AccessControlEntry | Represents an individual permission assignment within an Acl . |
Acl | Represents an access control list (ACL) for a domain object. |
AclCache | A caching layer for JdbcAclService . |
AclService | Provides retrieval of Acl instances. |
AuditableAccessControlEntry | Represents an ACE that provides auditing information. |
AuditableAcl | A mutable ACL that provides audit capabilities. |
MutableAcl | A mutable Acl. |
MutableAclService | Provides support for creating and storing Acl instances. |
ObjectIdentity | Represents the identity of an individual domain object instance. |
ObjectIdentityGenerator | Strategy which creates an ObjectIdentity from an object identifier (such as a primary key)
and type information. |
ObjectIdentityRetrievalStrategy | Strategy interface that provides the ability to determine which ObjectIdentity
will be returned for a particular domain object |
OwnershipAcl | A mutable ACL that provides ownership capabilities. |
Permission | Represents a permission granted to a Sid for a given domain object. |
PermissionGrantingStrategy | Allow customization of the logic for determining whether a permission or permissions are granted to a particular
sid or sids by an Acl . |
Sid | A security identity recognised by the ACL system. |
SidRetrievalStrategy | Strategy interface that provides an ability to determine the Sid instances applicable
for an Authentication . |
AclDataAccessException | Abstract base class for Acl data operations. |
AlreadyExistsException | Thrown if an Acl entry already exists for the object. |
ChildrenExistException | Thrown if an Acl cannot be deleted because children Acl s exist. |
NotFoundException | Thrown if an ACL-related object cannot be found. |
UnloadedSidException | Thrown if an Acl cannot perform an operation because it only loaded a subset of Sid s and
the caller has requested details for an unloaded Sid . |