public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.RouteSpecificPool

Class Overview

A connection sub-pool for a specific route, used by ConnPoolByRoute. The methods in this class are unsynchronized. It is expected that the containing pool takes care of synchronization.


protected final ConnPerRoute connPerRoute Connections per route
protected final LinkedList<BasicPoolEntry> freeEntries The list of free entries.
protected final int maxEntries
protected int numEntries The number of created entries.
protected final HttpRoute route The route this pool is for.
protected final Queue<WaitingThread> waitingThreads The list of threads waiting for this pool.
Public Constructors
RouteSpecificPool(HttpRoute route, int maxEntries)
This constructor is deprecated. use RouteSpecificPool(HttpRoute, ConnPerRoute)
RouteSpecificPool(HttpRoute route, ConnPerRoute connPerRoute)
Creates a new route-specific pool.
Public Methods
BasicPoolEntry allocEntry(Object state)
Obtains a free entry from this pool, if one is available.
void createdEntry(BasicPoolEntry entry)
Indicates creation of an entry for this pool.
boolean deleteEntry(BasicPoolEntry entry)
Deletes an entry from this pool.
void dropEntry()
Forgets about an entry from this pool.
void freeEntry(BasicPoolEntry entry)
Returns an allocated entry to this pool.
int getCapacity()
Return remaining capacity of this pool
final int getEntryCount()
Obtains the number of entries.
final int getMaxEntries()
Obtains the maximum number of entries allowed for this pool.
final HttpRoute getRoute()
Obtains the route for which this pool is specific.
boolean hasThread()
Checks whether there is a waiting thread in this pool.
boolean isUnused()
Indicates whether this pool is unused.
WaitingThread nextThread()
Returns the next thread in the queue.
void queueThread(WaitingThread wt)
Adds a waiting thread.
void removeThread(WaitingThread wt)
Removes a waiting thread, if it is queued.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


protected final ConnPerRoute connPerRoute

Also: HttpClient

Connections per route

protected final LinkedList<BasicPoolEntry> freeEntries

Also: HttpClient

The list of free entries. This list is managed LIFO, to increase idle times and allow for closing connections that are not really needed.

protected final int maxEntries

Also: HttpClient

protected int numEntries

Also: HttpClient

The number of created entries.

protected final HttpRoute route

Also: HttpClient

The route this pool is for.

protected final Queue<WaitingThread> waitingThreads

Also: HttpClient

The list of threads waiting for this pool.

Public Constructors

public RouteSpecificPool (HttpRoute route, int maxEntries)

Also: HttpClient

This constructor is deprecated.
use RouteSpecificPool(HttpRoute, ConnPerRoute)

public RouteSpecificPool (HttpRoute route, ConnPerRoute connPerRoute)

Also: HttpClient

Creates a new route-specific pool.

route the route for which to pool
connPerRoute the connections per route configuration

Public Methods

public BasicPoolEntry allocEntry (Object state)

Also: HttpClient

Obtains a free entry from this pool, if one is available.

  • an available pool entry, or null if there is none

public void createdEntry (BasicPoolEntry entry)

Also: HttpClient

Indicates creation of an entry for this pool. The entry will not be added to the list of free entries, it is only recognized as belonging to this pool now. It can then be passed to freeEntry.

entry the entry that was created for this pool

public boolean deleteEntry (BasicPoolEntry entry)

Also: HttpClient

Deletes an entry from this pool. Only entries that are currently free in this pool can be deleted. Allocated entries can not be deleted.

entry the entry to delete from this pool
  • true if the entry was found and deleted, or false if the entry was not found

public void dropEntry ()

Also: HttpClient

Forgets about an entry from this pool. This method is used to indicate that an entry allocated from this pool has been lost and will not be returned.

public void freeEntry (BasicPoolEntry entry)

Also: HttpClient

Returns an allocated entry to this pool.

entry the entry obtained from allocEntry or presented to createdEntry

public int getCapacity ()

Also: HttpClient

Return remaining capacity of this pool

  • capacity

public final int getEntryCount ()

Also: HttpClient

Obtains the number of entries. This includes not only the free entries, but also those that have been created and are currently issued to an application.

  • the number of entries for the route of this pool

public final int getMaxEntries ()

Also: HttpClient

Obtains the maximum number of entries allowed for this pool.

  • the max entry number

public final HttpRoute getRoute ()

Also: HttpClient

Obtains the route for which this pool is specific.

  • the route

public boolean hasThread ()

Also: HttpClient

Checks whether there is a waiting thread in this pool.

  • true if there is a waiting thread, false otherwise

public boolean isUnused ()

Also: HttpClient

Indicates whether this pool is unused. A pool is unused if there is neither an entry nor a waiting thread. All entries count, not only the free but also the allocated ones.

  • true if this pool is unused, false otherwise

public WaitingThread nextThread ()

Also: HttpClient

Returns the next thread in the queue.

  • a waiting thread, or null if there is none

public void queueThread (WaitingThread wt)

Also: HttpClient

Adds a waiting thread. This pool makes no attempt to match waiting threads with pool entries. It is the caller's responsibility to check that there is no entry before adding a waiting thread.

wt the waiting thread

public void removeThread (WaitingThread wt)

Also: HttpClient

Removes a waiting thread, if it is queued.

wt the waiting thread