public class


extends Object
   ↳<K, C, V>

Class Overview

Performs a search on a reverse index and fetches all the matching rows CFData:K C=V1 C=V2 CFIndex: V1:K

Data and Index column family

The CFData column family has key of type K and fields or columns of type C. Each column may have a different value type. The CFIndex column family is a sorted index by one of the value types V. The column names in the reverse index are a composite of the value type V and the CFData rowkey type K (V:K).


Nested Classes
interface ReverseIndexQuery.IndexEntryCallback<K, V>  
class ReverseIndexQuery.Task  
Public Constructors
ReverseIndexQuery(Keyspace ks, ColumnFamily<K, C> cfData, String indexCf, Serializer<V> valSerializer)
Public Methods
void execute()
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> forEach( callback)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> forEachIndexEntry(IndexEntryCallback<K, V> callback)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> fromIndexValue(V startValue)
static <K, C, V> ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> newQuery(Keyspace ks, ColumnFamily<K, C> cf, String indexCf, Serializer<V> valSerializer)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardBlockSize(int size)
Set the number shard keys to fetch for the first query
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardNextPageSize(int size)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardPageSize(int size)
Set the number columns to read from each shard when paginating.
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> toIndexValue(V endValue)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> useExecutor(ExecutorService executor)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> useRetryPolicy(RetryPolicy retry)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withColumnSlice(Collection<C> columnSlice)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel)
ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withIndexShards(Collection<ByteBuffer> shardKeys)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public ReverseIndexQuery (Keyspace ks, ColumnFamily<K, C> cfData, String indexCf, Serializer<V> valSerializer)

Public Methods

public void execute ()

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> forEach ( callback)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> forEachIndexEntry (IndexEntryCallback<K, V> callback)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> fromIndexValue (V startValue)

public static ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> newQuery (Keyspace ks, ColumnFamily<K, C> cf, String indexCf, Serializer<V> valSerializer)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardBlockSize (int size)

Set the number shard keys to fetch for the first query

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardNextPageSize (int size)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> setShardPageSize (int size)

Set the number columns to read from each shard when paginating.

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> toIndexValue (V endValue)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> useExecutor (ExecutorService executor)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> useRetryPolicy (RetryPolicy retry)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withColumnSlice (Collection<C> columnSlice)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withConsistencyLevel (ConsistencyLevel consistencyLevel)

public ReverseIndexQuery<K, C, V> withIndexShards (Collection<ByteBuffer> shardKeys)