public class


extends Object
implements Acl AuditableAcl MutableAcl OwnershipAcl

Class Overview

Base implementation of Acl.


Public Constructors
AclImpl(ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, AuditLogger auditLogger)
Minimal constructor, which should be used createAcl(ObjectIdentity).
AclImpl(ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, AuditLogger auditLogger, Acl parentAcl, List<Sid> loadedSids, boolean entriesInheriting, Sid owner)
This constructor is deprecated. Use the version which takes a PermissionGrantingStrategy argument instead.
AclImpl(ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, PermissionGrantingStrategy grantingStrategy, Acl parentAcl, List<Sid> loadedSids, boolean entriesInheriting, Sid owner)
Full constructor, which should be used by persistence tools that do not provide field-level access features.
Public Methods
void deleteAce(int aceIndex)
boolean equals(Object obj)
List<AccessControlEntry> getEntries()
Returns all of the entries represented by the present Acl.
Serializable getId()
Obtains an identifier that represents this MutableAcl.
ObjectIdentity getObjectIdentity()
Obtains the domain object this Acl provides entries for.
Sid getOwner()
Determines the owner of the Acl.
Acl getParentAcl()
A domain object may have a parent for the purpose of ACL inheritance.
void insertAce(int atIndexLocation, Permission permission, Sid sid, boolean granting)
boolean isEntriesInheriting()
Indicates whether the ACL entries from the getParentAcl() should flow down into the current Acl.
boolean isGranted(List<Permission> permission, List<Sid> sids, boolean administrativeMode)
Delegates to the PermissionGrantingStrategy.
boolean isSidLoaded(List<Sid> sids)
For efficiency reasons an Acl may be loaded and not contain entries for every Sid in the system.
void setEntriesInheriting(boolean entriesInheriting)
Change the value returned by isEntriesInheriting().
void setOwner(Sid newOwner)
Changes the present owner to a different owner.
void setParent(Acl newParent)
Changes the parent of this ACL.
String toString()
void updateAce(int aceIndex, Permission permission)
void updateAuditing(int aceIndex, boolean auditSuccess, boolean auditFailure)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface
From interface
From interface

Public Constructors

public AclImpl (ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, AuditLogger auditLogger)

Minimal constructor, which should be used createAcl(ObjectIdentity).

objectIdentity the object identity this ACL relates to (required)
id the primary key assigned to this ACL (required)
aclAuthorizationStrategy authorization strategy (required)
auditLogger audit logger (required)

public AclImpl (ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, AuditLogger auditLogger, Acl parentAcl, List<Sid> loadedSids, boolean entriesInheriting, Sid owner)

This constructor is deprecated.
Use the version which takes a PermissionGrantingStrategy argument instead.

public AclImpl (ObjectIdentity objectIdentity, Serializable id, AclAuthorizationStrategy aclAuthorizationStrategy, PermissionGrantingStrategy grantingStrategy, Acl parentAcl, List<Sid> loadedSids, boolean entriesInheriting, Sid owner)

Full constructor, which should be used by persistence tools that do not provide field-level access features.

objectIdentity the object identity this ACL relates to
id the primary key assigned to this ACL
aclAuthorizationStrategy authorization strategy
grantingStrategy the PermissionGrantingStrategy which will be used by the isGranted() method
parentAcl the parent (may be may be null)
loadedSids the loaded SIDs if only a subset were loaded (may be null)
entriesInheriting if ACEs from the parent should inherit into this ACL
owner the owner (required)

Public Methods

public void deleteAce (int aceIndex)

public boolean equals (Object obj)

public List<AccessControlEntry> getEntries ()

Returns all of the entries represented by the present Acl. Entries associated with the Acl parents are not returned.

This method is typically used for administrative purposes.

The order that entries appear in the array is important for methods declared in the MutableAcl interface. Furthermore, some implementations MAY use ordering as part of advanced permission checking.

Do NOT use this method for making authorization decisions. Instead use isGranted(List, List, boolean).

This method must operate correctly even if the Acl only represents a subset of Sids. The caller is responsible for correctly handling the result if only a subset of Sids is represented.

  • the list of entries represented by the Acl, or null if there are no entries presently associated with this Acl.

public Serializable getId ()

Obtains an identifier that represents this MutableAcl.

  • the identifier, or null if unsaved

public ObjectIdentity getObjectIdentity ()

Obtains the domain object this Acl provides entries for. This is immutable once an Acl is created.

  • the object identity (never null)

public Sid getOwner ()

Determines the owner of the Acl. The meaning of ownership varies by implementation and is unspecified.

  • the owner (may be null if the implementation does not use ownership concepts)

public Acl getParentAcl ()

A domain object may have a parent for the purpose of ACL inheritance. If there is a parent, its ACL can be accessed via this method. In turn, the parent's parent (grandparent) can be accessed and so on.

This method solely represents the presence of a navigation hierarchy between the parent Acl and this Acl. For actual inheritance to take place, the isEntriesInheriting() must also be true.

This method must operate correctly even if the Acl only represents a subset of Sids. The caller is responsible for correctly handling the result if only a subset of Sids is represented.

  • the parent Acl (may be null if this Acl does not have a parent)

public void insertAce (int atIndexLocation, Permission permission, Sid sid, boolean granting)

public boolean isEntriesInheriting ()

Indicates whether the ACL entries from the getParentAcl() should flow down into the current Acl.

The mere link between an Acl and a parent Acl on its own is insufficient to cause ACL entries to inherit down. This is because a domain object may wish to have entirely independent entries, but maintain the link with the parent for navigation purposes. Thus, this method denotes whether or not the navigation relationship also extends to the actual inheritance of entries.

  • true if parent ACL entries inherit into the current Acl

public boolean isGranted (List<Permission> permission, List<Sid> sids, boolean administrativeMode)

Delegates to the PermissionGrantingStrategy.

permission the permission or permissions required (at least one entry required)
sids the security identities held by the principal (at least one entry required)
administrativeMode if true denotes the query is for administrative purposes and no logging or auditing (if supported by the implementation) should be undertaken
  • true if authorization is granted
UnloadedSidException if the passed SIDs are unknown to this ACL because the ACL was only loaded for a subset of SIDs

public boolean isSidLoaded (List<Sid> sids)

For efficiency reasons an Acl may be loaded and not contain entries for every Sid in the system. If an Acl has been loaded and does not represent every Sid, all methods of the Acl can only be used within the limited scope of the Sid instances it actually represents.

It is normal to load an Acl for only particular Sids if read-only authorization decisions are being made. However, if user interface reporting or modification of Acls are desired, an Acl should be loaded with all Sids. This method denotes whether or not the specified Sids have been loaded or not.

sids one or more security identities the caller is interest in knowing whether this Sid supports
  • true if every passed Sid is represented by this Acl instance

public void setEntriesInheriting (boolean entriesInheriting)

Change the value returned by isEntriesInheriting().

entriesInheriting the new value

public void setOwner (Sid newOwner)

Changes the present owner to a different owner.

newOwner the new owner (mandatory; cannot be null)

public void setParent (Acl newParent)

Changes the parent of this ACL.

newParent the new parent

public String toString ()

public void updateAce (int aceIndex, Permission permission)

public void updateAuditing (int aceIndex, boolean auditSuccess, boolean auditFailure)