

Classes extending the Observable base reactive class and implementing the Observer interface at the same time (aka hot Observables).


AsyncSubject<T> An Subject that emits the very last value followed by a completion event or the received error to Observers. 
BehaviorSubject<T> Subject that emits the most recent item it has observed and all subsequent observed items to each subscribed Observer
CompletableSubject Represents a hot Completable-like source and consumer of events similar to Subjects. 
MaybeSubject<T> Represents a hot Maybe-like source and consumer of events similar to Subjects. 
PublishSubject<T> Subject that, once an Observer has subscribed, emits all subsequently observed items to the subscriber. 
ReplaySubject<T> Replays events to Observers. 
SingleSubject<T> Represents a hot Single-like source and consumer of events similar to Subjects. 
Subject<T> Represents an Observer and an Observable at the same time, allowing multicasting events from a single source to multiple child Subscribers. 
UnicastSubject<T> Subject that allows only a single Subscriber to subscribe to it during its lifetime.