public class


extends Object
implements Serializable HibernateProxy
   ↳ org.hibernate.proxy.dom4j.Dom4jProxy

Class Overview

Proxy for "dom4j" entity representations.


Public Constructors
Dom4jProxy(Dom4jLazyInitializer li)
Public Methods
void accept(Visitor visitor)
void add(CDATA cdata)
void add(Attribute attribute)
void add(ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction)
void add(Element element)
void add(Namespace namespace)
void add(Entity entity)
void add(Comment comment)
void add(Text text)
void add(Node node)
Element addAttribute(String attrName, String text)
Element addAttribute(QName attrName, String text)
Element addCDATA(String text)
Element addComment(String text)
Element addElement(String name)
Element addElement(String name, String text)
Element addElement(QName qName)
Element addEntity(String name, String text)
Element addNamespace(String prefix, String uri)
Element addProcessingInstruction(String target, String text)
Element addProcessingInstruction(String target, Map data)
Element addText(String text)
List additionalNamespaces()
void appendAttributes(Element element)
void appendContent(Branch branch)
String asXML()
Node asXPathResult(Element element)
Attribute attribute(QName qName)
Attribute attribute(int i)
Attribute attribute(String name)
int attributeCount()
Iterator attributeIterator()
String attributeValue(String name)
String attributeValue(QName qName, String defaultValue)
String attributeValue(QName qName)
String attributeValue(String name, String defaultValue)
List attributes()
void clearContent()
Object clone()
List content()
Element createCopy()
Element createCopy(QName qName)
Element createCopy(String name)
XPath createXPath(String xpath)
List declaredNamespaces()
Node detach()
Element element(String name)
Element element(QName qName)
Element elementByID(String id)
Iterator elementIterator(QName qName)
Iterator elementIterator()
Iterator elementIterator(String name)
String elementText(QName qName)
String elementText(String name)
String elementTextTrim(String name)
String elementTextTrim(QName qName)
List elements(QName qName)
List elements()
List elements(String name)
Object getData()
Document getDocument()
LazyInitializer getHibernateLazyInitializer()
Get the underlying lazy initialization handler.
String getName()
Namespace getNamespace()
Namespace getNamespaceForPrefix(String s)
Namespace getNamespaceForURI(String s)
String getNamespacePrefix()
String getNamespaceURI()
List getNamespacesForURI(String s)
short getNodeType()
String getNodeTypeName()
Element getParent()
String getPath()
String getPath(Element element)
QName getQName()
QName getQName(String s)
String getQualifiedName()
String getStringValue()
String getText()
String getTextTrim()
String getUniquePath(Element element)
String getUniquePath()
Node getXPathResult(int i)
boolean hasContent()
boolean hasMixedContent()
int indexOf(Node node)
boolean isReadOnly()
boolean isRootElement()
boolean isTextOnly()
boolean matches(String xpath)
Node node(int i)
int nodeCount()
Iterator nodeIterator()
void normalize()
Number numberValueOf(String xpath)
ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction(String name)
List processingInstructions()
List processingInstructions(String name)
boolean remove(Namespace namespace)
boolean remove(Element element)
boolean remove(Node node)
boolean remove(Entity entity)
boolean remove(Text text)
boolean remove(ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction)
boolean remove(Comment comment)
boolean remove(Attribute attribute)
boolean remove(CDATA cdata)
boolean removeProcessingInstruction(String name)
List selectNodes(String xpath, String comparison, boolean removeDups)
List selectNodes(String xpath)
List selectNodes(String xpath, String comparison)
Object selectObject(String xpath)
Node selectSingleNode(String xpath)
void setAttributeValue(String name, String value)
This method is deprecated. No replacement.
void setAttributeValue(QName qName, String value)
This method is deprecated. No replacement.
void setAttributes(List list)
void setContent(List list)
void setData(Object data)
void setDocument(Document document)
void setName(String name)
void setParent(Element element)
void setProcessingInstructions(List list)
void setQName(QName qName)
void setText(String text)
boolean supportsParent()
String valueOf(String xpath)
void write(Writer writer)
Object writeReplace()
Perform serialization-time write-replacement of this proxy.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy

Public Constructors

public Dom4jProxy (Dom4jLazyInitializer li)

Public Methods

public void accept (Visitor visitor)

public void add (CDATA cdata)

public void add (Attribute attribute)

public void add (ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction)

public void add (Element element)

public void add (Namespace namespace)

public void add (Entity entity)

public void add (Comment comment)

public void add (Text text)

public void add (Node node)

public Element addAttribute (String attrName, String text)

public Element addAttribute (QName attrName, String text)

public Element addCDATA (String text)

public Element addComment (String text)

public Element addElement (String name)

public Element addElement (String name, String text)

public Element addElement (QName qName)

public Element addEntity (String name, String text)

public Element addNamespace (String prefix, String uri)

public Element addProcessingInstruction (String target, String text)

public Element addProcessingInstruction (String target, Map data)

public Element addText (String text)

public List additionalNamespaces ()

public void appendAttributes (Element element)

public void appendContent (Branch branch)

public String asXML ()

public Node asXPathResult (Element element)

public Attribute attribute (QName qName)

public Attribute attribute (int i)

public Attribute attribute (String name)

public int attributeCount ()

public Iterator attributeIterator ()

public String attributeValue (String name)

public String attributeValue (QName qName, String defaultValue)

public String attributeValue (QName qName)

public String attributeValue (String name, String defaultValue)

public List attributes ()

public void clearContent ()

public Object clone ()

public List content ()

public Element createCopy ()

public Element createCopy (QName qName)

public Element createCopy (String name)

public XPath createXPath (String xpath)


public List declaredNamespaces ()

public Node detach ()

public Element element (String name)

public Element element (QName qName)

public Element elementByID (String id)

public Iterator elementIterator (QName qName)

public Iterator elementIterator ()

public Iterator elementIterator (String name)

public String elementText (QName qName)

public String elementText (String name)

public String elementTextTrim (String name)

public String elementTextTrim (QName qName)

public List elements (QName qName)

public List elements ()

public List elements (String name)

public Object getData ()

public Document getDocument ()

public LazyInitializer getHibernateLazyInitializer ()

Get the underlying lazy initialization handler.

  • The lazy initializer.

public String getName ()

public Namespace getNamespace ()

public Namespace getNamespaceForPrefix (String s)

public Namespace getNamespaceForURI (String s)

public String getNamespacePrefix ()

public String getNamespaceURI ()

public List getNamespacesForURI (String s)

public short getNodeType ()

public String getNodeTypeName ()

public Element getParent ()

public String getPath ()

public String getPath (Element element)

public QName getQName ()

public QName getQName (String s)

public String getQualifiedName ()

public String getStringValue ()

public String getText ()

public String getTextTrim ()

public String getUniquePath (Element element)

public String getUniquePath ()

public Node getXPathResult (int i)

public boolean hasContent ()

public boolean hasMixedContent ()

public int indexOf (Node node)

public boolean isReadOnly ()

public boolean isRootElement ()

public boolean isTextOnly ()

public boolean matches (String xpath)

public Node node (int i)

public int nodeCount ()

public Iterator nodeIterator ()

public void normalize ()

public Number numberValueOf (String xpath)

public ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction (String name)

public List processingInstructions ()

public List processingInstructions (String name)

public boolean remove (Namespace namespace)

public boolean remove (Element element)

public boolean remove (Node node)

public boolean remove (Entity entity)

public boolean remove (Text text)

public boolean remove (ProcessingInstruction processingInstruction)

public boolean remove (Comment comment)

public boolean remove (Attribute attribute)

public boolean remove (CDATA cdata)

public boolean removeProcessingInstruction (String name)

public List selectNodes (String xpath, String comparison, boolean removeDups)

public List selectNodes (String xpath)

public List selectNodes (String xpath, String comparison)

public Object selectObject (String xpath)

public Node selectSingleNode (String xpath)

public void setAttributeValue (String name, String value)

This method is deprecated.
No replacement.

public void setAttributeValue (QName qName, String value)

This method is deprecated.
No replacement.

public void setAttributes (List list)

public void setContent (List list)

public void setData (Object data)

public void setDocument (Document document)

public void setName (String name)

public void setParent (Element element)

public void setProcessingInstructions (List list)

public void setQName (QName qName)

public void setText (String text)

public boolean supportsParent ()

public String valueOf (String xpath)

public void write (Writer writer)


public Object writeReplace ()

Perform serialization-time write-replacement of this proxy.

  • The serializable proxy replacement.