

Various buffering primitives intended to facilitate content streaming for non-blocking HTTP connections.


BufferInfo This interface is deprecated. Use  
ByteBufferAllocator Abstract interface to allocate ByteBuffer instances. 
ContentInputBuffer Buffer for storing content streamed out from a ContentDecoder
ContentOutputBuffer Buffer for storing content to be streamed out to a ContentEncoder


DirectByteBufferAllocator Allocates ByteBuffer instances using allocateDirect(int)
ExpandableBuffer A buffer that expand its capacity on demand using ByteBufferAllocator interface. 
HeapByteBufferAllocator Allocates ByteBuffer instances using allocate(int)
SharedInputBuffer Implementation of the ContentInputBuffer interface that can be shared by multiple threads, usually the I/O dispatch of an I/O reactor and a worker thread. 
SharedOutputBuffer Implementation of the ContentOutputBuffer interface that can be shared by multiple threads, usually the I/O dispatch of an I/O reactor and a worker thread. 
SimpleInputBuffer Basic implementation of the ContentInputBuffer interface. 
SimpleOutputBuffer Basic implementation of the ContentOutputBuffer interface.