Also: HttpClient


Additional request and response interceptors for HTTP state and authentication management.


ClientContext org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext attribute names for client side HTTP protocol processing. 


ClientContextConfigurer Configuration facade for HttpContext instances. 
RequestAcceptEncoding Class responsible for handling Content Encoding requests in HTTP. 
RequestAddCookies Request interceptor that matches cookies available in the current CookieStore to the request being executed and generates corresponding Cookie request headers. 
RequestAuthCache Request interceptor that can preemptively authenticate against known hosts, if there is a cached AuthScheme instance in the local AuthCache associated with the given target or proxy host. 
RequestClientConnControl This protocol interceptor is responsible for adding Connection or Proxy-Connection headers to the outgoing requests, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. 
RequestDefaultHeaders Request interceptor that adds default request headers. 
RequestProxyAuthentication Generates authentication header for the proxy host, if required, based on the actual state of the HTTP authentication context. 
RequestTargetAuthentication Generates authentication header for the target host, if required, based on the actual state of the HTTP authentication context. 
ResponseAuthCache Response interceptor that adds successfully completed AuthSchemes to the local AuthCache instance. 
ResponseContentEncoding HttpResponseInterceptor responsible for processing Content-Encoding responses. 
ResponseProcessCookies Response interceptor that populates the current CookieStore with data contained in response cookies received in the given the HTTP response.