public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

LDAP Utility methods.


Public Methods
static void closeContext(Context ctx)
static void closeEnumeration(NamingEnumeration ne)
static String convertPasswordToString(Object passObj)
static DistinguishedName getFullDn(DistinguishedName dn, Context baseCtx)
Gets the full dn of a name by prepending the name of the context it is relative to.
static String getRelativeName(String fullDn, Context baseCtx)
Obtains the part of a DN relative to a supplied base context.
static String parseRootDnFromUrl(String url)
Works out the root DN for an LDAP URL.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public static void closeContext (Context ctx)

public static void closeEnumeration (NamingEnumeration ne)

public static String convertPasswordToString (Object passObj)

public static DistinguishedName getFullDn (DistinguishedName dn, Context baseCtx)

Gets the full dn of a name by prepending the name of the context it is relative to. If the name already contains the base name, it is returned unaltered.

public static String getRelativeName (String fullDn, Context baseCtx)

Obtains the part of a DN relative to a supplied base context.

If the DN is "cn=bob,ou=people,dc=springframework,dc=org" and the base context name is "ou=people,dc=springframework,dc=org" it would return "cn=bob".

fullDn the DN
baseCtx the context to work out the name relative to.
  • the
NamingException any exceptions thrown by the context are propagated.

public static String parseRootDnFromUrl (String url)

Works out the root DN for an LDAP URL.

For example, the URL ldap://monkeymachine:11389/dc=springframework,dc=org has the root DN "dc=springframework,dc=org".

url the LDAP URL
  • the root DN