Package Index

JFreeChart is a free chart library for Java that can generate a wide variety of charts for use in applications, applets and servlets.

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org.jfree.chart Core classes, including JFreeChart and ChartPanel.
org.jfree.chart.annotations A framework for addings annotations to charts.
org.jfree.chart.axis Axis classes and interfaces.
org.jfree.chart.block Blocks and layout classes used extensively by the LegendTitle class.
org.jfree.chart.demo Some basic demos to get you started.
org.jfree.chart.editor Provides a simple (but so far incomplete) framework for editing chart properties.
org.jfree.chart.encoders Classes related to the encoding of charts to different image formats.
org.jfree.chart.entity Classes representing components of (or entities in) a chart.
org.jfree.chart.event Event classes and listener interfaces, used to provide a change notification mechanism so that charts are automatically redrawn whenever changes are made to any chart component.
org.jfree.chart.imagemap Classes, including ImageMapUtilities, for creating HTML image maps.
org.jfree.chart.labels Generators and other classes used for the display of item labels and tooltips.
org.jfree.chart.needle A range of objects that can be used to represent the needle on a CompassPlot.
org.jfree.chart.panel Classes related to the ChartPanel class.
org.jfree.chart.plot Plot classes and related interfaces.
org.jfree.chart.plot.dial Classes for creating dial plots.
org.jfree.chart.renderer Core support for the plug-in renderers used by the CategoryPlot and XYPlot classes.
org.jfree.chart.renderer.category Plug-in renderers for the CategoryPlot class.
org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy Plug-in renderers for the XYPlot class.
org.jfree.chart.resources Localised resources for the JFreeChart class library.
org.jfree.chart.servlet Classes for providing useful servlet and JSP functionality.
org.jfree.chart.title Classes used to display chart titles and subtitles.
org.jfree.chart.urls Classes for adding URLS to charts for HTML image map generation.
org.jfree.chart.util Utility classes used by JFreeChart. The base package for classes that represent various types of data. A package containing the CategoryDataset interface and related classes. Datasets used by the ContourPlot class. Representation for simple functions. Data interfaces and classes for Gantt charts. Data interfaces and classes. Miscellaneous support for input/output of data. Dataset classes that fetch data from a database via JDBC. Resource bundles for items that require localisation. Classes for representing statistical data. Interfaces and classes for time-related data. Classes for representing financial data in open-high-low-close form. Support for reading datasets from XML files. A package containing the XYDataset interface and related classes.