public abstract class


extends Object
implements ManagedClientConnection HttpContext
   ↳ org.apache.http.impl.conn.AbstractClientConnAdapter
Known Direct Subclasses
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

Abstract adapter from operated to managed client connections. Read and write methods are delegated to the wrapped connection. Operations affecting the connection state have to be implemented by derived classes. Operations for querying the connection state are delegated to the wrapped connection if there is one, or return a default value if there is none.

This adapter tracks the checkpoints for reusable communication states, as indicated by markReusable and queried by isMarkedReusable. All send and receive operations will automatically clear the mark.

Connection release calls are delegated to the connection manager, if there is one. abortConnection will clear the reusability mark first. The connection manager is expected to tolerate multiple calls to the release method.


Inherited Constants
From interface org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext
Protected Constructors
AbstractClientConnAdapter(ClientConnectionManager mgr, OperatedClientConnection conn)
Creates a new connection adapter.
Public Methods
synchronized void abortConnection()
Releases the connection without the option of keep-alive.
void flush()
synchronized Object getAttribute(String id)
InetAddress getLocalAddress()
int getLocalPort()
HttpConnectionMetrics getMetrics()
InetAddress getRemoteAddress()
int getRemotePort()
SSLSession getSSLSession()
Obtains the SSL session of the underlying connection, if any.
int getSocketTimeout()
boolean isMarkedReusable()
Indicates whether this connection is in a reusable communication state.
boolean isOpen()
boolean isResponseAvailable(int timeout)
boolean isSecure()
Indicates whether this connection is secure.
boolean isStale()
void markReusable()
Marks this connection as being in a reusable communication state.
void receiveResponseEntity(HttpResponse response)
HttpResponse receiveResponseHeader()
synchronized void releaseConnection()
Releases the connection with the option of keep-alive.
synchronized Object removeAttribute(String id)
void sendRequestEntity(HttpEntityEnclosingRequest request)
void sendRequestHeader(HttpRequest request)
synchronized void setAttribute(String id, Object obj)
void setIdleDuration(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
Sets the duration that this connection can remain idle before it is reused.
void setSocketTimeout(int timeout)
void unmarkReusable()
Marks this connection as not being in a reusable state.
Protected Methods
final void assertNotAborted()
This method is deprecated. use assertValid(OperatedClientConnection)
final void assertValid(OperatedClientConnection wrappedConn)
Asserts that there is a valid wrapped connection to delegate to.
synchronized void detach()
Detaches this adapter from the wrapped connection.
ClientConnectionManager getManager()
OperatedClientConnection getWrappedConnection()
boolean isReleased()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.apache.http.HttpClientConnection
From interface org.apache.http.HttpConnection
From interface org.apache.http.HttpInetConnection
From interface org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionReleaseTrigger
From interface org.apache.http.conn.HttpRoutedConnection
From interface org.apache.http.conn.ManagedClientConnection
From interface org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext

Protected Constructors

protected AbstractClientConnAdapter (ClientConnectionManager mgr, OperatedClientConnection conn)

Also: HttpClient

Creates a new connection adapter. The adapter is initially not marked as reusable.

mgr the connection manager, or null
conn the connection to wrap, or null

Public Methods

public synchronized void abortConnection ()

Also: HttpClient

Releases the connection without the option of keep-alive. This is a "hard" release that implies a shutdown of the connection. Use releaseConnection() for a graceful release.

public void flush ()

Also: HttpClient


public synchronized Object getAttribute (String id)

Also: HttpClient

public InetAddress getLocalAddress ()

Also: HttpClient

public int getLocalPort ()

Also: HttpClient

public HttpConnectionMetrics getMetrics ()

Also: HttpClient

public InetAddress getRemoteAddress ()

Also: HttpClient

public int getRemotePort ()

Also: HttpClient

public SSLSession getSSLSession ()

Also: HttpClient

Obtains the SSL session of the underlying connection, if any. If this connection is open, and the underlying socket is an SSLSocket, the SSL session of that socket is obtained. This is a potentially blocking operation.
Note: Whether the underlying socket is an SSL socket can not necessarily be determined via isSecure(). Plain sockets may be considered secure, for example if they are connected to a known host in the same network segment. On the other hand, SSL sockets may be considered insecure, for example depending on the chosen cipher suite.

  • the underlying SSL session if available, null otherwise

public int getSocketTimeout ()

Also: HttpClient

public boolean isMarkedReusable ()

Also: HttpClient

Indicates whether this connection is in a reusable communication state. See markReusable and unmarkReusable for details.

  • true if this connection is marked as being in a reusable communication state, false otherwise

public boolean isOpen ()

Also: HttpClient

public boolean isResponseAvailable (int timeout)

Also: HttpClient


public boolean isSecure ()

Also: HttpClient

Indicates whether this connection is secure. The return value is well-defined only while the connection is open. It may change even while the connection is open.

  • true if this connection is secure, false otherwise

public boolean isStale ()

Also: HttpClient

public void markReusable ()

Also: HttpClient

Marks this connection as being in a reusable communication state. The checkpoints for reuseable communication states (in the absence of pipelining) are before sending a request and after receiving the response in its entirety. The connection will automatically clear the checkpoint when used for communication. A call to this method indicates that the next checkpoint has been reached.
A reusable communication state is necessary but not sufficient for the connection to be reused. A route mismatch, the connection being closed, or other circumstances might prevent reuse.

public void receiveResponseEntity (HttpResponse response)

Also: HttpClient

public HttpResponse receiveResponseHeader ()

Also: HttpClient

public synchronized void releaseConnection ()

Also: HttpClient

Releases the connection with the option of keep-alive. This is a "graceful" release and may cause IO operations for consuming the remainder of a response entity. Use abortConnection for a hard release. The connection may be reused as specified by the duration.

public synchronized Object removeAttribute (String id)

Also: HttpClient

public void sendRequestEntity (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest request)

Also: HttpClient

public void sendRequestHeader (HttpRequest request)

Also: HttpClient

public synchronized void setAttribute (String id, Object obj)

Also: HttpClient

public void setIdleDuration (long duration, TimeUnit unit)

Also: HttpClient

Sets the duration that this connection can remain idle before it is reused. The connection should not be used again if this time elapses. The idle duration must be reset after each request sent over this connection. The elapsed time starts counting when the connection is released, which is typically after the headers (and any response body, if present) is fully consumed.

public void setSocketTimeout (int timeout)

Also: HttpClient

public void unmarkReusable ()

Also: HttpClient

Marks this connection as not being in a reusable state. This can be used immediately before releasing this connection to prevent its reuse. Reasons for preventing reuse include error conditions and the evaluation of a reuse strategy.
Note: It is not necessary to call here before writing to or reading from this connection. Communication attempts will automatically unmark the state as non-reusable. It can then be switched back using markReusable.

Protected Methods

protected final void assertNotAborted ()

Also: HttpClient

This method is deprecated.
use assertValid(OperatedClientConnection)

protected final void assertValid (OperatedClientConnection wrappedConn)

Also: HttpClient

Asserts that there is a valid wrapped connection to delegate to.

ConnectionShutdownException if there is no wrapped connection or connection has been aborted

protected synchronized void detach ()

Also: HttpClient

Detaches this adapter from the wrapped connection. This adapter becomes useless.

protected ClientConnectionManager getManager ()

Also: HttpClient

protected OperatedClientConnection getWrappedConnection ()

Also: HttpClient

protected boolean isReleased ()

Also: HttpClient

  • value of released flag