public abstract class


extends Object
implements CompletableSource
   ↳ io.reactivex.Completable
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Represents a deferred computation without any value but only indication for completion or exception. The class follows a similar event pattern as Reactive-Streams: onSubscribe (onError|onComplete)?


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static Completable amb(Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable which terminates as soon as one of the source Completables terminates (normally or with an error) and cancels all other Completables.
static Completable ambArray(CompletableSource... sources)
Returns a Completable which terminates as soon as one of the source Completables terminates (normally or with an error) and cancels all other Completables.
final Completable ambWith(CompletableSource other)
Returns a Completable that emits the a terminated event of either this Completable or the other Completable whichever fires first.
final <T> Maybe<T> andThen(MaybeSource<T> next)
Returns a Maybe which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next MaybeSource.
final <T> Flowable<T> andThen(Publisher<T> next)
Returns a Flowable which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next Flowable.
final <T> Single<T> andThen(SingleSource<T> next)
Returns a Single which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next SingleSource.
final <T> Observable<T> andThen(ObservableSource<T> next)
Returns an Observable which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next ObservableSource.
final Completable andThen(CompletableSource next)
Returns a Completable that first runs this Completable and then the other completable.
final void blockingAwait()
Subscribes to and awaits the termination of this Completable instance in a blocking manner and rethrows any exception emitted.
final boolean blockingAwait(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Subscribes to and awaits the termination of this Completable instance in a blocking manner with a specific timeout and rethrows any exception emitted within the timeout window.
final Throwable blockingGet()
Subscribes to this Completable instance and blocks until it terminates, then returns null or the emitted exception if any.
final Throwable blockingGet(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Subscribes to this Completable instance and blocks until it terminates or the specified timeout elapses, then returns null for normal termination or the emitted exception if any.
final Completable cache()
Subscribes to this Completable only once, when the first CompletableObserver subscribes to the result Completable, caches its terminal event and relays/replays it to observers.
static Completable complete()
Returns a Completable instance that completes immediately when subscribed to.
final Completable compose(CompletableTransformer transformer)
Calls the given transformer function with this instance and returns the function's resulting Completable.
static Completable concat(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.
static Completable concat(Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.
static Completable concat(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int prefetch)
Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.
static Completable concatArray(CompletableSource... sources)
Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.
final Completable concatWith(CompletableSource other)
Concatenates this Completable with another Completable.
static Completable create(CompletableOnSubscribe source)
Provides an API (via a cold Completable) that bridges the reactive world with the callback-style world.
static Completable defer(Callable<? extends CompletableSource> completableSupplier)
Defers the subscription to a Completable instance returned by a supplier.
final Completable delay(long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler, boolean delayError)
Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event, and optionally the error as well, by the given time while running on the specified scheduler.
final Completable delay(long delay, TimeUnit unit)
Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event by the given time.
final Completable delay(long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event by the given time while running on the specified scheduler.
final Completable doAfterTerminate(Action onAfterTerminate)
Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onTerminate callback after this Completable completes normally or with an exception
doAfterTerminate does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.
final Completable doFinally(Action onFinally)
Calls the specified action after this Completable signals onError or onComplete or gets disposed by the downstream.
final Completable doOnComplete(Action onComplete)
Returns a Completable which calls the given onComplete callback if this Completable completes.
final Completable doOnDispose(Action onDispose)
Calls the shared Action if a CompletableObserver subscribed to the current Completable disposes the common Disposable it received via onSubscribe.
final Completable doOnError(Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
Returns a Completable which calls the given onError callback if this Completable emits an error.
final Completable doOnEvent(Consumer<? super Throwable> onEvent)
Returns a Completable which calls the given onEvent callback with the (throwable) for an onError or (null) for an onComplete signal from this Completable before delivering said signal to the downstream.
final Completable doOnSubscribe(Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)
Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onSubscribe callback with the disposable that child subscribers receive on subscription.
final Completable doOnTerminate(Action onTerminate)
Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onTerminate callback just before this Completable completes normally or with an exception
doOnTerminate does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.
static Completable error(Throwable error)
Creates a Completable instance that emits the given Throwable exception to subscribers.
static Completable error(Callable<? extends Throwable> errorSupplier)
Creates a Completable which calls the given error supplier for each subscriber and emits its returned Throwable.
static Completable fromAction(Action run)
Returns a Completable instance that runs the given Action for each subscriber and emits either an unchecked exception or simply completes.
static Completable fromCallable(Callable<?> callable)
Returns a Completable which when subscribed, executes the callable function, ignores its normal result and emits onError or onComplete only.
static Completable fromFuture(Future<?> future)
Returns a Completable instance that reacts to the termination of the given Future in a blocking fashion.
static <T> Completable fromObservable(ObservableSource<T> observable)
Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to the given Observable, ignores all values and emits only the terminal event.
static <T> Completable fromPublisher(Publisher<T> publisher)
Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to the given publisher, ignores all values and emits only the terminal event.
static Completable fromRunnable(Runnable run)
Returns a Completable instance that runs the given Runnable for each subscriber and emits either its exception or simply completes.
static <T> Completable fromSingle(SingleSource<T> single)
Returns a Completable instance that when subscribed to, subscribes to the Single instance and emits a completion event if the single emits onSuccess or forwards any onError events.
final Completable hide()
Hides the identity of this Completable and its Disposable.
final Completable lift(CompletableOperator onLift)
Advanced use without safeguards: lifts a CompletableOperator transformation into the chain of Completables.
static Completable merge(Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.
static Completable merge(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int maxConcurrency)
Returns a Completable instance that keeps subscriptions to a limited number of sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.
static Completable merge(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.
static Completable mergeArray(CompletableSource... sources)
Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.
static Completable mergeArrayDelayError(CompletableSource... sources)
Returns a CompletableConsumable that subscribes to all Completables in the source array and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.
static Completable mergeDelayError(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable that subscribes to all Completables in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.
static Completable mergeDelayError(Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)
Returns a Completable that subscribes to all Completables in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.
static Completable mergeDelayError(Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int maxConcurrency)
Returns a Completable that subscribes to a limited number of inner Completables at once in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.
final Completable mergeWith(CompletableSource other)
Returns a Completable which subscribes to this and the other Completable and completes when both of them complete or one emits an error.
static Completable never()
Returns a Completable that never calls onError or onComplete.
final Completable observeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable which emits the terminal events from the thread of the specified scheduler.
final Completable onErrorComplete(Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
Returns a Completable instance that if this Completable emits an error and the predicate returns true, it will emit an onComplete and swallow the throwable.
final Completable onErrorComplete()
Returns a Completable instance that if this Completable emits an error, it will emit an onComplete and swallow the throwable.
final Completable onErrorResumeNext(Function<? super Throwable, ? extends CompletableSource> errorMapper)
Returns a Completable instance that when encounters an error from this Completable, calls the specified mapper function that returns another Completable instance for it and resumes the execution with it.
final Completable repeat()
Returns a Completable that repeatedly subscribes to this Completable until cancelled.
final Completable repeat(long times)
Returns a Completable that subscribes repeatedly at most the given times to this Completable.
final Completable repeatUntil(BooleanSupplier stop)
Returns a Completable that repeatedly subscribes to this Completable so long as the given stop supplier returns false.
final Completable repeatWhen(Function<? super Flowable<Object>, ? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
Returns a Completable instance that repeats when the Publisher returned by the handler emits an item or completes when this Publisher emits a completed event.
final Completable retry(BiPredicate<? super Integer, ? super Throwable> predicate)
Returns a Completable that retries this Completable in case of an error as long as the predicate returns true.
final Completable retry(Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)
Returns a Completable that when this Completable emits an error, calls the given predicate with the latest exception to decide whether to resubscribe to this or not.
final Completable retry()
Returns a Completable that retries this Completable as long as it emits an onError event.
final Completable retry(long times)
Returns a Completable that when this Completable emits an error, retries at most the given number of times before giving up and emitting the last error.
final Completable retryWhen(Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>, ? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
Returns a Completable which given a Publisher and when this Completable emits an error, delivers that error through a Flowable and the Publisher should signal a value indicating a retry in response or a terminal event indicating a termination.
final <T> Observable<T> startWith(Observable<T> other)
Returns an Observable which first delivers the events of the other Observable then runs this CompletableConsumable.
final <T> Flowable<T> startWith(Publisher<T> other)
Returns a Flowable which first delivers the events of the other Publisher then runs this Completable.
final Completable startWith(CompletableSource other)
Returns a Completable which first runs the other Completable then this completable if the other completed normally.
final Disposable subscribe(Action onComplete, Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)
Subscribes to this Completable and calls back either the onError or onComplete functions.
final void subscribe(CompletableObserver s)
Subscribes the given CompletableObserver to this CompletableSource instance.
final Disposable subscribe()
Subscribes to this CompletableConsumable and returns a Disposable which can be used to cancel the subscription.
final Disposable subscribe(Action onComplete)
Subscribes to this Completable and calls the given Action when this Completable completes normally.
final Completable subscribeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable which subscribes the child subscriber on the specified scheduler, making sure the subscription side-effects happen on that specific thread of the scheduler.
final <E extends CompletableObserver> E subscribeWith(E observer)
Subscribes a given CompletableObserver (subclass) to this Completable and returns the given CompletableObserver as is.
final TestObserver<Void> test()
Creates a TestObserver and subscribes it to this Completable.
final TestObserver<Void> test(boolean cancelled)
Creates a TestObserver optionally in cancelled state, then subscribes it to this Completable.
final Completable timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler, CompletableSource other)
Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and switches to the other Completable in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time while "waiting" on the specified scheduler.
final Completable timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, CompletableSource other)
Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and switches to the other Completable in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time.
final Completable timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and emits a TimeoutException in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time.
final Completable timeout(long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and emits a TimeoutException in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time while "waiting" on the specified Scheduler.
static Completable timer(long delay, TimeUnit unit)
Returns a Completable instance that fires its onComplete event after the given delay elapsed.
static Completable timer(long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable instance that fires its onComplete event after the given delay elapsed by using the supplied scheduler.
final <U> U to(Function<? super Completable, U> converter)
Allows fluent conversion to another type via a function callback.
final <T> Flowable<T> toFlowable()
Returns a Flowable which when subscribed to subscribes to this Completable and relays the terminal events to the subscriber.
final <T> Maybe<T> toMaybe()
Converts this Completable into a Maybe.
final <T> Observable<T> toObservable()
Returns an Observable which when subscribed to subscribes to this Completable and relays the terminal events to the subscriber.
final <T> Single<T> toSingle(Callable<? extends T> completionValueSupplier)
Converts this Completable into a Single which when this Completable completes normally, calls the given supplier and emits its returned value through onSuccess.
final <T> Single<T> toSingleDefault(T completionValue)
Converts this Completable into a Single which when this Completable completes normally, emits the given value through onSuccess.
static Completable unsafeCreate(CompletableSource source)
Constructs a Completable instance by wrapping the given source callback without any safeguards; you should manage the lifecycle and response to downstream cancellation/dispose.
final Completable unsubscribeOn(Scheduler scheduler)
Returns a Completable which makes sure when a subscriber cancels the subscription, the dispose is called on the specified scheduler
unsubscribeOn calls dispose() of the upstream on the Scheduler you specify.
static <R> Completable using(Callable<R> resourceSupplier, Function<? super R, ? extends CompletableSource> completableFunction, Consumer<? super R> disposer, boolean eager)
Returns a Completable instance which manages a resource along with a custom Completable instance while the subscription is active and performs eager or lazy resource disposition.
static <R> Completable using(Callable<R> resourceSupplier, Function<? super R, ? extends CompletableSource> completableFunction, Consumer<? super R> disposer)
Returns a Completable instance which manages a resource along with a custom Completable instance while the subscription is active.
static Completable wrap(CompletableSource source)
Wraps the given CompletableSource into a Completable if not already Completable.
Protected Methods
abstract void subscribeActual(CompletableObserver s)
Implement this to handle the incoming CompletableObserver and perform the business logic in your operator.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface io.reactivex.CompletableSource

Public Constructors

public Completable ()

Public Methods

public static Completable amb (Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable which terminates as soon as one of the source Completables terminates (normally or with an error) and cancels all other Completables.

amb does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the array of source Completables. A subscription to each source will occur in the same order as in this Iterable.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable ambArray (CompletableSource... sources)

Returns a Completable which terminates as soon as one of the source Completables terminates (normally or with an error) and cancels all other Completables.

ambArray does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the array of source Completables. A subscription to each source will occur in the same order as in this array.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public final Completable ambWith (CompletableSource other)

Returns a Completable that emits the a terminated event of either this Completable or the other Completable whichever fires first.

ambWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other Completable, not null. A subscription to this provided source will occur after subscribing to the current source.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public final Maybe<T> andThen (MaybeSource<T> next)

Returns a Maybe which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next MaybeSource. An error event from this Completable will be propagated to the downstream subscriber and will result in skipping the subscription of the Maybe.

andThen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

next the Maybe to subscribe after this Completable is completed, not null
  • Maybe that composes this Completable and next

public final Flowable<T> andThen (Publisher<T> next)

Returns a Flowable which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next Flowable. An error event from this Completable will be propagated to the downstream subscriber and will result in skipping the subscription of the Publisher.

The returned Flowable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
andThen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

next the Publisher to subscribe after this Completable is completed, not null
  • Flowable that composes this Completable and next
NullPointerException if next is null

public final Single<T> andThen (SingleSource<T> next)

Returns a Single which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next SingleSource. An error event from this Completable will be propagated to the downstream subscriber and will result in skipping the subscription of the Single.

andThen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

next the Single to subscribe after this Completable is completed, not null
  • Single that composes this Completable and next

public final Observable<T> andThen (ObservableSource<T> next)

Returns an Observable which will subscribe to this Completable and once that is completed then will subscribe to the next ObservableSource. An error event from this Completable will be propagated to the downstream subscriber and will result in skipping the subscription of the Observable.

andThen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

next the Observable to subscribe after this Completable is completed, not null
  • Observable that composes this Completable and next
NullPointerException if next is null

public final Completable andThen (CompletableSource next)

Returns a Completable that first runs this Completable and then the other completable.

This is an alias for concatWith(CompletableSource).

andThen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

next the other Completable, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public final void blockingAwait ()

Subscribes to and awaits the termination of this Completable instance in a blocking manner and rethrows any exception emitted.

blockingAwait does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

RuntimeException wrapping an InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted

public final boolean blockingAwait (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Subscribes to and awaits the termination of this Completable instance in a blocking manner with a specific timeout and rethrows any exception emitted within the timeout window.

blockingAwait does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

timeout the timeout value
unit the timeout unit
  • true if the this Completable instance completed normally within the time limit, false if the timeout elapsed before this Completable terminated.
RuntimeException wrapping an InterruptedException if the current thread is interrupted

public final Throwable blockingGet ()

Subscribes to this Completable instance and blocks until it terminates, then returns null or the emitted exception if any.

blockingGet does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the throwable if this terminated with an error, null otherwise
RuntimeException that wraps an InterruptedException if the wait is interrupted

public final Throwable blockingGet (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Subscribes to this Completable instance and blocks until it terminates or the specified timeout elapses, then returns null for normal termination or the emitted exception if any.

blockingGet does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

timeout the timeout value
unit the time unit
  • the throwable if this terminated with an error, null otherwise
RuntimeException that wraps an InterruptedException if the wait is interrupted or TimeoutException if the specified timeout elapsed before it

public final Completable cache ()

Subscribes to this Completable only once, when the first CompletableObserver subscribes to the result Completable, caches its terminal event and relays/replays it to observers.

Note that this operator doesn't allow disposing the connection of the upstream source.

cache does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

History: 2.0.4 - experimental

  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable complete ()

Returns a Completable instance that completes immediately when subscribed to.

complete does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • a Completable instance that completes immediately

public final Completable compose (CompletableTransformer transformer)

Calls the given transformer function with this instance and returns the function's resulting Completable.

compose does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

transformer the transformer function, not null
  • the Completable returned by the function
NullPointerException if transformer is null

public static Completable concat (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
concat does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sources to concatenate
  • the Completable instance which completes only when all sources complete
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable concat (Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.

concat does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sources to concatenate
  • the Completable instance which completes only when all sources complete
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable concat (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int prefetch)

Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
concat does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sources to concatenate
prefetch the number of sources to prefetch from the sources
  • the Completable instance which completes only when all sources complete
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable concatArray (CompletableSource... sources)

Returns a Completable which completes only when all sources complete, one after another.

concatArray does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sources to concatenate
  • the Completable instance which completes only when all sources complete
NullPointerException if sources is null

public final Completable concatWith (CompletableSource other)

Concatenates this Completable with another Completable.

concatWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other Completable, not null
  • the new Completable which subscribes to this and then the other Completable
NullPointerException if other is null

public static Completable create (CompletableOnSubscribe source)

Provides an API (via a cold Completable) that bridges the reactive world with the callback-style world.


 Completable.create(emitter -> {
     Callback listener = new Callback() {
         public void onEvent(Event e) {

         public void onFailure(Exception e) {

     AutoCloseable c = api.someMethod(listener);



create does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

source the emitter that is called when a CompletableObserver subscribes to the returned Completable
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable defer (Callable<? extends CompletableSource> completableSupplier)

Defers the subscription to a Completable instance returned by a supplier.

defer does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

completableSupplier the supplier that returns the Completable that will be subscribed to.
  • the Completable instance

public final Completable delay (long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler, boolean delayError)

Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event, and optionally the error as well, by the given time while running on the specified scheduler.

delay operates on the Scheduler you specify.

delay the delay time
unit the delay unit
scheduler the scheduler to run the delayed completion on
delayError delay the error emission as well?
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit or scheduler is null

public final Completable delay (long delay, TimeUnit unit)

Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event by the given time.

delay does operate by default on the computation Scheduler.

delay the delay time
unit the delay unit
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit is null

public final Completable delay (long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable which delays the emission of the completion event by the given time while running on the specified scheduler.

delay operates on the Scheduler you specify.

delay the delay time
unit the delay unit
scheduler the scheduler to run the delayed completion on
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit or scheduler is null

public final Completable doAfterTerminate (Action onAfterTerminate)

Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onTerminate callback after this Completable completes normally or with an exception

doAfterTerminate does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onAfterTerminate the callback to call after this Completable terminates
  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable doFinally (Action onFinally)

Calls the specified action after this Completable signals onError or onComplete or gets disposed by the downstream.

In case of a race between a terminal event and a dispose call, the provided onFinally action is executed once per subscription.

Note that the onFinally action is shared between subscriptions and as such should be thread-safe.

doFinally does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

History: 2.0.1 - experimental

onFinally the action called when this Completable terminates or gets cancelled
  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable doOnComplete (Action onComplete)

Returns a Completable which calls the given onComplete callback if this Completable completes.

doOnComplete does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onComplete the callback to call when this emits an onComplete event
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onComplete is null

public final Completable doOnDispose (Action onDispose)

Calls the shared Action if a CompletableObserver subscribed to the current Completable disposes the common Disposable it received via onSubscribe.

doOnDispose does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onDispose the action to call when the child subscriber disposes the subscription
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onDispose is null

public final Completable doOnError (Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)

Returns a Completable which calls the given onError callback if this Completable emits an error.

doOnError does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onError the error callback
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onError is null

public final Completable doOnEvent (Consumer<? super Throwable> onEvent)

Returns a Completable which calls the given onEvent callback with the (throwable) for an onError or (null) for an onComplete signal from this Completable before delivering said signal to the downstream.

doOnEvent does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onEvent the event callback
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onEvent is null

public final Completable doOnSubscribe (Consumer<? super Disposable> onSubscribe)

Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onSubscribe callback with the disposable that child subscribers receive on subscription.

doOnSubscribe does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onSubscribe the callback called when a child subscriber subscribes
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onSubscribe is null

public final Completable doOnTerminate (Action onTerminate)

Returns a Completable instance that calls the given onTerminate callback just before this Completable completes normally or with an exception

doOnTerminate does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onTerminate the callback to call just before this Completable terminates
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable error (Throwable error)

Creates a Completable instance that emits the given Throwable exception to subscribers.

error does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

error the Throwable instance to emit, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if error is null

public static Completable error (Callable<? extends Throwable> errorSupplier)

Creates a Completable which calls the given error supplier for each subscriber and emits its returned Throwable.

If the errorSupplier returns null, the child CompletableObservers will receive a NullPointerException.

error does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

errorSupplier the error supplier, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if errorSupplier is null

public static Completable fromAction (Action run)

Returns a Completable instance that runs the given Action for each subscriber and emits either an unchecked exception or simply completes.

fromAction does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

run the runnable to run for each subscriber
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if run is null

public static Completable fromCallable (Callable<?> callable)

Returns a Completable which when subscribed, executes the callable function, ignores its normal result and emits onError or onComplete only.

fromCallable does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

callable the callable instance to execute for each subscriber
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable fromFuture (Future<?> future)

Returns a Completable instance that reacts to the termination of the given Future in a blocking fashion.

Note that cancellation from any of the subscribers to this Completable will cancel the future.

fromFuture does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

future the future to react to
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable fromObservable (ObservableSource<T> observable)

Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to the given Observable, ignores all values and emits only the terminal event.

fromObservable does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

observable the Observable instance to subscribe to, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if flowable is null

public static Completable fromPublisher (Publisher<T> publisher)

Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to the given publisher, ignores all values and emits only the terminal event.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
fromPublisher does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

publisher the Publisher instance to subscribe to, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if publisher is null

public static Completable fromRunnable (Runnable run)

Returns a Completable instance that runs the given Runnable for each subscriber and emits either its exception or simply completes.

fromRunnable does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

run the runnable to run for each subscriber
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if run is null

public static Completable fromSingle (SingleSource<T> single)

Returns a Completable instance that when subscribed to, subscribes to the Single instance and emits a completion event if the single emits onSuccess or forwards any onError events.

fromSingle does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

single the Single instance to subscribe to, not null
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if single is null

public final Completable hide ()

Hides the identity of this Completable and its Disposable.

Allows preventing certain identity-based optimizations (fusion).

hide does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

History: 2.0.5 - experimental

  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable lift (CompletableOperator onLift)

Advanced use without safeguards: lifts a CompletableOperator transformation into the chain of Completables.

lift does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onLift the lifting function that transforms the child subscriber with a parent subscriber.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if onLift is null

public static Completable merge (Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.

merge does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the iterable sequence of sources.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable merge (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int maxConcurrency)

Returns a Completable instance that keeps subscriptions to a limited number of sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
merge does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the iterable sequence of sources.
maxConcurrency the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null
IllegalArgumentException if maxConcurrency is less than 1

public static Completable merge (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
merge does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the iterable sequence of sources.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable mergeArray (CompletableSource... sources)

Returns a Completable instance that subscribes to all sources at once and completes only when all source Completables complete or one of them emits an error.

mergeArray does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the iterable sequence of sources.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable mergeArrayDelayError (CompletableSource... sources)

Returns a CompletableConsumable that subscribes to all Completables in the source array and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.

mergeArrayDelayError does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the array of Completables
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable mergeDelayError (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable that subscribes to all Completables in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
mergeDelayError does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sequence of Completables
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable mergeDelayError (Iterable<? extends CompletableSource> sources)

Returns a Completable that subscribes to all Completables in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.

mergeDelayError does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sequence of Completables
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public static Completable mergeDelayError (Publisher<? extends CompletableSource> sources, int maxConcurrency)

Returns a Completable that subscribes to a limited number of inner Completables at once in the source sequence and delays any error emitted by either the sources observable or any of the inner Completables until all of them terminate in a way or another.

The returned Completable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
mergeDelayError does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

sources the sequence of Completables
maxConcurrency the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions to Completables
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if sources is null

public final Completable mergeWith (CompletableSource other)

Returns a Completable which subscribes to this and the other Completable and completes when both of them complete or one emits an error.

mergeWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other Completable instance
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public static Completable never ()

Returns a Completable that never calls onError or onComplete.

never does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the singleton instance that never calls onError or onComplete

public final Completable observeOn (Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable which emits the terminal events from the thread of the specified scheduler.

observeOn operates on a Scheduler you specify.

scheduler the scheduler to emit terminal events on
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if scheduler is null

public final Completable onErrorComplete (Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)

Returns a Completable instance that if this Completable emits an error and the predicate returns true, it will emit an onComplete and swallow the throwable.

onErrorComplete does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

predicate the predicate to call when an Throwable is emitted which should return true if the Throwable should be swallowed and replaced with an onComplete.
  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable onErrorComplete ()

Returns a Completable instance that if this Completable emits an error, it will emit an onComplete and swallow the throwable.

onErrorComplete does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable onErrorResumeNext (Function<? super Throwable, ? extends CompletableSource> errorMapper)

Returns a Completable instance that when encounters an error from this Completable, calls the specified mapper function that returns another Completable instance for it and resumes the execution with it.

onErrorResumeNext does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

errorMapper the mapper function that takes the error and should return a Completable as continuation.
  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable repeat ()

Returns a Completable that repeatedly subscribes to this Completable until cancelled.

repeat does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable repeat (long times)

Returns a Completable that subscribes repeatedly at most the given times to this Completable.

repeat does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

times the number of times the resubscription should happen
  • the new Completable instance
IllegalArgumentException if times is less than zero

public final Completable repeatUntil (BooleanSupplier stop)

Returns a Completable that repeatedly subscribes to this Completable so long as the given stop supplier returns false.

repeatUntil does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

stop the supplier that should return true to stop resubscribing.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if stop is null

public final Completable repeatWhen (Function<? super Flowable<Object>, ? extends Publisher<?>> handler)

Returns a Completable instance that repeats when the Publisher returned by the handler emits an item or completes when this Publisher emits a completed event.

repeatWhen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

handler the function that transforms the stream of values indicating the completion of this Completable and returns a Publisher that emits items for repeating or completes to indicate the repetition should stop
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if stop is null

public final Completable retry (BiPredicate<? super Integer, ? super Throwable> predicate)

Returns a Completable that retries this Completable in case of an error as long as the predicate returns true.

retry does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

predicate the predicate called when this emits an error with the repeat count and the latest exception and should return true to retry.
  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable retry (Predicate<? super Throwable> predicate)

Returns a Completable that when this Completable emits an error, calls the given predicate with the latest exception to decide whether to resubscribe to this or not.

retry does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

predicate the predicate that is called with the latest throwable and should return true to indicate the returned Completable should resubscribe to this Completable.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if predicate is null

public final Completable retry ()

Returns a Completable that retries this Completable as long as it emits an onError event.

retry does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new Completable instance

public final Completable retry (long times)

Returns a Completable that when this Completable emits an error, retries at most the given number of times before giving up and emitting the last error.

retry does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

times the number of times the returned Completable should retry this Completable
  • the new Completable instance
IllegalArgumentException if times is negative

public final Completable retryWhen (Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>, ? extends Publisher<?>> handler)

Returns a Completable which given a Publisher and when this Completable emits an error, delivers that error through a Flowable and the Publisher should signal a value indicating a retry in response or a terminal event indicating a termination.

retryWhen does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

handler the handler that receives a Flowable delivering Throwables and should return a Publisher that emits items to indicate retries or emits terminal events to indicate termination.
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if handler is null

public final Observable<T> startWith (Observable<T> other)

Returns an Observable which first delivers the events of the other Observable then runs this CompletableConsumable.

startWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other Observable to run first
  • the new Observable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public final Flowable<T> startWith (Publisher<T> other)

Returns a Flowable which first delivers the events of the other Publisher then runs this Completable.

The returned Flowable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer and expects the other Publisher to honor it as well.
startWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other Publisher to run first
  • the new Flowable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public final Completable startWith (CompletableSource other)

Returns a Completable which first runs the other Completable then this completable if the other completed normally.

startWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

other the other completable to run first
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if other is null

public final Disposable subscribe (Action onComplete, Consumer<? super Throwable> onError)

Subscribes to this Completable and calls back either the onError or onComplete functions.

subscribe does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onComplete the runnable that is called if the Completable completes normally
onError the consumer that is called if this Completable emits an error
  • the Disposable that can be used for cancelling the subscription asynchronously
NullPointerException if either callback is null

public final void subscribe (CompletableObserver s)

Subscribes the given CompletableObserver to this CompletableSource instance.

s the CompletableObserver, not null

public final Disposable subscribe ()

Subscribes to this CompletableConsumable and returns a Disposable which can be used to cancel the subscription.

subscribe does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the Disposable that allows cancelling the subscription

public final Disposable subscribe (Action onComplete)

Subscribes to this Completable and calls the given Action when this Completable completes normally.

If the Completable emits an error, it is wrapped into an OnErrorNotImplementedException and routed to the RxJavaPlugins.onError handler.

subscribe does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

onComplete the runnable called when this Completable completes normally
  • the Disposable that allows cancelling the subscription

public final Completable subscribeOn (Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable which subscribes the child subscriber on the specified scheduler, making sure the subscription side-effects happen on that specific thread of the scheduler.

subscribeOn operates on a Scheduler you specify.

scheduler the Scheduler to subscribe on
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if scheduler is null

public final E subscribeWith (E observer)

Subscribes a given CompletableObserver (subclass) to this Completable and returns the given CompletableObserver as is.

Usage example:

 Completable source = Completable.complete().delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
 CompositeDisposable composite = new CompositeDisposable();

 class ResourceCompletableObserver implements CompletableObserver, Disposable {
     // ...

 composite.add(source.subscribeWith(new ResourceCompletableObserver()));
subscribeWith does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

observer the CompletableObserver (subclass) to use and return, not null
  • the input observer
NullPointerException if observer is null

public final TestObserver<Void> test ()

Creates a TestObserver and subscribes it to this Completable.

test does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new TestObserver instance

public final TestObserver<Void> test (boolean cancelled)

Creates a TestObserver optionally in cancelled state, then subscribes it to this Completable.

cancelled if true, the TestObserver will be cancelled before subscribing to this Completable.
test does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.
  • the new TestObserver instance

public final Completable timeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler, CompletableSource other)

Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and switches to the other Completable in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time while "waiting" on the specified scheduler.

timeout subscribes to the other CompletableSource on the Scheduler you specify.

timeout the timeout value
unit the timeout unit
scheduler the scheduler to use to wait for completion
other the other Completable instance to switch to in case of a timeout
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit, scheduler or other is null

public final Completable timeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit, CompletableSource other)

Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and switches to the other Completable in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time.

timeout subscribes to the other CompletableSource on the computation Scheduler.

timeout the timeout value
unit the timeout unit
other the other Completable instance to switch to in case of a timeout
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit or other is null

public final Completable timeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and emits a TimeoutException in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time.

timeout signals the TimeoutException on the computation Scheduler.

timeout the timeout value
unit the timeout unit
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit is null

public final Completable timeout (long timeout, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable that runs this Completable and emits a TimeoutException in case this Completable doesn't complete within the given time while "waiting" on the specified Scheduler.

timeout signals the TimeoutException on the Scheduler you specify.

timeout the timeout value
unit the timeout unit
scheduler the scheduler to use to wait for completion
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if unit or scheduler is null

public static Completable timer (long delay, TimeUnit unit)

Returns a Completable instance that fires its onComplete event after the given delay elapsed.

timer does operate by default on the computation Scheduler.

delay the delay time
unit the delay unit
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable timer (long delay, TimeUnit unit, Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable instance that fires its onComplete event after the given delay elapsed by using the supplied scheduler.

timer operates on the Scheduler you specify.

delay the delay time
unit the delay unit
scheduler the scheduler where to emit the complete event
  • the new Completable instance

public final U to (Function<? super Completable, U> converter)

Allows fluent conversion to another type via a function callback.

to does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

converter the function called with this which should return some other value.
  • the converted value
NullPointerException if converter is null

public final Flowable<T> toFlowable ()

Returns a Flowable which when subscribed to subscribes to this Completable and relays the terminal events to the subscriber.

The returned Flowable honors the backpressure of the downstream consumer.
toFlowable does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new Flowable instance

public final Maybe<T> toMaybe ()

Converts this Completable into a Maybe.

toMaybe does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • a Maybe that emits a single item T or an error.

public final Observable<T> toObservable ()

Returns an Observable which when subscribed to subscribes to this Completable and relays the terminal events to the subscriber.

toObservable does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

  • the new Observable created

public final Single<T> toSingle (Callable<? extends T> completionValueSupplier)

Converts this Completable into a Single which when this Completable completes normally, calls the given supplier and emits its returned value through onSuccess.

toSingle does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

completionValueSupplier the value supplier called when this Completable completes normally
  • the new Single instance
NullPointerException if completionValueSupplier is null

public final Single<T> toSingleDefault (T completionValue)

Converts this Completable into a Single which when this Completable completes normally, emits the given value through onSuccess.

toSingleDefault does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

completionValue the value to emit when this Completable completes normally
  • the new Single instance
NullPointerException if completionValue is null

public static Completable unsafeCreate (CompletableSource source)

Constructs a Completable instance by wrapping the given source callback without any safeguards; you should manage the lifecycle and response to downstream cancellation/dispose.

unsafeCreate does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

source the callback which will receive the CompletableObserver instances when the Completable is subscribed to.
  • the created Completable instance
NullPointerException if source is null

public final Completable unsubscribeOn (Scheduler scheduler)

Returns a Completable which makes sure when a subscriber cancels the subscription, the dispose is called on the specified scheduler

unsubscribeOn calls dispose() of the upstream on the Scheduler you specify.

scheduler the target scheduler where to execute the cancellation
  • the new Completable instance
NullPointerException if scheduler is null

public static Completable using (Callable<R> resourceSupplier, Function<? super R, ? extends CompletableSource> completableFunction, Consumer<? super R> disposer, boolean eager)

Returns a Completable instance which manages a resource along with a custom Completable instance while the subscription is active and performs eager or lazy resource disposition.

If this overload performs a lazy cancellation after the terminal event is emitted. Exceptions thrown at this time will be delivered to RxJavaPlugins only.

using does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

resourceSupplier the supplier that returns a resource to be managed
completableFunction the function that given a resource returns a non-null Completable instance that will be subscribed to
disposer the consumer that disposes the resource created by the resource supplier
eager if true, the resource is disposed before the terminal event is emitted, if false, the resource is disposed after the terminal event has been emitted
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable using (Callable<R> resourceSupplier, Function<? super R, ? extends CompletableSource> completableFunction, Consumer<? super R> disposer)

Returns a Completable instance which manages a resource along with a custom Completable instance while the subscription is active.

This overload disposes eagerly before the terminal event is emitted.

using does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

resourceSupplier the supplier that returns a resource to be managed.
completableFunction the function that given a resource returns a Completable instance that will be subscribed to
disposer the consumer that disposes the resource created by the resource supplier
  • the new Completable instance

public static Completable wrap (CompletableSource source)

Wraps the given CompletableSource into a Completable if not already Completable.

wrap does not operate by default on a particular Scheduler.

source the source to wrap
  • the source or its wrapper Completable
NullPointerException if source is null

Protected Methods

protected abstract void subscribeActual (CompletableObserver s)

Implement this to handle the incoming CompletableObserver and perform the business logic in your operator.

s the CompletableObserver instance, never null