

Base reactive classes: Flowable, Observable, Single and Completable; base reactive consumers; other common base interfaces.

A library that enables subscribing to and composing asynchronous events and callbacks.

The Flowable/Subscriber, Observable/Observer, Single/SingleObserver and Completable/CompletableObserver interfaces and associated operators (in the io.reactivex.internal.operators package) are inspired by the Reactive Rx library in Microsoft .NET but designed and implemented on the more advanced Reactive-Streams ( ) principles.

More information can be found at

Compared with the Microsoft implementation:

  • Observable == IObservable (base type)
  • Observer == IObserver (event consumer)
  • Disposable == IDisposable (resource/cancellation management)
  • Observable == Observable (factory methods)
  • Flowable == IAsyncEnumerable (backpressure)
  • Subscriber == IAsyncEnumerator
The Single and Completable reactive base types have no equivalent in Rx.NET as of 3.x.

Services which intend on exposing data asynchronously and wish to allow reactive processing and composition can implement the Flowable, Observable, Single or Completable class which then allow consumers to subscribe to them and receive events.

Usage examples can be found on the Flowable/Observable and org.reactivestreams.Subscriber classes.


CompletableEmitter Abstraction over an RxJava CompletableObserver that allows associating a resource with it. 
CompletableObserver Represents the subscription API callbacks when subscribing to a Completable instance. 
CompletableOnSubscribe A functional interface that has a subscribe() method that receives an instance of a CompletableEmitter instance that allows pushing an event in a cancellation-safe manner. 
CompletableOperator Interface to map/wrap a downstream observer to an upstream observer. 
CompletableSource Represents a basic Completable source base interface, consumable via an CompletableObserver
CompletableTransformer Convenience interface and callback used by the compose operator to turn a Completable into another Completable fluently. 
Emitter<T> Base interface for emitting signals in a push-fashion in various generator-like source operators (create, generate). 
FlowableEmitter<T> Abstraction over a Reactive Streams org.reactivestreams.Subscriber that allows associating a resource with it and exposes the current number of downstream requested amount. 
FlowableOnSubscribe<T> A functional interface that has a subscribe() method that receives an instance of a FlowableEmitter instance that allows pushing events in a backpressure-safe and cancellation-safe manner. 
FlowableOperator<Downstream, Upstream> Interface to map/wrap a downstream subscriber to an upstream subscriber. 
FlowableSubscriber<T> Represents a Reactive-Streams inspired Subscriber that is RxJava 2 only and weakens rules §1.3 and §3.9 of the specification for gaining performance. 
FlowableTransformer<Upstream, Downstream> Interface to compose Flowables. 
MaybeEmitter<T> Abstraction over an RxJava MaybeObserver that allows associating a resource with it. 
MaybeObserver<T> Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. 
MaybeOnSubscribe<T> A functional interface that has a subscribe() method that receives an instance of a MaybeEmitter instance that allows pushing an event in a cancellation-safe manner. 
MaybeOperator<Downstream, Upstream> Interface to map/wrap a downstream observer to an upstream observer. 
MaybeSource<T> Represents a basic Maybe source base interface, consumable via an MaybeObserver
MaybeTransformer<Upstream, Downstream> Interface to compose Maybes. 
ObservableEmitter<T> Abstraction over an RxJava Observer that allows associating a resource with it. 
ObservableOnSubscribe<T> A functional interface that has a subscribe() method that receives an instance of an ObservableEmitter instance that allows pushing events in a cancellation-safe manner. 
ObservableOperator<Downstream, Upstream> Interface to map/wrap a downstream observer to an upstream observer. 
ObservableSource<T> Represents a basic, non-backpressured Observable source base interface, consumable via an Observer
ObservableTransformer<Upstream, Downstream> Interface to compose Observables. 
Observer<T> Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. 
SingleEmitter<T> Abstraction over an RxJava SingleObserver that allows associating a resource with it. 
SingleObserver<T> Provides a mechanism for receiving push-based notifications. 
SingleOnSubscribe<T> A functional interface that has a subscribe() method that receives an instance of a SingleEmitter instance that allows pushing an event in a cancellation-safe manner. 
SingleOperator<Downstream, Upstream> Interface to map/wrap a downstream observer to an upstream observer. 
SingleSource<T> Represents a basic Single source base interface, consumable via an SingleObserver
SingleTransformer<Upstream, Downstream> Interface to compose Singles. 


Completable Represents a deferred computation without any value but only indication for completion or exception. 
Flowable<T> The Flowable class that implements the Reactive-Streams Pattern and offers factory methods, intermediate operators and the ability to consume reactive dataflows. 
Maybe<T> Represents a deferred computation and emission of a maybe value or exception. 
Notification<T> Represents the reactive signal types: onNext, onError and onComplete and holds their parameter values (a value, a Throwable, nothing). 
Observable<T> The Observable class is the non-backpressured, optionally multi-valued base reactive class that offers factory methods, intermediate operators and the ability to consume synchronous and/or asynchronous reactive dataflows. 
Scheduler A Scheduler is an object that specifies an API for scheduling units of work with or without delays or periodically. 
Scheduler.Worker Sequential Scheduler for executing actions on a single thread or event loop. 
Single<T> The Single class implements the Reactive Pattern for a single value response. 


BackpressureOverflowStrategy Options to deal with buffer overflow when using onBackpressureBuffer. 
BackpressureStrategy Represents the options for applying backpressure to a source sequence.