public final class


extends Object
   ↳ io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers

Class Overview

Static factory methods for returning standard Scheduler instances.

The initial and runtime values of the various scheduler types can be overridden via the RxJavaPlugins.setInit(scheduler name)SchedulerHandler() and RxJavaPlugins.set(scheduler name)SchedulerHandler() respectively.

Supported system properties (System.getProperty()):

  • (int): sets the thread priority of the io() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY
  • rx2.computation-threads (int): sets the number of threads in the computation() Scheduler, default is the number of available CPUs
  • rx2.computation-priority (int): sets the thread priority of the computation() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY
  • rx2.newthread-priority (int): sets the thread priority of the newThread() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY
  • rx2.single-priority (int): sets the thread priority of the single() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY
  • rx2.purge-enabled (boolean): enables periodic purging of all Scheduler's backing thread pools, default is false
  • rx2.purge-period-seconds (int): specifies the periodic purge interval of all Scheduler's backing thread pools, default is 1 second


Public Methods
static Scheduler computation()
Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance intended for computational work.
static Scheduler from(Executor executor)
Wraps an Executor into a new Scheduler instance and delegates schedule() calls to it.
static Scheduler io()
Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance intended for IO-bound work.
static Scheduler newThread()
Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance that creates a new Thread for each unit of work.
static void shutdown()
Shuts down the standard Schedulers.
static Scheduler single()
Returns a default, shared, single-thread-backed Scheduler instance for work requiring strongly-sequential execution on the same background thread.
static void start()
Starts the standard Schedulers.
static Scheduler trampoline()
Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance whose Scheduler.Worker instances queue work and execute them in a FIFO manner on one of the participating threads.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static Scheduler computation ()

Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance intended for computational work.

This can be used for event-loops, processing callbacks and other computational work.

It is not recommended to perform blocking, IO-bound work on this scheduler. Use io() instead.

The default instance has a backing pool of single-threaded ScheduledExecutorService instances equal to the number of available processors (availableProcessors()) to the Java VM.

Unhandled errors will be delivered to the scheduler Thread's java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.

This type of scheduler is less sensitive to leaking Scheduler.Worker instances, although not disposing a worker that has timed/delayed tasks not cancelled by other means may leak resources and/or execute those tasks "unexpectedly".

If the setFailOnNonBlockingScheduler(boolean) is set to true, attempting to execute operators that block while running on this scheduler will throw an IllegalStateException.

You can control certain properties of this standard scheduler via system properties that have to be set before the Schedulers class is referenced in your code.

Supported system properties (System.getProperty()):

  • rx2.computation-threads (int): sets the number of threads in the computation() Scheduler, default is the number of available CPUs
  • rx2.computation-priority (int): sets the thread priority of the computation() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY

The default value of this scheduler can be overridden at initialization time via the setInitComputationSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) plugin method. Note that due to possible initialization cycles, using any of the other scheduler-returning methods will result in a NullPointerException. Once the Schedulers class has been initialized, you can override the returned Scheduler instance via the setComputationSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) method.

It is possible to create a fresh instance of this scheduler with a custom ThreadFactory, via the createComputationScheduler(ThreadFactory) method. Note that such custom instances require a manual call to shutdown() to allow the JVM to exit or the (J2EE) container to unload properly.

Operators on the base reactive classes that use this scheduler are marked with the @SchedulerSupport(COMPUTATION) annotation.

  • a Scheduler meant for computation-bound work

public static Scheduler from (Executor executor)

Wraps an Executor into a new Scheduler instance and delegates schedule() calls to it.

If the provided executor doesn't support any of the more specific standard Java executor APIs, cancelling tasks scheduled by this scheduler can't be interrupted when they are executing but only prevented from running prior to that. In addition, tasks scheduled with a time delay or periodically will use the single() scheduler for the timed waiting before posting the actual task to the given executor.

If the provided executor supports the standard Java ExecutorService API, cancelling tasks scheduled by this scheduler can be cancelled/interrupted by calling dispose(). In addition, tasks scheduled with a time delay or periodically will use the single() scheduler for the timed waiting before posting the actual task to the given executor.

If the provided executor supports the standard Java ScheduledExecutorService API, cancelling tasks scheduled by this scheduler can be cancelled/interrupted by calling dispose(). In addition, tasks scheduled with a time delay or periodically will use the provided executor. Note, however, if the provided ScheduledExecutorService instance is not single threaded, tasks scheduled with a time delay close to each other may end up executing in different order than the original schedule() call was issued. This limitation may be lifted in a future patch.

Starting, stopping and restarting this scheduler is not supported (no-op) and the provided executor's lifecycle must be managed externally:

 ExecutorService exec = Executors.newSingleThreadedExecutor();
 try {
     Scheduler scheduler = Schedulers.from(exec);
        .map(v -> v + 1)
 } finally {

This type of scheduler is less sensitive to leaking Scheduler.Worker instances, although not disposing a worker that has timed/delayed tasks not cancelled by other means may leak resources and/or execute those tasks "unexpectedly".

Note that this method returns a new Scheduler instance, even for the same Executor instance.

executor the executor to wrap
  • the new Scheduler wrapping the Executor

public static Scheduler io ()

Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance intended for IO-bound work.

This can be used for asynchronously performing blocking IO.

The implementation is backed by a pool of single-threaded ScheduledExecutorService instances that will try to reuse previoulsy started instances used by the worker returned by createWorker() but otherwise will start a new backing ScheduledExecutorService instance. Note that this scheduler may create an unbounded number of worker threads that can result in system slowdowns or OutOfMemoryError. Therefore, for casual uses or when implementing an operator, the Worker instances must be disposed via dispose().

It is not recommended to perform computational work on this scheduler. Use computation() instead.

Unhandled errors will be delivered to the scheduler Thread's java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.

You can control certain properties of this standard scheduler via system properties that have to be set before the Schedulers class is referenced in your code.

Supported system properties (System.getProperty()):

  • (int): sets the thread priority of the io() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY

The default value of this scheduler can be overridden at initialization time via the setInitIoSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) plugin method. Note that due to possible initialization cycles, using any of the other scheduler-returning methods will result in a NullPointerException. Once the Schedulers class has been initialized, you can override the returned Scheduler instance via the setIoSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) method.

It is possible to create a fresh instance of this scheduler with a custom ThreadFactory, via the createIoScheduler(ThreadFactory) method. Note that such custom instances require a manual call to shutdown() to allow the JVM to exit or the (J2EE) container to unload properly.

Operators on the base reactive classes that use this scheduler are marked with the @SchedulerSupport(IO) annotation.


public static Scheduler newThread ()

Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance that creates a new Thread for each unit of work.

The default implementation of this scheduler creates a new, single-threaded ScheduledExecutorService for each invocation of the scheduleDirect(Runnable) (plus its overloads) and createWorker() methods, thus an unbounded number of worker threads may be created that can result in system slowdowns or OutOfMemoryError. Therefore, for casual uses or when implementing an operator, the Worker instances must be disposed via dispose().

Unhandled errors will be delivered to the scheduler Thread's java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.

You can control certain properties of this standard scheduler via system properties that have to be set before the Schedulers class is referenced in your code.

Supported system properties (System.getProperty()):

The default value of this scheduler can be overridden at initialization time via the setInitNewThreadSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) plugin method. Note that due to possible initialization cycles, using any of the other scheduler-returning methods will result in a NullPointerException. Once the Schedulers class has been initialized, you can override the returned Scheduler instance via the setNewThreadSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) method.

It is possible to create a fresh instance of this scheduler with a custom ThreadFactory, via the createNewThreadScheduler(ThreadFactory) method. Note that such custom instances require a manual call to shutdown() to allow the JVM to exit or the (J2EE) container to unload properly.

Operators on the base reactive classes that use this scheduler are marked with the @SchedulerSupport(NEW_TRHEAD) annotation.


public static void shutdown ()

Shuts down the standard Schedulers.

The operation is idempotent and thread-safe.

public static Scheduler single ()

Returns a default, shared, single-thread-backed Scheduler instance for work requiring strongly-sequential execution on the same background thread.


  • main event loop
  • support Schedulers.from(Executor) and from(ExecutorService) with delayed scheduling
  • support benchmarks that pipeline data from the main thread to some other thread and avoid core-bashing of computation's round-robin nature

Unhandled errors will be delivered to the scheduler Thread's java.lang.Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler.

This type of scheduler is less sensitive to leaking Scheduler.Worker instances, although not disposing a worker that has timed/delayed tasks not cancelled by other means may leak resources and/or execute those tasks "unexpectedly".

If the setFailOnNonBlockingScheduler(boolean) is set to true, attempting to execute operators that block while running on this scheduler will throw an IllegalStateException.

You can control certain properties of this standard scheduler via system properties that have to be set before the Schedulers class is referenced in your code.

Supported system properties (System.getProperty()):

  • rx2.single-priority (int): sets the thread priority of the single() Scheduler, default is NORM_PRIORITY

The default value of this scheduler can be overridden at initialization time via the setInitSingleSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) plugin method. Note that due to possible initialization cycles, using any of the other scheduler-returning methods will result in a NullPointerException. Once the Schedulers class has been initialized, you can override the returned Scheduler instance via the setSingleSchedulerHandler(io.reactivex.functions.Function) method.

It is possible to create a fresh instance of this scheduler with a custom ThreadFactory, via the createSingleScheduler(ThreadFactory) method. Note that such custom instances require a manual call to shutdown() to allow the JVM to exit or the (J2EE) container to unload properly.

Operators on the base reactive classes that use this scheduler are marked with the @SchedulerSupport(SINGLE) annotation.

  • a Scheduler that shares a single backing thread.

public static void start ()

Starts the standard Schedulers.

The operation is idempotent and thread-safe.

public static Scheduler trampoline ()

Returns a default, shared Scheduler instance whose Scheduler.Worker instances queue work and execute them in a FIFO manner on one of the participating threads.

The default implementation's scheduleDirect(Runnable) methods execute the tasks on the current thread without any queueing and the timed overloads use blocking sleep as well.

Note that this scheduler can't be reliably used to return the execution of tasks to the "main" thread. Such behavior requires a blocking-queueing scheduler currently not provided by RxJava itself but may be found in external libraries.

This scheduler can't be overridden via an RxJavaPlugins method.

  • a Scheduler that queues work on the current thread