

Implementation package providing conversion between date and time objects.

Provides support for converting objects into instants and durations. Converters are used internally by many of the standard classes, like DateTime. Most applications have no need to use these classes directly.


Converter Basic converter interface for specifying what object type can be converted. 
DurationConverter DurationConverter defines how an object is converted to a millisecond duration. 
InstantConverter InstantConverter defines how an object is converted to milliseconds/chronology. 
IntervalConverter IntervalConverter defines how an object is converted to an interval. 
PartialConverter PartialConverter defines how an object is converted to a ReadablePartial. 
PeriodConverter PeriodConverter defines how an object is converted to a time period. 


AbstractConverter AbstractConverter simplifies the process of implementing a converter. 
ConverterManager ConverterManager controls the date and time converters. 
MockZeroNullIntegerConverter A basic mock testing class for a converter. 
TestAll Entry point for all tests in this package. 
TestCalendarConverter This class is a Junit unit test for CalendarConverter. 
TestConverterManager This class is a JUnit test for ConverterManager. 
TestConverterSet This class is a JUnit test for ConverterSet. 
TestDateConverter This class is a Junit unit test for DateConverter. 
TestLongConverter This class is a Junit unit test for LongConverter. 
TestNullConverter This class is a Junit unit test for NullConverter. 
TestReadableDurationConverter This class is a Junit unit test for ReadableDurationConverter. 
TestReadableInstantConverter This class is a Junit unit test for ReadableInstantConverter. 
TestReadableIntervalConverter This class is a JUnit test for ReadableIntervalConverter. 
TestReadablePartialConverter This class is a Junit unit test for ReadablePartialConverter. 
TestReadablePeriodConverter This class is a Junit unit test for ReadablePeriodConverter. 
TestStringConverter This class is a Junit unit test for StringConverter.