public interface


implements IDisposable
Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

(c) Zynga 2011


Public Methods
abstract void bind(GLState pGLState)
abstract void bind(GLState pGLState, ShaderProgram pShaderProgram)
abstract void draw(int pPrimitiveType, int pCount)
abstract void draw(int pPrimitiveType, int pOffset, int pCount)
abstract int getByteCapacity()
abstract int getCapacity()
abstract int getGPUMemoryByteSize()
abstract int getHardwareBufferID()
abstract int getHeapMemoryByteSize()
abstract int getNativeHeapMemoryByteSize()
abstract VertexBufferObjectManager getVertexBufferObjectManager()
abstract boolean isAutoDispose()
abstract boolean isDirtyOnHardware()
abstract boolean isLoadedToHardware()
abstract void setDirtyOnHardware()
Mark this VertexBufferObject dirty so it gets updated on the hardware.
abstract void setNotLoadedToHardware()
Mark this VertexBufferObject as not not loaded to hardware.
abstract void unbind(GLState pGLState, ShaderProgram pShaderProgram)
abstract void unloadFromHardware(GLState pGLState)
Inherited Methods
From interface org.andengine.util.IDisposable


public static final int HARDWARE_BUFFER_ID_INVALID

Constant Value: -1 (0xffffffff)

Public Methods

public abstract void bind (GLState pGLState)

public abstract void bind (GLState pGLState, ShaderProgram pShaderProgram)

public abstract void draw (int pPrimitiveType, int pCount)

public abstract void draw (int pPrimitiveType, int pOffset, int pCount)

public abstract int getByteCapacity ()


public abstract int getCapacity ()


public abstract int getGPUMemoryByteSize ()

  • the number of bytes that are allocated on the GPU.

public abstract int getHardwareBufferID ()

public abstract int getHeapMemoryByteSize ()

  • the number of bytes that are allocated on the heap.

public abstract int getNativeHeapMemoryByteSize ()

  • the number of bytes that are allocated on the native heap (through direct ByteBuffers).

public abstract VertexBufferObjectManager getVertexBufferObjectManager ()

public abstract boolean isAutoDispose ()

public abstract boolean isDirtyOnHardware ()

public abstract boolean isLoadedToHardware ()

public abstract void setDirtyOnHardware ()

Mark this VertexBufferObject dirty so it gets updated on the hardware.

public abstract void setNotLoadedToHardware ()

Mark this VertexBufferObject as not not loaded to hardware. It will reload itself to hardware when it gets used again.

public abstract void unbind (GLState pGLState, ShaderProgram pShaderProgram)

public abstract void unloadFromHardware (GLState pGLState)