AppenderSkeleton |
Abstract superclass of the other appenders in the package. |
AsyncAppender |
The AsyncAppender lets users log events asynchronously. |
ConsoleAppender |
ConsoleAppender appends log events to System.out or
System.err using a layout specified by the user. |
DailyRollingFileAppender |
DailyRollingFileAppender extends FileAppender so that the
underlying file is rolled over at a user chosen frequency. |
DateLayout |
This abstract layout takes care of all the date related options and
formatting work. |
DenyAllFilter |
This filter drops all logging events. |
EnhancedPatternLayout |
This class is an enhanced version of org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
which was originally developed as part of the abandoned log4j 1.3
effort and has been available in the extras companion. |
ErrorHandler |
Appenders may delegate their error handling to
ErrorHandlers . |
ExternallyRolledFileAppender |
This appender listens on a socket on the port specified by the
Port property for a "RollOver" message. |
FallbackErrorHandler |
The FallbackErrorHandler implements the ErrorHandler
interface such that a secondary appender may be specified. |
FileAppender |
FileAppender appends log events to a file. |
Filter |
Users should extend this class to implement customized logging
event filtering. |
HTMLLayout |
This layout outputs events in a HTML table. |
JDBCAppender |
The JDBCAppender provides for sending log events to a database. |
JMSAppender |
A simple appender that publishes events to a JMS Topic. |
LF5Appender |
LF5Appender logs events to a swing based logging
console. |
Layout |
Extend this abstract class to create your own log layout format. |
LevelMatchFilter |
This is a very simple filter based on level matching. |
LevelRangeFilter |
This is a very simple filter based on level matching, which can be
used to reject messages with priorities outside a certain range. |
NTEventLogAppender |
Append to the NT event log system. |
NullAppender |
A NullAppender merely exists, it never outputs a message to any
device. |
OnlyOnceErrorHandler |
The OnlyOnceErrorHandler implements log4j's default
error handling policy which consists of emitting a message for the
first error in an appender and ignoring all following errors. |
PatternLayout |
A flexible layout configurable with pattern string. |
RollingFileAppender |
RollingFileAppender extends FileAppender to backup the log files when
they reach a certain size. |
SMTPAppender |
Send an e-mail when a specific logging event occurs, typically on
errors or fatal errors. |
SimpleLayout |
SimpleLayout consists of the level of the log statement,
followed by " - " and then the log message itself. |
SocketAppender |
Sends LoggingEvent objects to a remote a log server,
usually a SocketNode . |
SocketHubAppender |
Sends LoggingEvent objects to a set of remote log servers,
usually a SocketNodes . |
StringMatchFilter |
This is a very simple filter based on string matching. |
SyslogAppender |
Use SyslogAppender to send log messages to a remote syslog daemon. |
TTCCLayout |
TTCC layout format consists of time, thread, category and nested
diagnostic context information, hence the name. |
TelnetAppender |
The TelnetAppender is a log4j appender that specializes in
writing to a read-only socket. |
WriterAppender |
WriterAppender appends log events to a or an depending on the user's choice. |
XMLLayout |
The output of the XMLLayout consists of a series of log4j:event
elements as defined in the log4j.dtd. |