Class Index



AbortableHttpRequest Interface representing an HTTP request that can be aborted by shutting down the underlying HTTP connection. 
AbstractAuthenticationHandler Base class for AuthenticationHandler implementations. 
AbstractClientConnAdapter Abstract adapter from operated to managed client connections. 
AbstractConnPool An abstract connection pool. 
AbstractCookieSpec Abstract cookie specification which can delegate the job of parsing, validation or matching cookie attributes to a number of arbitrary CookieAttributeHandlers. 
AbstractHttpClient Base class for HttpClient implementations. 
AbstractPooledConnAdapter Abstract adapter from pool entries to managed client connections. 
AbstractPoolEntry A pool entry for use by connection manager implementations. 
AbstractVerifier Abstract base class for all standard X509HostnameVerifier implementations. 
AllClientPNames Collected parameter names for the HttpClient module. 
AllowAllHostnameVerifier The ALLOW_ALL HostnameVerifier essentially turns hostname verification off. 
AUTH Constants and static helpers related to the HTTP authentication. 
AuthCache Abstract AuthScheme cache. 
AuthenticationException Signals a failure in authentication process 
AuthenticationHandler /** A handler for determining if an HTTP response represents an authentication challenge that was sent back to the client as a result of authentication failure. 
AuthParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP authentication parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
AuthParams An adaptor for manipulating HTTP authentication parameters in HttpParams. 
AuthPNames Parameter names for HTTP authentication classes. 
AuthPolicy Standard authentication schemes supported by HttpClient. 
AuthScheme This interface represents an abstract challenge-response oriented authentication scheme. 
AuthSchemeBase Abstract authentication scheme class that serves as a basis for all authentication schemes supported by HttpClient. 
AuthSchemeFactory Factory for AuthScheme implementations. 
AuthSchemeRegistry Authentication scheme registry that can be used to obtain the corresponding authentication scheme implementation for a given type of authorization challenge. 
AuthScope The class represents an authentication scope consisting of a host name, a port number, a realm name and an authentication scheme name which Credentials apply to. 
AuthState This class provides detailed information about the state of the authentication process. 


BasicAuthCache Default implementation of AuthCache
BasicClientCookie Default implementation of SetCookie
BasicClientCookie2 Default implementation of SetCookie2
BasicCookieStore Default implementation of CookieStore 
BasicCredentialsProvider Default implementation of CredentialsProvider
BasicEofSensorWatcher Basic implementation of EofSensorWatcher
BasicManagedEntity An entity that releases a connection
BasicPooledConnAdapter A connection wrapper and callback handler. 
BasicPoolEntry Basic implementation of a connection pool entry. 
BasicPoolEntryRef A weak reference to a BasicPoolEntry
BasicResponseHandler A ResponseHandler that returns the response body as a String for successful (2xx) responses. 
BasicRouteDirector Basic implementation of an HttpRouteDirector
BasicScheme Basic authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617. 
BasicSchemeFactory AuthSchemeFactory implementation that creates and initializes BasicScheme instances. 
BasicUserPrincipal Basic user principal used for HTTP authentication 
BestMatchSpec 'Meta' cookie specification that picks up a cookie policy based on the format of cookies sent with the HTTP response. 
BestMatchSpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that creates and initializes BestMatchSpec instances. 
BrowserCompatHostnameVerifier The HostnameVerifier that works the same way as Curl and Firefox. 
BrowserCompatSpec Cookie specification that strives to closely mimic (mis)behavior of common web browser applications such as Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox. 
BrowserCompatSpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that creates and initializes BrowserCompatSpec instances. 


CircularRedirectException Signals a circular redirect 
ClientConnectionManager Management interface for client connections
ClientConnectionManagerFactory A factory for creating new ClientConnectionManager instances. 
ClientConnectionOperator ClientConnectionOperator represents a strategy for creating OperatedClientConnection instances and updating the underlying Socket of those objects. 
ClientConnectionRequest Encapsulates a request for a ManagedClientConnection
ClientContext org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext attribute names for client side HTTP protocol processing. 
ClientContextConfigurer Configuration facade for HttpContext instances. 
ClientCookie ClientCookie extends the standard Cookie interface with additional client specific functionality such ability to retrieve original cookie attributes exactly as they were specified by the origin server. 
ClientParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP client parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
ClientParamsStack Represents a stack of parameter collections. 
ClientPNames Parameter names for HTTP client parameters. 
ClientProtocolException Signals an error in the HTTP protocol. 
CloneUtils A collection of utilities to workaround limitations of Java clone framework. 
ConnConnectionParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP client connection parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
ConnConnectionPNames Parameter names for HTTP client connections. 
ConnectionKeepAliveStrategy Interface for deciding how long a connection can remain idle before being reused. 
ConnectionPoolTimeoutException A timeout while waiting for an available connection from a connection manager. 
ConnectionReleaseTrigger Interface for releasing a connection. 
ConnectionShutdownException Signals that the connection has been shut down or released back to the the connection pool 
ConnectTimeoutException A timeout while connecting to an HTTP server or waiting for an available connection from an HttpConnectionManager. 
ConnManagerParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate connection manager parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
ConnManagerParams An adaptor for manipulating HTTP connection management parameters in HttpParams. 
ConnManagerPNames Parameter names for connection managers in HttpConn. 
ConnPerRoute This interface is intended for looking up maximum number of connections allowed for a given route. 
ConnPerRouteBean This class maintains a map of HTTP routes to maximum number of connections allowed for those routes. 
ConnPoolByRoute A connection pool that maintains connections by route. 
ConnRouteParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate connection routing parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
ConnRouteParams An adaptor for manipulating HTTP routing parameters in HttpParams. 
ConnRoutePNames Parameter names for connection routing. 
ContentEncodingHttpClient DefaultHttpClient sub-class which includes a RequestAcceptEncoding for the request and response. 
ContextAwareAuthScheme This interface represents an extended authentication scheme that requires access to HttpContext in order to generate an authorization string. 
Cookie Cookie interface represents a token or short packet of state information (also referred to as "magic-cookie") that the HTTP agent and the target server can exchange to maintain a session. 
CookieAttributeHandler This interface represents a cookie attribute handler responsible for parsing, validating, and matching a specific cookie attribute, such as path, domain, port, etc. 
CookieIdentityComparator This cookie comparator can be used to compare identity of cookies. 
CookieOrigin CookieOrigin class encapsulates details of an origin server that are relevant when parsing, validating or matching HTTP cookies. 
CookiePathComparator This cookie comparator ensures that multiple cookies satisfying a common criteria are ordered in the Cookie header such that those with more specific Path attributes precede those with less specific. 
CookiePolicy Standard cookie specifications supported by HttpClient. 
CookieRestrictionViolationException Signals that a cookie violates a restriction imposed by the cookie specification. 
CookieSpec Defines the cookie management specification. 
CookieSpecBase Cookie management functions shared by all specification. 
CookieSpecFactory Factory for CookieSpec implementations. 
CookieSpecParamBean This is a Java Bean class that can be used to wrap an instance of HttpParams and manipulate HTTP cookie parameters using Java Beans conventions. 
CookieSpecPNames Parameter names for HTTP cookie management classes. 
CookieSpecRegistry Cookie specification registry that can be used to obtain the corresponding cookie specification implementation for a given type of type or version of cookie. 
CookieStore This interface represents an abstract store for Cookie objects. 
Credentials This interface represents a set of credentials consisting of a security principal and a secret (password) that can be used to establish user identity 
CredentialsProvider Abstract credentials provider that maintains a collection of user credentials. 


DateParseException An exception to indicate an error parsing a date string. 
DateUtils A utility class for parsing and formatting HTTP dates as used in cookies and other headers. 
DefaultClientConnection Default implementation of an operated client connection. 
DefaultClientConnectionOperator Default implementation of a ClientConnectionOperator
DefaultConnectionKeepAliveStrategy Default implementation of a strategy deciding duration that a connection can remain idle. 
DefaultHttpClient Default implementation of HttpClient pre-configured for most common use scenarios. 
DefaultHttpRequestRetryHandler The default HttpRequestRetryHandler used by request executors. 
DefaultHttpRoutePlanner Default implementation of an HttpRoutePlanner
DefaultProxyAuthenticationHandler Default AuthenticationHandler implementation for proxy host authentication. 
DefaultRedirectHandler This class is deprecated. use DefaultRedirectStrategy.  
DefaultRedirectStrategy Default implementation of RedirectStrategy
DefaultRequestDirector Default implementation of RequestDirector
DefaultResponseParser Default HTTP response parser implementation. 
DefaultTargetAuthenticationHandler Default AuthenticationHandler implementation for target host authentication. 
DefaultUserTokenHandler Default implementation of UserTokenHandler
DeflateDecompressingEntity HttpEntityWrapper responsible for handling deflate Content Coded responses. 
DigestScheme Digest authentication scheme as defined in RFC 2617. 
DigestSchemeFactory AuthSchemeFactory implementation that creates and initializes DigestScheme instances. 


EntityEnclosingRequestWrapper A wrapper class for HttpEntityEnclosingRequests that can be used to change properties of the current request without modifying the original object. 
EofSensorInputStream A stream wrapper that triggers actions on close() and EOF. 
EofSensorWatcher A watcher for EofSensorInputStream


GuardedBy The field or method to which this annotation is applied can only be accessed when holding a particular lock, which may be a built-in (synchronization) lock, or may be an explicit java.util.concurrent.Lock. 
GzipDecompressingEntity HttpEntityWrapper for handling gzip Content Coded responses. 


HostNameResolver This interface is deprecated. Do not use  
HttpClient This interface represents only the most basic contract for HTTP request execution. 
HttpClientParams An adaptor for manipulating HTTP client parameters in HttpParams. 
HttpDelete HTTP DELETE method

The HTTP DELETE method is defined in section 9.7 of RFC2616:

The DELETE method requests that the origin server delete the resource identified by the Request-URI. 
HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase Basic implementation of an entity enclosing HTTP request that can be modified 
HttpGet HTTP GET method. 
HttpHead HTTP HEAD method. 
HttpHostConnectException A ConnectException that specifies the HttpHost that was being connected to. 
HttpOptions HTTP OPTIONS method. 
HttpPost HTTP POST method. 
HttpPut HTTP PUT method. 
HttpRequestBase Basic implementation of an HTTP request that can be modified. 
HttpRequestRetryHandler A handler for determining if an HttpRequest should be retried after a recoverable exception during execution. 
HttpResponseException Signals a non 2xx HTTP response. 
HttpRoute The route for a request. 
HttpRoutedConnection Interface to access routing information of a client side connection. 
HttpRouteDirector Provides directions on establishing a route. 
HttpRoutePlanner Encapsulates logic to compute a HttpRoute to a target host. 
HttpTrace HTTP TRACE method. 
HttpUriRequest Extended version of the HttpRequest interface that provides convenience methods to access request properties such as request URI and method type. 


IdleConnectionHandler This class is deprecated. no longer used  
Idn Abstraction of international domain name (IDN) conversion. 
IgnoreSpec CookieSpec that ignores all cookies 
IgnoreSpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that ignores all cookies. 
Immutable The class to which this annotation is applied is immutable. 
InetAddressUtils A collection of utilities relating to InetAddresses. 
InvalidCredentialsException Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid 


JdkIdn Uses the class through reflection. 


LayeredSchemeSocketFactory A SocketFactory for layered sockets (SSL/TLS). 
LayeredSocketFactory This interface is deprecated. use SchemeSocketFactory  
LoggingSessionInputBuffer Logs all data read to the wire LOG. 
LoggingSessionOutputBuffer Logs all data written to the wire LOG. 


MalformedChallengeException Signals that authentication challenge is in some way invalid or illegal in the given context 
MalformedCookieException Signals that a cookie is in some way invalid or illegal in a given context 
ManagedClientConnection A client-side connection with advanced connection logic. 
MultihomePlainSocketFactory This class is deprecated. Do not use. For multihome support socket factories must implement SchemeSocketFactory interface.  


NegotiateScheme SPNEGO (Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism) authentication scheme. 
NegotiateSchemeFactory SPNEGO (Simple and Protected GSSAPI Negotiation Mechanism) authentication scheme factory. 
NetscapeDraftSpec This CookieSpec implementation conforms to the original draft specification published by Netscape Communications. 
NetscapeDraftSpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that creates and initializes NetscapeDraftSpec instances. 
NonRepeatableRequestException Signals failure to retry the request due to non-repeatable request entity. 
NotThreadSafe The class to which this annotation is applied is not thread-safe. 
NTCredentials Credentials implementation for Microsoft Windows platforms that includes Windows specific attributes such as name of the domain the user belongs to. 
NTLMEngine Abstract NTLM authentication engine. 
NTLMEngineException Signals NTLM protocol failure. 
NTLMScheme NTLM is a proprietary authentication scheme developed by Microsoft and optimized for Windows platforms. 
NTLMSchemeFactory AuthSchemeFactory implementation that creates and initializes NTLMScheme instances configured to use the default NTLMEngine implementation. 
NTUserPrincipal Microsoft Windows specific user principal implementation. 


OperatedClientConnection A client-side connection that relies on outside logic to connect sockets to the appropriate hosts. 


PlainSocketFactory The default class for creating plain (unencrypted) sockets. 
PoolEntryRequest Encapsulates a request for a BasicPoolEntry
ProxySelectorRoutePlanner Default implementation of an HttpRoutePlanner
PublicSuffixFilter Wraps a CookieAttributeHandler and leverages its match method to never match a suffix from a black list. 
PublicSuffixListParser Parses the list from and configures a PublicSuffixFilter. 
Punycode Facade that provides conversion between Unicode and Punycode domain names. 


RedirectException Signals violation of HTTP specification caused by an invalid redirect 
RedirectHandler This interface is deprecated. use RedirectStrategy  
RedirectLocations This class represents a collection of URIs used as redirect locations. 
RedirectStrategy A strategy for determining if an HTTP request should be redirected to a new location in response to an HTTP response received from the target server. 
RefQueueHandler This interface is deprecated. do not use 
RefQueueWorker This class is deprecated. do not use  
RequestAcceptEncoding Class responsible for handling Content Encoding requests in HTTP. 
RequestAddCookies Request interceptor that matches cookies available in the current CookieStore to the request being executed and generates corresponding Cookie request headers. 
RequestAuthCache Request interceptor that can preemptively authenticate against known hosts, if there is a cached AuthScheme instance in the local AuthCache associated with the given target or proxy host. 
RequestClientConnControl This protocol interceptor is responsible for adding Connection or Proxy-Connection headers to the outgoing requests, which is essential for managing persistence of HTTP/1.0 connections. 
RequestDefaultHeaders Request interceptor that adds default request headers. 
RequestDirector A client-side request director. 
RequestProxyAuthentication Generates authentication header for the proxy host, if required, based on the actual state of the HTTP authentication context. 
RequestTargetAuthentication Generates authentication header for the target host, if required, based on the actual state of the HTTP authentication context. 
RequestWrapper A wrapper class for HttpRequests that can be used to change properties of the current request without modifying the original object. 
ResponseAuthCache Response interceptor that adds successfully completed AuthSchemes to the local AuthCache instance. 
ResponseContentEncoding HttpResponseInterceptor responsible for processing Content-Encoding responses. 
ResponseHandler<T> Handler that encapsulates the process of generating a response object from a HttpResponse. 
ResponseProcessCookies Response interceptor that populates the current CookieStore with data contained in response cookies received in the given the HTTP response. 
RFC2109Spec RFC 2109 compliant CookieSpec implementation. 
RFC2109SpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that creates and initializes RFC2109Spec instances. 
RFC2617Scheme Abstract authentication scheme class that lays foundation for all RFC 2617 compliant authentication schemes and provides capabilities common to all authentication schemes defined in RFC 2617. 
RFC2965CommentUrlAttributeHandler "CommentURL" cookie attribute handler for RFC 2965 cookie spec. 
RFC2965DiscardAttributeHandler "Discard" cookie attribute handler for RFC 2965 cookie spec. 
RFC2965DomainAttributeHandler "Domain" cookie attribute handler for RFC 2965 cookie spec. 
RFC2965PortAttributeHandler "Port" cookie attribute handler for RFC 2965 cookie spec. 
RFC2965Spec RFC 2965 compliant CookieSpec implementation. 
RFC2965SpecFactory CookieSpecFactory implementation that creates and initializes RFC2965Spec instances. 
RFC2965VersionAttributeHandler "Version" cookie attribute handler for RFC 2965 cookie spec. 
Rfc3492Idn Implementation from pseudo code in RFC 3492. 
RoutedRequest A request with the route along which it should be sent. 
RouteInfo Read-only interface for route information. 
RouteInfo.LayerType The layering type of a route. 
RouteInfo.TunnelType The tunnelling type of a route. 
RouteSpecificPool A connection sub-pool for a specific route, used by ConnPoolByRoute
RouteTracker Helps tracking the steps in establishing a route. 


Scheme Encapsulates specifics of a protocol scheme such as "http" or "https". 
SchemeRegistry A set of supported protocol Schemes. 
SchemeSocketFactory A factory for creating, initializing and connecting sockets. 
SetCookie This interface represents a Set-Cookie response header sent by the origin server to the HTTP agent in order to maintain a conversational state. 
SetCookie2 This interface represents a Set-Cookie2 response header sent by the origin server to the HTTP agent in order to maintain a conversational state. 
SingleClientConnManager A connection manager for a single connection. 
SingleClientConnManager.ConnAdapter The connection adapter used by this manager. 
SingleClientConnManager.PoolEntry The pool entry for this connection manager. 
SM Constants and static helpers related to the HTTP state management. 
SocketFactory This interface is deprecated. use SchemeSocketFactory  
SpnegoTokenGenerator Abstract SPNEGO token generator. 
SSLSocketFactory Layered socket factory for TLS/SSL connections. 
StrictHostnameVerifier The Strict HostnameVerifier works the same way as Sun Java 1.4, Sun Java 5, Sun Java 6-rc. 


ThreadSafe The class to which this annotation is applied is thread-safe. 
ThreadSafeClientConnManager Manages a pool of client connections and is able to service connection requests from multiple execution threads. 
TrustSelfSignedStrategy A trust strategy that accepts self-signed certificates as trusted. 
TrustStrategy A strategy to establish trustworthiness of certificates without consulting the trust manager configured in the actual SSL context. 
TunnelRefusedException Signals that the tunnel request was rejected by the proxy host. 


UnsupportedDigestAlgorithmException Authentication credentials required to respond to a authentication challenge are invalid 
URIUtils A collection of utilities for URI URIs, to workaround bugs within the class or for ease-of-use features. 
UrlEncodedFormEntity An entity composed of a list of url-encoded pairs. 
URLEncodedUtils A collection of utilities for encoding URLs. 
UsernamePasswordCredentials Simple Credentials implementation based on a user name / password pair. 
UserTokenHandler A handler for determining if the given execution context is user specific or not. 


WaitingThread Represents a thread waiting for a connection. 
WaitingThreadAborter A simple class that can interrupt a WaitingThread
Wire Logs data to the wire LOG. 


X509HostnameVerifier Interface for checking if a hostname matches the names stored inside the server's X.509 certificate.