public class


extends Object
implements InitializingBean
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Stores properties related to this CAS service.

Each web application capable of processing CAS tickets is known as a service. This class stores the properties that are relevant to the local CAS service, being the application that is being secured by Spring Security.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
void afterPropertiesSet()
final String getArtifactParameter()
final String getService()
Represents the service the user is authenticating to.
final String getServiceParameter()
Configures the Request parameter to look for when attempting to send a request to CAS.
final boolean isAuthenticateAllArtifacts()
final boolean isSendRenew()
Indicates whether the renew parameter should be sent to the CAS login URL and CAS validation URL.
final void setArtifactParameter(String artifactParameter)
Configures the Request Parameter to look for when attempting to see if a CAS ticket was sent from the server.
final void setAuthenticateAllArtifacts(boolean authenticateAllArtifacts)
If true, then any non-null artifact (ticket) should be authenticated.
final void setSendRenew(boolean sendRenew)
final void setService(String service)
final void setServiceParameter(String serviceParameter)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean


public static final String DEFAULT_CAS_ARTIFACT_PARAMETER

Constant Value: "ticket"

public static final String DEFAULT_CAS_SERVICE_PARAMETER

Constant Value: "service"

Public Constructors

public ServiceProperties ()

Public Methods

public void afterPropertiesSet ()


public final String getArtifactParameter ()

public final String getService ()

Represents the service the user is authenticating to.

This service is the callback URL belonging to the local Spring Security System for Spring secured application. For example,

  • the URL of the service the user is authenticating to

public final String getServiceParameter ()

Configures the Request parameter to look for when attempting to send a request to CAS.

  • the service parameter to use. Default is "service".

public final boolean isAuthenticateAllArtifacts ()

public final boolean isSendRenew ()

Indicates whether the renew parameter should be sent to the CAS login URL and CAS validation URL.

If true, it will force CAS to authenticate the user again (even if the user has previously authenticated). During ticket validation it will require the ticket was generated as a consequence of an explicit login. High security applications would probably set this to true. Defaults to false, providing automated single sign on.

  • whether to send the renew parameter to CAS

public final void setArtifactParameter (String artifactParameter)

Configures the Request Parameter to look for when attempting to see if a CAS ticket was sent from the server.

artifactParameter the id to use. Default is "ticket".

public final void setAuthenticateAllArtifacts (boolean authenticateAllArtifacts)

If true, then any non-null artifact (ticket) should be authenticated. Additionally, the service will be determined dynamically in order to ensure the service matches the expected value for this artifact.

public final void setSendRenew (boolean sendRenew)

public final void setService (String service)

public final void setServiceParameter (String serviceParameter)