public static final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory.Feature

Class Overview

Enumeration that defines all on/off features that can only be changed for JsonFactory.


Enum Values
JsonFactory.Feature  CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES  Feature that determines whether JSON object field names are to be canonicalized (details of how canonicalization is done then further specified by INTERN_FIELD_NAMES). 
JsonFactory.Feature  INTERN_FIELD_NAMES  Feature that determines whether JSON object field names are to be canonicalized using intern() or not: if enabled, all field names will be intern()ed (and caller can count on this being true for all such names); if disabled, no intern()ing is done. 
Public Methods
static int collectDefaults()
Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that are enabled by default.
boolean enabledByDefault()
boolean enabledIn(int flags)
int getMask()
static JsonFactory.Feature valueOf(String name)
final static Feature[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final JsonFactory.Feature CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES

Feature that determines whether JSON object field names are to be canonicalized (details of how canonicalization is done then further specified by INTERN_FIELD_NAMES).

This setting is enabled by default.

public static final JsonFactory.Feature INTERN_FIELD_NAMES

Feature that determines whether JSON object field names are to be canonicalized using intern() or not: if enabled, all field names will be intern()ed (and caller can count on this being true for all such names); if disabled, no intern()ing is done. There may still be basic canonicalization (that is, same String will be used to represent all identical object property names for a single document).

Note: this setting only has effect if CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES is true -- otherwise no canonicalization of any sort is done.

This setting is enabled by default.

Public Methods

public static int collectDefaults ()

Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that are enabled by default.

public boolean enabledByDefault ()

public boolean enabledIn (int flags)

public int getMask ()

public static JsonFactory.Feature valueOf (String name)

public static final Feature[] values ()