaseWithMutation(MutationBatch m) throws Exception {
        long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - acquireTime;
        if (timeout > 0 && elapsed > TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(timeout, this.timeoutUnits)) {
            throw new StaleLockException("Lock for '" + getKey() + "' became stale");
        fillReleaseMutation(m, false);
     * Return a mapping of existing lock columns and their expiration times
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Map<String, Long> readLockColumns() throws Exception {
        return readLockColumns(false);
     * Read all the lock columns.  Will also ready data columns if withDataColumns(true) was called
     * @param readDataColumns
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    private Map<String, Long> readLockColumns(boolean readDataColumns) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Long> result = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
        // Read all the columns
        if (readDataColumns) {
            columns = new OrderedColumnMap<String>();
            ColumnList<String> lockResult = keyspace
            for (Column<String> c : lockResult) {
                if (c.getName().startsWith(prefix))
                    result.put(c.getName(), c.getLongValue());
        // Read only the lock columns
        else {
            ColumnList<String> lockResult = keyspace
                    .withColumnRange(new RangeBuilder().setStart(prefix + "\u0000").setEnd(prefix + "\uFFFF").build())

            for (Column<String> c : lockResult) {
                result.put(c.getName(), c.getLongValue());

        return result;    
     * Release all locks. Use this carefully as it could release a lock for a
     * running operation.
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Map<String, Long> releaseAllLocks() throws Exception {
        return releaseLocks(true);

     * Release all expired locks for this key.
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Map<String, Long> releaseExpiredLocks() throws Exception {
        return releaseLocks(false);

     * Delete locks columns. Set force=true to remove locks that haven't 
     * expired yet.
     * This operation first issues a read to cassandra and then deletes columns
     * in the response.
     * @param force - Force delete of non expired locks as well
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Map<String, Long> releaseLocks(boolean force) throws Exception {
        Map<String, Long> locksToDelete = readLockColumns();

        MutationBatch m = keyspace.prepareMutationBatch().setConsistencyLevel(consistencyLevel);
        ColumnListMutation<String> row = m.withRow(columnFamily, key);
        long now = getCurrentTimeMicros();
        for (Entry<String, Long> c : locksToDelete.entrySet()) {
            if (force || (c.getValue() > 0 && c.getValue() < now)) {

        return locksToDelete;

     * Get the current system time
     * @return
    private static long getCurrentTimeMicros() {
        return TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(System.currentTimeMillis(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

     * Fill a mutation with the lock column. This may be used when the mutation
     * is executed externally but should be used with extreme caution to ensure
     * the lock is properly released
     * @param m
     * @param time
     * @param ttl
    public String fillLockMutation(MutationBatch m, Long time, Integer ttl) {
        if (lockColumn != null) {
            if (!lockColumn.equals(prefix+lockId))
                throw new IllegalStateException("Can't change prefix or lockId after acquiring the lock");
        else {
            lockColumn = prefix + lockId;
        if (time != null) {
            m.withRow(columnFamily, key).putColumn(lockColumn,
                    time + TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS.convert(timeout, timeoutUnits), ttl);
        else {
            m.withRow(columnFamily, key).putColumn(lockColumn, new Long(0), ttl);
        return lockColumn;

     * Fill a mutation that will release the locks. This may be used from a
     * separate recipe to release multiple locks.
     * @param m
    public void fillReleaseMutation(MutationBatch m, boolean excludeCurrentLock) {
        // Add the deletes to the end of the mutation
        ColumnListMutation<String> row = m.withRow(columnFamily, key);
        for (String c : locksToDelete) {
        if (!excludeCurrentLock && lockColumn != null) 
        lockColumn = null;

    public ColumnMap<String> getDataColumns() {
        return columns;
    public K getKey() {
        return key;
    public Keyspace getKeyspace() {
        return keyspace;

    public ConsistencyLevel getConsistencyLevel() {
        return consistencyLevel;

    public String getLockColumn() {
        return lockColumn;
    public String getLockId() {
        return lockId;
    public String getPrefix() {
        return prefix;
    public int getRetryCount() {
        return retryCount;
