
A package containing the XYDataset interface and related classes.


IntervalXYDataset An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for the X values, the Y values, or both the X and Y values. 
IntervalXYZDataset An extension of the XYZDataset interface that allows a range of data to be defined for any of the X values, the Y values, and the Z values. 
OHLCDataset An interface that defines data in the form of (x, high, low, open, close) tuples. 
TableXYDataset A dataset containing one or more data series containing (x, y) data items, where all series in the dataset share the same set of x-values. 
VectorXYDataset An extension of the XYDataset interface that allows a vector to be defined at a specific (x, y) location. 
WindDataset Interface for a dataset that supplies wind intensity and direction values observed at various points in time. 
XisSymbolic Represent a data set where X is a symbolic values. 
XYDataset An interface through which data in the form of (x, y) items can be accessed. 
XYDomainInfo An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum x-values in the dataset. 
XYRangeInfo An interface that can (optionally) be implemented by a dataset to assist in determining the minimum and maximum y-values. 
XYZDataset The interface through which JFreeChart obtains data in the form of (x, y, z) items - used for XY and XYZ plots. 
YisSymbolic Represent a data set where Y is a symbolic values. 


AbstractIntervalXYDataset An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the IntervalXYDataset interface. 
AbstractXYDataset An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYDataset interface. 
AbstractXYZDataset An base class that you can use to create new implementations of the XYZDataset interface. 
CategoryTableXYDataset An implementation variant of the TableXYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts). 
DefaultHighLowDataset A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface. 
DefaultIntervalXYDataset A dataset that defines a range (interval) for both the x-values and the y-values. 
DefaultOHLCDataset A simple implementation of the OHLCDataset interface. 
DefaultTableXYDataset An XYDataset where every series shares the same x-values (required for generating stacked area charts). 
DefaultWindDataset A default implementation of the WindDataset interface. 
DefaultXYDataset A default implementation of the XYDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives. 
DefaultXYZDataset A default implementation of the XYZDataset interface that stores data values in arrays of double primitives. 
IntervalXYDelegate A delegate that handles the specification or automatic calculation of the interval surrounding the x-values in a dataset. 
MatrixSeries Represents a dense matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0). 
MatrixSeriesCollection Represents a collection of MatrixSeries that can be used as a dataset. 
NormalizedMatrixSeries Represents a dense normalized matrix M[i,j] where each Mij item of the matrix has a value (default is 0). 
OHLCDataItem Represents a single (open-high-low-close) data item in an DefaultOHLCDataset
Vector A vector. 
VectorDataItem A data item representing data in the form (x, y, deltaX, deltaY), intended for use by the VectorSeries class. 
VectorSeries A list of (x,y, deltaX, deltaY) data items. 
VectorSeriesCollection A collection of VectorSeries objects. 
XIntervalDataItem An item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y). 
XIntervalSeries A list of (x, x-low, x-high, y) data items. 
XIntervalSeriesCollection A collection of XIntervalSeries objects. 
XYBarDataset A dataset wrapper class that converts a standard XYDataset into an IntervalXYDataset suitable for use in creating XY bar charts. 
XYCoordinate Represents an (x, y) coordinate. 
XYDataItem Represents one (x, y) data item for an XYSeries
XYDatasetTableModel A READ-ONLY wrapper around a TableXYDataset to convert it to a table model for use in a JTable. 
XYInterval An xy-interval. 
XYIntervalDataItem An item representing data in the form (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high). 
XYIntervalSeries A list of (x, x-low, x-high, y, y-low, y-high) data items. 
XYIntervalSeriesCollection A collection of XYIntervalSeries objects. 
XYSeries Represents a sequence of zero or more data items in the form (x, y). 
XYSeriesCollection Represents a collection of XYSeries objects that can be used as a dataset. 
YInterval A y-interval. 
YIntervalDataItem An item representing data in the form (x, y, y-low, y-high). 
YIntervalSeries A list of (x, y, y-low, y-high) data items. 
YIntervalSeriesCollection A collection of YIntervalSeries objects. 
YWithXInterval A y-value plus the bounds for the related x-interval.