Class Index



AbstractAnsiTrimEmulationFunction A SQLFunction providing support for implementing TRIM functionality (as defined by both the ANSI SQL and JPA specs) in cases where the dialect may not support the full trim function itself. 
AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject Convenience base class for AuxiliaryDatabaseObjects. 
AbstractBatcher Manages prepared statements and batching. 
AbstractBynaryType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
AbstractCharArrayType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
AbstractClassTransformerImpl Basic implementation of the ClassTransformer contract. 
AbstractCollectionEvent Defines a base class for events involving collections. 
AbstractCollectionPersister Base implementation of the QueryableCollection interface. 
AbstractComponentTuplizer Support for tuplizers relating to components. 
AbstractComponentType This interface is deprecated. in favor of CompositeType  
AbstractDialectResolver A templated resolver impl which delegates to the resolveDialectInternal(DatabaseMetaData) method and handles any thrown SQLExceptions. 
AbstractEmptinessExpression Implementation of AbstractEmptinessExpression. 
AbstractEntityJoinWalker Abstract walker for walkers which begin at an entity (criteria queries and entity loaders). 
AbstractEntityPersister Basic functionality for persisting an entity via JDBC through either generated or custom SQL 
AbstractEntityTuplizer Support for tuplizers relating to entities. 
AbstractEvent Defines a base class for Session generated events. 
AbstractExplicitParameterSpecification Convenience base class for explicitly defined query parameters. 
AbstractFlushingEventListener A convenience base class for listeners whose functionality results in flushing. 
AbstractInstrumenter Provides the basic templating of how instrumentation should occur. 
AbstractInstrumenter.CustomFieldFilter Allows control over what exacctly to transform. 
AbstractJndiBoundCacheProvider Support for CacheProvider implementations which are backed by caches bound into JNDI namespace. 
AbstractLazyInitializer Convenience base class for lazy initialization handlers. 
AbstractLobCreator Convenient base class for proxy-based LobCreator for handling wrapping. 
AbstractLobType This class is deprecated. No replacement. 
AbstractLockUpgradeEventListener A convenience base class for listeners that respond to requests to perform a pessimistic lock upgrade on an entity. 
AbstractLongBinaryType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
AbstractLongStringType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
AbstractMapComponentNode TODO : javadoc 
AbstractNullnessCheckNode Base class for nodes dealing 'is null' and 'is not null' operators. 
AbstractPersistentCollection Base class implementing PersistentCollection 
AbstractPostInsertGenerator Basic implementation of the PostInsertIdentifierGenerator contract. 
AbstractPreDatabaseOperationEvent Represents an operation we are about to perform against the database. 
AbstractPropertyMapping Basic implementation of the PropertyMapping contract. 
AbstractQueryImpl Abstract implementation of the Query interface. 
AbstractReassociateEventListener A convenience base class for listeners that respond to requests to reassociate an entity to a session ( such as through lock() or update() ). 
AbstractRestrictableStatement Convenience implementation of RestrictableStatement to centralize common functionality. 
AbstractReturningDelegate Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy causes the enerated identitifer to be returned as an effect of performing the insert statement. 
AbstractSaveEventListener A convenience bas class for listeners responding to save events. 
AbstractScrollableResults Implementation of the ScrollableResults interface 
AbstractSelectExpression Partial implementation of SelectExpression for all the nodes that aren't constructors. 
AbstractSelectingDelegate Abstract InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate implementation where the underlying strategy requires an subsequent select after the insert to determine the generated identifier. 
AbstractSelectLockingStrategy Base LockingStrategy implementation to support implementations based on issuing SQL SELECT statements 
AbstractSerializableProxy Convenience base class for SerializableProxy. 
AbstractSessionImpl Functionality common to stateless and stateful sessions 
AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType<T> TODO : javadoc 
AbstractStandardBasicType<T> TODO : javadoc 
AbstractStatement Convenience implementation of Statement to centralize common functionality. 
AbstractStatementExecutor Implementation of AbstractStatementExecutor. 
AbstractType Abstract superclass of the built in Type hierarchy. 
AbstractTypeDescriptor<T> Abstract adapter for Java type descriptors. 
AbstractUUIDGenerator The base class for identifier generators that use a UUID algorithm. 
AbstractVisitor Abstract superclass of algorithms that walk a tree of property values of an entity, and perform specific functionality for collections, components and associated entities. 
AccessCallback Contract for providing callback access to a DatabaseStructure, typically from the Optimizer
AccessOptimizerAdapter This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
AccessOptimizerAdapter The ReflectionOptimizer#AccessOptimizer implementation for Javassist which simply acts as an adapter to the BulkAccessor class. 
AccessType Property Access type Prefer the standard javax.persistence.Access annotation 
AccessType The types of access strategies available. 
AccessType Enum defining deifferent access strategies for accessing entity values. 
ActionQueue Responsible for maintaining the queue of actions related to events. 
AdaptedImmutableType<T> Optimize a mutable type, if the user promises not to mutable the instances. 
AfterCompletionAction TODO : javadoc 
AfterTransactionCompletionProcess Contract representing some process that needs to occur during after transaction completion. 
AggregatedSelectExpression Contract for a select expression which aggregates other select expressions together into a single return 
AggregateNode Represents an aggregate function i.e. 
AggregateProjection Base class for standard aggregation functions. 
Alias An alias generator for SQL identifiers 
AliasGenerator Generates class/table/column aliases during semantic analysis and SQL rendering. 
AliasGenerator TODO : javadoc 
AliasToBeanConstructorResultTransformer Wraps the tuples in a constructor call. 
AliasToBeanResultTransformer Result transformer that allows to transform a result to a user specified class which will be populated via setter methods or fields matching the alias names. 
AliasToEntityMapResultTransformer ResultTransformer implementation which builds a map for each "row", made up of each aliased value where the alias is the map key. 
AlternativeLobTypes<S, T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding LOB values. 
AlternativeLobTypes.BlobTypes<S, T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding BLOB values. 
AlternativeLobTypes.ClobTypes<S, T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding CLOB values. 
AnnotatedClassType Type of annotation of a class will give its type 
AnnotationBinder JSR 175 annotation binder which reads the annotations from classes, applies the principles of the EJB3 spec and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the org.hibernate.mapping package) 
AnnotationConfiguration This class is deprecated. All functionality has been moved to Configuration  
AnnotationException Annotation related exception. 
ANSICaseFragment An ANSI SQL CASE expression. 
ANSIJoinFragment An ANSI-style join 
AnsiTrimEmulationFunction A SQLFunction implementation that emulates the ANSI SQL trim function on dialects which do not support the full definition. 
AnsiTrimFunction Defines support for rendering according to ANSI SQL TRIM function specification. 
Any Define a ToOne association pointing to several entity types. 
Any A Hibernate "any" type (ie. 
AnyMetaDef Defines @Any and @manyToAny metadata 
AnyMetaDefs Defines @Any and @ManyToAny set of metadata. 
AnyType Handles "any" mappings 
Array An array mapping has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column. 
ArrayBinder Bind an Array 
ArrayMutabilityPlan<T> A mutability plan for arrays. 
ArrayType A type for persistent arrays. 
AssertionFailure Indicates failure of an assertion: a possible bug in Hibernate. 
Assigned assigned

An IdentifierGenerator that returns the current identifier assigned to an instance. 
AssignmentSpecification Encapsulates the information relating to an individual assignment within the set clause of an HQL update statement. 
Association Models the association of a given fetch. 
AssociationType A type that represents some kind of association between entities. 
ASTAppender Appends child nodes to a parent efficiently. 
ASTIterator Depth first iteration of an ANTLR AST. 
ASTParentsFirstIterator Depth first iteration of an ANTLR AST. 
ASTPrinter Utility for generating pretty "ASCII art" representations of syntax trees. 
ASTQueryTranslatorFactory Generates translators which uses the Antlr-based parser to perform the translation. 
ASTUtil Provides utility methods for AST traversal and manipulation. 
ASTUtil.FilterPredicate Filters nodes out of a tree. 
ASTUtil.IncludePredicate A predicate that uses inclusion, rather than exclusion semantics. 
AutoFlushEvent Defines an event class for the auto-flushing of a session. 
AutoFlushEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session auto-flush events. 
AuxiliaryDatabaseObject Auxiliary database objects (i.e., triggers, stored procedures, etc) defined in the mappings. 
AvgProjection An avg() projection 
AvgWithArgumentCastFunction Some databases strictly return the type of the of the aggregation value for AVG which is problematic in the case of averaging integers because the decimals will be dropped. 


BackrefPropertyAccessor Represents a "back-reference" to the id of a collection owner. 
BackrefPropertyAccessor.BackrefGetter Internal implementation of a property getter specific to these back-ref properties. 
BackrefPropertyAccessor.BackrefSetter Internal implementation of a property setter specific to these back-ref properties. 
Bag A bag permits duplicates, so it has no primary key 
BagBinder Bind a bag. 
BaseRegionAdapter Basic adapter bridging between Region and Cache
BasicBinder<J> Convenience base implementation of ValueBinder 
BasicClassFilter BasicClassFilter provides class filtering based on a series of packages to be included and/or a series of explicit class names to be included. 
BasicCollectionJoinWalker Walker for collections of values and many-to-many associations 
BasicCollectionLoader Loads a collection of values or a many-to-many association. 
BasicCollectionPersister Collection persister for collections of values and many-to-many associations. 
BasicDialectResolver Intended as support for custom resolvers. 
BasicExecutor Implementation of BasicExecutor. 
BasicExtractor<J> Convenience base implementation of ValueExtractor 
BasicFormatterImpl Performs formatting of basic SQL statements (DML + query). 
BasicInstrumentationTask Super class for all Hibernate instrumentation tasks. 
BasicLazyInitializer Lazy initializer for POJOs 
BasicLoader Uses the default mapping from property to result set column alias defined by the entities' persisters. 
BasicPropertyAccessor Accesses property values via a get/set pair, which may be nonpublic. 
BasicProxyFactory A proxy factory for "basic proxy" generation 
BasicSQLExceptionConverter A helper to centralize conversion of java.sql.SQLExceptions to JDBCExceptions. 
BasicTransformerAdapter Provides the basic "noop" impls of the ResultTransformer contract. 
BasicType Marker interface for basic types. 
BasicTypeRegistry A registry of BasicType instances 
BatchedTooManyRowsAffectedException Much like TooManyRowsAffectedException, indicates that more rows than what we were expcecting were affected. 
Batcher Manages PreparedStatements for a session. 
BatcherFactory Factory for Batcher instances. 
BatchFailedException Indicates a failed batch entry (-3 return). 
BatchFetchQueue Tracks entity and collection keys that are available for batch fetching, and the queries which were used to load entities, which can be re-used as a subquery for loading owned collections. 
BatchingBatcher An implementation of the Batcher interface that actually uses batching 
BatchingBatcherFactory A BatcherFactory implementation which constructs Batcher instances capable of actually performing batch operations. 
BatchingCollectionInitializer "Batch" loads collections, using multiple foreign key values in the SQL where clause. 
BatchingEntityLoader "Batch" loads entities, using multiple primary key values in the SQL where clause. 
BatchSize Batch size for SQL loading 
BeanValidationActivator This class has no hard dependency on Bean Validation APIs It must use reflection every time BV is required. 
BeanValidationEventListener Event listener used to enable Bean Validation for insert/update/delete events. 
BeforeCompletionManagedFlushChecker Contract for checking whether to perform a managed flush in a javax.transaction.Synchronization#beforeCompletion() callback 
BeforeTransactionCompletionProcess Contract representing some process that needs to occur during before transaction completion. 
BESTransactionManagerLookup A TransactionManager lookup strategy for Borland ES. 
BetweenExpression Constrains a property to between two values 
BetweenOperatorNode Contract for nodes representing logcial BETWEEN (ternary) operators. 
BigDecimalType A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigDecimal. 
BigDecimalTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BigDecimal handling. 
BigIntegerType A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigInteger. 
BigIntegerTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BigInteger handling. 
BigIntTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BIGINT handling. 
BinaryArithmeticOperatorNode Nodes which represent binary arithmetic operators. 
BinaryLogicOperatorNode Contract for nodes representing binary operators. 
BinaryOperatorNode Contract for nodes representing binary operators. 
BinaryStream Wraps a binary stream to also provide the length which is needed when binding. 
BinaryStreamImpl Implementation of BinaryStream 
BinaryType A type that maps between a VARBINARY and byte[] 
BinaryTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BINARY handling. 
BitTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BIT handling. 
BlobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually created java.sql.Blob instances.. 
BlobProxy Manages aspects of proxying Blob Blobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations. 
BlobType A type that maps between BLOB and Blob 
BlobTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Blob handling. 
BlobTypeDescriptor Descriptor for BLOB handling. 
BooleanLiteralNode Represents a boolean literal within a query. 
BooleanType A type that maps between BIT and Boolean 
BooleanTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Boolean handling. 
BorrowedConnectionProxy A proxy for borrowed connections which funnels all requests back into the ConnectionManager from which it was borrowed to be properly handled (in terms of connection release modes). 
BTMTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManager lookup strategy for BTM 
BulkAccessor A JavaBean accessor. 
BulkAccessorException An exception thrown while generating a bulk accessor. 
BulkOperationCleanupAction An ActionQueue Executable for ensuring shared cache cleanup in relation to performed bulk HQL queries. 
ByteArrayBlobType This class is deprecated. replaced by WrappedMaterializedBlobType  
ByteArrayTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
ByteCodeHelper A helper for reading byte code from various input sources. 
BytecodeProvider Contract for providers of bytecode services to Hibernate. 
BytecodeProviderImpl This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
BytecodeProviderImpl Bytecode provider implementation for Javassist. 
ByteType A type that maps between TINYINT and Byte 
ByteTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Byte handling. 


Cache Provides an API for querying/managing the second level cache regions. 
Cache Add caching strategy to a root entity or a collection 
Cache This interface is deprecated. As of 3.3; see for details.  
Cache71Dialect Caché 2007.1 dialect. 
CacheConcurrencyStrategy Cache concurrency strategy 
CacheConcurrencyStrategy This interface is deprecated. As of 3.3; see for details.  
CacheDataDescription Describes attributes regarding the type of data to be cached. 
CacheEntry A cached instance of a persistent class 
CacheException Something went wrong in the cache  
CacheJoinFragment A Caché dialect join. 
CacheKey Allows multiple entity classes / collection roles to be stored in the same cache region. 
CacheMode Controls how the session interacts with the second-level cache and query cache. 
CacheModeType Enumeration for the different interaction modes between the session and the Level 2 Cache. 
CacheProvider This interface is deprecated. As of 3.3; see for details.  
CacheSQLStateConverter A SQLExceptionConverter implementation specific to Caché SQL, accounting for its custom integrity constraint violation error codes. 
CacheSynchronization A JTA transaction synch used to allow the Session to know about transaction events. 
CalendarDateType A type mapping DATE and Calendar 
CalendarDateTypeDescriptor Descriptor for java.util.Calendar handling, but just for the date (month, day, year) portion. 
CalendarType A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Calendar 
CalendarTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Calendar handling. 
CallbackCoordinator Manages callbacks from the javax.transaction.Synchronization registered by Hibernate. 
CallbackException Should be thrown by persistent objects from Lifecycle or Interceptor callbacks. 
Cascade Apply a cascade strategy on an association  
Cascade Delegate responsible for, in conjunction with the various actions, implementing cascade processing. 
CascadeStyle A contract for defining the aspects of cascading various persistence actions. 
CascadeType Cascade types (can override default EJB3 cascades  
CascadingAction A session action that may be cascaded from parent entity to its children 
Case2Node Represents a case ... 
CaseFragment Abstract SQL case fragment renderer 
CaseNode Represents a case ... 
CastFunction ANSI-SQL style cast(foo as type) where the type is a Hibernate type 
CategorizedStatistics Statistics for a particular "category" (a named entity, collection role, second level cache region or query). 
CglibClassTransformer This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
CGLIBInstrumenter Strategy for performing build-time instrumentation of persistent classes in order to enable field-level interception using CGLIB. 
CGLIBLazyInitializer This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
CGLIBProxyFactory This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
CharacterArrayClobType A type that maps between CLOB and Character Character[]

Essentially a MaterializedClobType but represented as a Character[] in Java rather than String. 

CharacterArrayType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Character Character[] 
CharacterArrayTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
CharacterStream Wraps a character stream (reader) to also provide the length (number of characters) which is needed when binding. 
CharacterStreamImpl Implementation of CharacterStream 
CharacterType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Character 
CharacterTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Character handling. 
CharArrayType A type that maps between VARCHAR and char[] 
CharBooleanType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
CharIndexFunction Emulation of locate() on Sybase 
CharTypeDescriptor Descriptor for CHAR handling. 
Check Arbitrary SQL check constraints which can be defined at the class, property or collection level 
ClassDescriptor Contract describing the information Hibernate needs in terms of instrumenting a class, either via ant task or dynamic classloader. 
ClassFilter Used to determine whether a class should be instrumented. 
ClassicAvgFunction Classic AVG sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1  
ClassicCountFunction Classic COUNT sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1  
ClassicQueryTranslatorFactory Generates translators which uses the older hand-written parser to perform the translation. 
ClassicSumFunction Classic SUM sqlfunction that return types as it was done in Hibernate 3.1  
ClassMetadata Exposes entity class metadata to the application 
ClassTransformer A persistence provider provides an instance of this interface to the PersistenceUnitInfo.addTransformer method. 
ClassType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Class 
ClassTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
ClauseParser Parses the Hibernate query into its constituent clauses. 
ClobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually created java.sql.Clob instances.. 
ClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying Clob Clobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations. 
ClobType A type that maps between CLOB and Clob 
ClobTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Clob handling. 
ClobTypeDescriptor Descriptor for CLOB handling. 
Cloneable An object that is shallow-coneable 
CMTTransaction Implements a basic transaction strategy for CMT transactions. 
CMTTransactionFactory Factory for CMTTransaction instances. 
CollationSpecification Models a collation specification (COLLATE using a specific character-set) within a SortSpecification
Collection Mapping for a collection. 
CollectionAccessStrategyAdapter Adapter specifically bridging CollectionRegionAccessStrategy to CacheConcurrencyStrategy
CollectionAction Any action relating to insert/update/delete of a collection 
CollectionAliases Type definition of CollectionAliases. 
CollectionBinder Base class for binding different types of collections to Hibernate configuration objects. 
CollectionEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of a collection with respect to its persistent state 
CollectionFetchReturn Spefically a fetch return that refers to a collection association. 
CollectionFilterImpl implementation of the Query interface for collection filters 
CollectionFilterKeyParameterSpecification A specialized ParameterSpecification impl for dealing with a collection-key as part of a collection filter compilation. 
CollectionFunction Represents 'elements()' or 'indices()'. 
CollectionHelper Various help for handling collections. 
CollectionId Describe an identifier column for a bag (ie an idbag) EXPERIMENTAL: the structure of this annotation might slightly change (generator() mix strategy and generator 
CollectionInitializer An interface for collection loaders 
CollectionJoinWalker Superclass of walkers for collection initializers 
CollectionKey Uniquely identifies a collection instance in a particular session. 
CollectionLoadContext Represents state associated with the processing of a given ResultSet in regards to loading collections. 
CollectionLoader Superclass for loaders that initialize collections 
CollectionMetadata Exposes collection metadata to the application 
CollectionOfElements This @interface is deprecated. use @ElementCollection 
CollectionPersister A strategy for persisting a collection role. 
CollectionProperties Provides a map of collection function names to the corresponding property names. 
CollectionPropertyNames The names of all the collection properties. 
CollectionRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store collection data. 
CollectionRegionAccessStrategy Contract for managing transactional and concurrent access to cached collection data. 
CollectionRegionAdapter Adapter specifically bridging CollectionRegion to Cache
CollectionReturn Represents a return which names a collection role; it is used in defining a custom query for loading an entity's collection in non-fetching scenarios (i.e., loading the collection itself as the "root" of the result). 
Collections Implements book-keeping for the collection persistence by reachability algorithm 
CollectionSecondPass Collection second pass 
CollectionStatistics Collection related statistics 
CollectionStatisticsImpl Collection related statistics 
CollectionSubqueryFactory Provides the SQL for collection subqueries. 
CollectionType A type that handles Hibernate PersistentCollections (including arrays). 
Column A column of a relational database table 
ColumnCollectionAliases CollectionAliases that uses columnnames instead of generated aliases. 
ColumnEntityAliases EntityAliases that chooses the column names over the alias names. 
ColumnHelper Provides utility methods for dealing with arrays of SQL column names. 
ColumnMapper Contract for mapping a (an assumed) property reference to its columns. 
ColumnMetadata JDBC column metadata 
ColumnNameCache Cache of column-name -> column-index resolutions 
Columns Support an array of columns. 
ColumnTransformer Custom SQL expression used to read the value from and write a value to a column. 
ColumnTransformers Plural annotation for @ColumnTransformer. 
ComparableComparator Delegates to Comparable 
Component The mapping for a component, composite element, composite identifier, etc. 
ComponentJoin Models an explicit join terminating at a component value (e.g. 
ComponentMetamodel Centralizes metamodel information about a component. 
ComponentPropertyHolder Component implementation of property holder 
ComponentTuplizer Defines further responsibilities regarding tuplization based on a mapped components. 
ComponentTuplizerFactory A registry allowing users to define the default ComponentTuplizer class to use per EntityMode
ComponentType Handles "component" mappings 
CompositeCustomType Adapts CompositeUserType to the Type interface 
CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator For composite identifiers, defines a number of "nested" generations that need to happen to "fill" the identifier property(s). 
CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator.GenerationContextLocator Contract for declaring how to locate the context for sub-value injection. 
CompositeNestedGeneratedValueGenerator.GenerationPlan Contract for performing the actual sub-value generation, usually injecting it into the determined context  
CompositeType Contract for value types to hold collections and have cascades, etc. 
CompositeUserType A UserType that may be dereferenced in a query. 
ConcurrentCollectionStatisticsImpl Collection related statistics 
ConcurrentEntityStatisticsImpl Entity related statistics 
ConcurrentQueryStatisticsImpl Query statistics (HQL and SQL)

Note that for a cached query, the cache miss is equals to the db count 

ConcurrentSecondLevelCacheStatisticsImpl Second level cache statistics of a specific region 
ConcurrentStatisticsImpl Implementation of Statistics, as well as StatisticsImplementor, based on the java.util.concurrent package introduced in Java 5. 
ConditionalParenthesisFunction Essentially the same as StandardSQLFunction, except that here the parentheses are not included when no arguments are given. 
ConfigHelper A simple class to centralize logic needed to locate config files on the system. 
Configurable The Configurable interface defines the contract for SQLExceptionConverter impls that want to be configured prior to usage given the currently defined Hibernate properties. 
Configurable An IdentifierGenerator that supports "configuration". 
Configuration An instance of Configuration allows the application to specify properties and mapping documents to be used when creating a SessionFactory
Configuration.MappingsImpl Internal implementation of the Mappings interface giving access to the Configuration's internal metadata repository state (classes, tables, etc). 
ConnectionManager Encapsulates JDBC Connection management logic needed by Hibernate. 
ConnectionProvider A strategy for obtaining JDBC connections. 
ConnectionProviderFactory Instantiates a connection provider given either System properties or a java.util.Properties instance. 
ConnectionReleaseMode Defines the various policies by which Hibernate might release its underlying JDBC connection. 
ConnectionWrapper Interface implemented by JDBC connection wrappers in order to give access to the underlying wrapped connection. 
Constraint A relational constraint. 
ConstraintViolationException Implementation of JDBCException indicating that the requested DML operation resulted in a violation of a defined integrity constraint. 
ConstructorNode Represents a constructor (new) in a SELECT. 
ContextualLobCreator LobCreator implementation using contextual creation against the JDBC java.sql.Connection class's LOB creation methods. 
ConvertFunction A Caché defintion of a convert function. 
CountNode Represents a COUNT expression in a select. 
CountProjection A count 
Criteria Criteria is a simplified API for retrieving entities by composing Criterion objects. 
CriteriaImpl Implementation of the Criteria interface 
CriteriaJoinWalker A JoinWalker for Criteria queries. 
CriteriaLoader A Loader for Criteria queries. 
CriteriaQuery An instance of CriteriaQuery is passed to criterion, order and projection instances when actually compiling and executing the query. 
Criterion An object-oriented representation of a query criterion that may be used as a restriction in a Criteria query. 
CurrencyType A type that maps between VARCHAR and Currency 
CurrencyTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
CurrentSessionContext Defines the contract for implementations which know how to scope the notion of a current session
CustomCollectionType A custom type for mapping user-written classes that implement PersistentCollection 
CustomLoader Extension point for loaders which use a SQL result set with "unexpected" column aliases. 
CustomQuery Extension point allowing any SQL query with named and positional parameters to be executed by Hibernate, returning managed entities, collections and simple scalar values. 
CustomType Adapts UserType to the generic Type interface, in order to isolate user code from changes in the internal Type contracts. 
CustomVersionOneStrategy Applies a version 1 (time-based) generation strategy (using ip address rather than mac address) but applies them in a different layout. 


DatabaseMetadata JDBC database metadata 
DatabaseStructure Encapsulates definition of the underlying data structure backing a sequence-style generator. 
DataException Implementation of JDBCException indicating that evaluation of the valid SQL statement against the given data resulted in some illegal operation, mismatched types or incorrect cardinality. 
DataHelper A help for dealing with BLOB and CLOB data 
DatasourceConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses a DataSource registered with JNDI. 
DateType A type that maps between DATE and java.sql.Date 
DateTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
DateTypeDescriptor Descriptor for DATE handling. 
DB2390Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2/390. 
DB2400Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2/400. 
DB2Dialect An SQL dialect for DB2. 
DbTimestampType dbtimestamp: An extension of TimestampType which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the jvm's current timestamp. 
DDLFormatterImpl Performs formatting of DDL SQL statements. 
DecimalTypeDescriptor Descriptor for DECIMAL handling. 
DecodeCaseFragment An Oracle-style DECODE function. 
DefaultAutoFlushEventListener Defines the default flush event listeners used by hibernate for flushing session state in response to generated auto-flush events. 
DefaultDeleteEventListener Defines the default delete event listener used by hibernate for deleting entities from the datastore in response to generated delete events. 
DefaultDirtyCheckEventListener Defines the default dirty-check event listener used by hibernate for checking the session for dirtiness in response to generated dirty-check events. 
DefaultEntityAliases EntityAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property), before using the default aliases. 
DefaultEvictEventListener Defines the default evict event listener used by hibernate for evicting entities in response to generated flush events. 
DefaultFlushEntityEventListener An event that occurs for each entity instance at flush time 
DefaultFlushEventListener Defines the default flush event listeners used by hibernate for flushing session state in response to generated flush events. 
DefaultIdentifierGeneratorFactory Basic templated support for IdentifierGeneratorFactory implementations. 
DefaultLoadEventListener Defines the default load event listeners used by hibernate for loading entities in response to generated load events. 
DefaultLockEventListener Defines the default lock event listeners used by hibernate to lock entities in response to generated lock events. 
DefaultMergeEventListener Defines the default copy event listener used by hibernate for copying entities in response to generated copy events. 
DefaultNamingStrategy The default NamingStrategy 
DefaultPersistEventListener Defines the default create event listener used by hibernate for creating transient entities in response to generated create events. 
DefaultPersistOnFlushEventListener When persist is used as the cascade action, persistOnFlush should be used 
DefaultPostLoadEventListener We do 2 things here: 
DefaultPreLoadEventListener Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. 
DefaultRefreshEventListener Defines the default refresh event listener used by hibernate for refreshing entities in response to generated refresh events. 
DefaultReplicateEventListener Defines the default replicate event listener used by Hibernate to replicate entities in response to generated replicate events. 
DefaultSaveEventListener An event handler for save() events 
DefaultSaveOrUpdateEventListener Defines the default listener used by Hibernate for handling save-update events. 
DefaultUpdateEventListener An event handler for update() events 
DelayedPostInsertIdentifier Acts as a stand-in for an entity identifier which is supposed to be generated on insert (like an IDENTITY column) where the insert needed to be delayed because we were outside a transaction when the persist occurred (save currently still performs the insert). 
Delete An SQL DELETE statement 
DeleteEvent Defines an event class for the deletion of an entity. 
DeleteEventListener Defines the contract for handling of deletion events generated from a session. 
DeleteStatement Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL delete statement. 
DependantValue A value which is "typed" by reference to some other value (for example, a foreign key is typed by the referenced primary key). 
DerbyConcatFunction A specialized concat() function definition in which:
  1. we translate to use the concat operator ('||')
  2. wrap dynamic parameters in CASTs to VARCHAR

This last spec is to deal with a limitation on DB2 and variants (e.g. 

DerbyDialect Hibernate Dialect for Cloudscape 10 - aka Derby. 
Destructible Contract for listeners which require notification of SessionFactory closing, presumably to destroy internal state. 
DetachedCriteria Some applications need to create criteria queries in "detached mode", where the Hibernate session is not available. 
DetailedSemanticException Thrown when a call to the underlying Hibernate engine fails, indicating some form of semantic exception (e.g. 
Dialect Represents a dialect of SQL implemented by a particular RDBMS. 
DialectFactory A factory for generating Dialect instances. 
DialectResolver Contract for determining the Dialect to use based on a JDBC Connection. 
DialectResolverSet A DialectResolver implementation which coordinates resolution by delegating to its registered sub-resolvers. 
DirectPropertyAccessor Accesses fields directly. 
DirtyCheckEvent Defines an event class for the dirty-checking of a session. 
DirtyCheckEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session dirty-check events. 
DirtyCollectionSearchVisitor Do we have a dirty collection here? 1. 
DiscriminatorFormula Discriminator formula To be placed at the root entity. 
DiscriminatorMetadata Provides the information needed to properly handle type discrimination in HQL queries, either by 'something.class' or 'type(something)' references. 
DiscriminatorOptions Optional annotation to express Hibernate specific discrimintor properties. 
DiscriminatorType TODO : javadoc 
DiscriminatorType<T> Additional contract for a Type may be used for a discriminator. 
DisjunctionFragment A disjunctive string of conditions 
DisplayableNode Implementors will return additional display text, which will be used by the ASTPrinter to display information (besides the node type and node text). 
DistinctResultTransformer Distinctions the result tuples in the final result based on the defined equality of the tuples. 
DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer Much like RootEntityResultTransformer, but we also distinct the entity in the final result. 
Dom4jAccessor Responsible for accessing property values represented as a dom4j Element or Attribute. 
Dom4jAccessor.AttributeGetter For nodes like "@bar" 
Dom4jAccessor.AttributeSetter For nodes like "@bar" 
Dom4jAccessor.Dom4jGetter Defines the strategy for getting property values out of a dom4j Node. 
Dom4jAccessor.ElementAttributeGetter For nodes like "foo/@bar" 
Dom4jAccessor.ElementAttributeSetter For nodes like "foo/@bar" 
Dom4jAccessor.ElementGetter For nodes like "foo" 
Dom4jAccessor.ElementSetter For nodes like "foo" 
Dom4jAccessor.TextGetter For nodes like "." 
Dom4jAccessor.TextSetter For nodes like "." 
Dom4jComponentTuplizer A ComponentTuplizer specific to the dom4j entity mode. 
Dom4jEntityTuplizer An EntityTuplizer specific to the dom4j entity mode. 
Dom4jInstantiator Performs "instantiation" based on DOM4J elements. 
Dom4jLazyInitializer Lazy initializer for "dom4j" entity representations. 
Dom4jProxy Proxy for "dom4j" entity representations. 
Dom4jProxyFactory Builds proxies for "dom4j" entity representations. 
DotNode Represents a reference to a property or alias expression. 
DoubleType A type that maps between DOUBLE and Double 
DoubleTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Double handling. 
DoubleTypeDescriptor Descriptor for DOUBLE handling. 
DriverManagerConnectionProvider A connection provider that uses java.sql.DriverManager
DTDEntityResolver An EntityResolver implementation which attempts to resolve various systemId URLs to local classpath lookups
  1. Any systemId URL beginning with is searched for as a classpath resource in the classloader which loaded the Hibernate classes. 
DuplicateMappingException Raised whenever a duplicate for a certain type occurs. 
DynamicFilterParameterSpecification A specialized ParameterSpecification impl for dealing with a dynamic filter parameters. 
DynamicMapComponentTuplizer A ComponentTuplizer specific to the dynamic-map entity mode. 
DynamicMapEntityTuplizer An EntityTuplizer specific to the dynamic-map entity mode. 


Ejb3Column Wrap state of an EJB3 @Column annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element 
Ejb3DiscriminatorColumn Discriminator column 
EJB3DTDEntityResolver Resolve JPA xsd files locally 
Ejb3JoinColumn Wrap state of an EJB3 @JoinColumn annotation and build the Hibernate column mapping element 
EJB3NamingStrategy Naming strategy implementing the EJB3 standards 
ElementWrapper Wraps dom4j elements, allowing them to exist in a non-hierarchical structure. 
EmptyInterceptor An interceptor that does nothing. 
EnhancedProjection An "enhanced" Projection for a Criteria query. 
EnhancedUserType A custom type that may function as an identifier or discriminator type, or may be marshalled to and from an XML document 
Entity Extends javax.persistence.Entity with Hibernate features 
EntityAccessStrategyAdapter Adapter specifically bridging EntityRegionAccessStrategy to CacheConcurrencyStrategy
EntityAction Base class for actions relating to insert/update/delete of an entity instance. 
EntityAliases Metadata describing the SQL result set column aliases for a particular entity. 
EntityBinder Stateful holder and processor for binding Entity information 
EntityEntityModeToTuplizerMapping Handles mapping EntityModes to EntityTuplizers. 
EntityEntry We need an entry to tell us all about the current state of an object with respect to its persistent state 
EntityFetchReturn Spefically a fetch return that refers to an entity association. 
EntityIncrementVersionProcess Verify/Increment the entity version 
EntityJoinWalker A walker for loaders that fetch entities 
EntityKey Uniquely identifies of an entity instance in a particular session by identifier. 
EntityLoader Loads an entity instance using outerjoin fetching to fetch associated entities. 
EntityMetamodel Centralizes metamodel information about an entity. 
EntityMode Defines the representation modes available for entities. 
EntityModeToTuplizerMapping Centralizes handling of EntityMode to Tuplizer mappings. 
EntityNameResolver Contract for resolving an entity-name from a given entity instance. 
EntityNotFoundDelegate Delegate to handle the scenario of an entity not found by a specified id. 
EntityPersister Implementors define mapping and persistence logic for a particular strategy of entity mapping. 
EntityRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store entity data. 
EntityRegionAccessStrategy Contract for managing transactional and concurrent access to cached entity data. 
EntityRegionAdapter Adapter specifically bridging EntityRegion to Cache
EntityStatistics Entity related statistics 
EntityStatisticsImpl Entity related statistics 
EntityTuplizer Defines further responsibilities reagarding tuplization based on a mapped entity. 
EntityTuplizerFactory A registry allowing users to define the default EntityTuplizer class to use per EntityMode
EntityType Base for types which map associations to persistent entities. 
EntityUniqueKey Used to uniquely key an entity instance in relation to a particular session by some unique property reference, as opposed to identifier. 
EntityVerifyVersionProcess Verify/Increment the entity version 
EnumType Enum type mapper Try and find the appropriate SQL type depending on column metadata

TODO implements readobject/writeobject to recalculate the enumclasses 

Environment Provides access to configuration info passed in Properties objects. 
ErrorCounter An error handler that counts parsing errors and warnings. 
ErrorLogger Implements an ErrorHandler that mainly just logs errors/warnings. 
ErrorReporter Implementations will report or handle errors invoked by an ANTLR base parser. 
EventListeners A convience holder for all defined session event listeners. 
EvictEvent Defines an event class for the evicting of an entity. 
EvictEventListener Defines the contract for handling of evict events generated from a session. 
EvictVisitor Evict any collections referenced by the object from the session cache. 
Example Support for query by example. 
Example.PropertySelector A strategy for choosing property values for inclusion in the query criteria  
ExceptionMapper TODO : javadoc 
Executable An operation which may be scheduled for later execution. 
ExecuteUpdateResultCheckStyle For persistence operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) what style of determining results (success/failure) is to be used. 
ExecutionException Indicates problem performing the instrumentation execution. 
Expectation Defines an expected DML operation outcome. 
Expectations Holds various often used Expectations.BasicExpectation definitions. 
ExpectedTypeAwareNode Interface for nodes which wish to be made aware of any determined "expected type" based on the context within they appear in the query. 
ExplicitParameterSpecification An additional contract for parameters which originate from parameters explicitly encountered in the source statement (HQL or native-SQL). 
Expression This class is deprecated. Use Restrictions. 
ExtendedMappings This interface is deprecated. All functionality has been moved up to Mappings  
ExtendsQueueEntry Represents a mapping queued for delayed processing to await processing of an extends entity upon which it depends. 
ExternalSessionFactoryConfig Defines support for various externally configurable SessionFactory(s), for example, JMX or the JCA adapter. 


Factory Acts as a ASTFactory for injecting our specific AST node classes into the Antlr generated trees. 
Fetch Define the fetching strategy used for the given association 
Fetch Models an individual fetch within a profile. 
Fetch.Style The type or style of fetch. 
Fetchable Any mapping with an outer-join attribute 
FetchingScrollableResultsImpl Implementation of ScrollableResults which can handle collection fetches. 
FetchMode Represents an association fetching strategy. 
FetchMode Fetch options on associations 
FetchProfile Define the fetching strategy profile. 
FetchProfile A 'fetch profile' allows a user to dynamically modify the fetching strategy used for particular associations at runtime, whereas that information was historically only statically defined in the metadata. 
FetchProfile A fetch profile allows a user to dynamically modify the fetching strategy used for particular associations at runtime, whereas that information was historically only statically defined in the metadata. 
FetchProfile.Fetch Defines an individual association fetch within the given profile. 
FetchReturn Represents a return which names a fetched association. 
FieldFilter Contract for deciding whether fields should be read and/or write intercepted. 
FieldFilter Used to determine whether a field reference should be instrumented. 
FieldHandled Interface introduced to the enhanced class in order to be able to inject a FieldHandler to define the interception behavior. 
FieldHandler The interface defining how interception of a field should be handled. 
FieldInterceptionHelper Helper class for dealing with enhanced entity classes. 
FieldInterceptor Contract for field interception handlers. 
FieldInterceptorImpl A field-level interceptor that initializes lazily fetched properties. 
FieldInterceptorImpl A field-level interceptor that initializes lazily fetched properties. 
FieldTransformer The thing that handles actual class enhancement in regards to intercepting field accesses. 
Filter Type definition of Filter. 
Filter Add filters to an entity or a target entity of a collection 
Filterable Defines mapping elements to which filters may be applied. 
FilterDef Filter definition 
FilterDefinition A FilterDefinition defines the global attributes of a dynamic filter. 
FilterDefs Array of filter definitions 
FilterHelper Implementation of FilterHelper. 
FilterImpl Implementation of FilterImpl. 
FilterJoinTable Add filters to a join table collection 
FilterJoinTables Add multiple @FilterJoinTable to a collection 
FilterKey Allows cached queries to be keyed by enabled filters. 
FilterQueryPlan Extends an HQLQueryPlan to maintain a reference to the collection-role name being filtered. 
Filters Add multiple @Filters 
FilterTranslator Specialized interface for filters. 
FirebirdDialect An SQL dialect for Firebird. 
FloatType A type that maps between FLOAT and Float 
FloatTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Float handling. 
FloatTypeDescriptor Descriptor for FLOAT handling. 
FlushEvent Defines an event class for the flushing of a session. 
FlushEventListener Defines the contract for handling of session flush events. 
FlushMode Represents a flushing strategy. 
FlushModeType Enumeration extending javax.persistence flush modes. 
FlushVisitor Process collections reachable from an entity. 
ForceDiscriminator This @interface is deprecated. use DiscriminatorOptions instead  
ForeignGenerator foreign

An Identifier generator that uses the value of the id property of an associated object

One mapping parameter is required: property. 
ForeignKey A foreign key constraint 
ForeignKeyDirection Represents directionality of the foreign key constraint 
ForeignKeyMetadata JDBC foreign key metadata 
ForeignKeys Algorithms related to foreign key constraint transparency 
FormatStyle Represents the the understood types or styles of formatting. 
Formatter Formatter contract 
Formula Formula. 
Formula A formula is a derived column value 
FromClause Represents the 'FROM' part of a query or subquery, containing all mapped class references. 
FromElement Represents a single mapped class mentioned in an HQL FROM clause. 
FromElementFactory Encapsulates the creation of FromElements and JoinSequences. 
FromParser Parses the from clause of a hibernate query, looking for tables and aliases for the SQL query. 
FromReferenceNode Represents a reference to a FROM element, for example a class alias in a WHERE clause. 
FrontBaseDialect An SQL Dialect for Frontbase. 
FunctionNode Identifies a node which models a SQL function. 


GeneralDataRegion Contract for general-purpose cache regions. 
Generated The annotated property is generated by the database 
GeneratedCollectionAliases CollectionAliases which handles the logic of selecting user provided aliases (via return-property), before using the default aliases. 
GenerationTime When should the generation occurs 
GenericGenerator Generator annotation describing any kind of Hibernate generator in a detyped manner 
GenericGenerators Array of generic generator definitions 
GenericJDBCException Generic, non-specific JDBCException. 
Getter Gets values of a particular property 
GroupByParser Parses the GROUP BY clause of an aggregate query  
GUIDGenerator Generates string values using the SQL Server NEWID() function. 


H2Dialect A dialect compatible with the H2 database. 
HashtableCache A lightweight implementation of the Cache interface 
HashtableCacheProvider A simple in-memory Hashtable-based cache impl. 
HavingParser Parses the having clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an SQL having clause. 
HbmBinder Walks an XML mapping document and produces the Hibernate configuration-time metamodel (the classes in the mapping package) 
Helper TODO : javadoc 
  • Provides access to the full range of Hibernate built-in types. 
HibernateException The base Throwable type for Hibernate. 
HibernateIterator An iterator that may be "closed" 
HibernateProxy Marker interface for entity proxies 
HibernateProxyHelper Utility methods for working with proxies. 
HibernateSearchEventListenerRegister This class is deprecated. as of release 3.4.0.CR2, replaced by Hibernate Search's 
HibernateService Implementation of HibernateServiceMBean
HibernateServiceMBean Hibernate JMX Management API 
HibernateSynchronizationImpl The Synchronization implementation Hibernate registers with the JTA javax.transaction.Transaction 
HibernateTraversableResolver Use Hibernate metadata to ignore cascade on entities. 
HqlASTFactory User: Joshua Davis
Date: Sep 23, 2005
Time: 12:30:01 PM
HqlParser Implements the semantic action methods defined in the HQL base parser to keep the grammar source file a little cleaner. 
HQLQueryPlan Defines a query execution plan for an HQL query (or filter). 
HqlSqlWalker Implements methods used by the HQL->SQL tree transform grammar (a.k.a. 
HqlSqlWalkerNode A semantic analysis node, that points back to the main analyzer. 
HqlToken A custom token class for the HQL grammar. 
HSQLCaseFragment The HSQL CASEWHEN function. 
HSQLDialect An SQL dialect compatible with HSQLDB (HyperSQL). 


IdentifierBag An IdentifierBag has a primary key consisting of just the identifier column  
IdentifierCollection A collection with a synthetic "identifier" column  
IdentifierEqExpression An identifier constraint 
IdentifierGeneratingInsert Nothing more than a distinguishing subclass of Insert used to indicate intent. 
IdentifierGenerationException Thrown by IdentifierGenerator implementation class when ID generation fails. 
IdentifierGenerator The general contract between a class that generates unique identifiers and the Session
IdentifierGeneratorAggregator Identifies generators which potentially aggregate other PersistentIdentifierGenerator generators. 
IdentifierGeneratorFactory Contract for a factory of IdentifierGenerator instances. 
IdentifierGeneratorHelper Factory and helper methods for IdentifierGenerator framework. 
IdentifierProjection A property value, or grouped property value 
IdentifierProperty Represents a defined entity identifier property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. 
IdentifierType<T> Additional contract for a Type may be used for a discriminator. 
IdentifierValue A strategy for determining if an identifier value is an identifier of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. 
IdentityGenerator A generator for use with ANSI-SQL IDENTITY columns used as the primary key. 
IdentityGenerator.BasicDelegate Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect requires an additional command execution to retrieve the generated IDENTITY value  
IdentityGenerator.GetGeneratedKeysDelegate Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns using JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys  
IdentityGenerator.InsertSelectDelegate Delegate for dealing with IDENTITY columns where the dialect supports returning the generated IDENTITY value directly from the insert statement. 
IdentityMap A Map where keys are compared by object identity, rather than equals()
IdentitySet Set implementation that use == instead of equals() as its comparison mechanism. 
IdentNode Represents an identifier all by itself, which may be a function name, a class alias, or a form of naked property-ref depending on the context. 
IdGenerator Identifier generator container, Useful to keep named generator in annotations 
IlikeExpression A case-insensitive "like" 
ImageType A type that maps between LONGVARBINARY and byte[] 
Immutable Mark an Entity or a Collection as immutable. 
ImmutableMutabilityPlan<T> Mutability plan for immutable objects 
ImmutableType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
ImpliedFromElement Represents a FROM element implied by a path expression or a collection reference. 
ImprovedNamingStrategy An improved naming strategy that prefers embedded underscores to mixed case names 
IncomparableComparator TODO : javadoc 
IncrementGenerator increment

An IdentifierGenerator that returns a long, constructed by counting from the maximum primary key value at startup. 
Index Define a DB index 
Index A relational table index 
IndexColumn Describe an index column of a List Prefer the standard javax.persistence.OrderColumn annotation 
IndexColumn index column 
IndexedCollection Indexed collections include Lists, Maps, arrays and primitive arrays. 
IndexMetadata JDBC index metadata 
IndexNode Represents the [] operator and provides it's semantics. 
IndexPropertyAccessor Represents a "back-reference" to the index of a collection. 
IndexPropertyAccessor.IndexGetter The Getter implementation for index backrefs. 
IndexPropertyAccessor.IndexSetter The Setter implementation for index backrefs. 
InExpression Constrains the property to a specified list of values 
InformixDialect Informix dialect. 
InFragment An SQL IN expression. 
Ingres10Dialect A SQL dialect for Ingres 10 and later versions. 
Ingres9Dialect A SQL dialect for Ingres 9.3 and later versions. 
IngresDialect An SQL dialect for Ingres 9.2. 
InheritanceState Some extra data to the inheritance position of a class. 
Initializable An event listener that requires access to mappings to initialize state at initialization time. 
InitializeableNode An interface for initializeable AST nodes. 
InitializeCollectionEvent An event that occurs when a collection wants to be initialized 
InitializeCollectionEventListener Defines the contract for handling of collection initialization events generated by a session. 
Insert An SQL INSERT statement 
InsertGeneratedIdentifierDelegate Responsible for handling delegation relating to variants in how insert-generated-identifier generator strategies dictate processing:
  • building the sql insert statement
  • determination of the generated identifier value
InsertSelect Implementation of InsertSelect. 
InsertSelectIdentityInsert Specialized IdentifierGeneratingInsert which appends the database specific clause which signifies to return generated IDENTITY values to the end of the insert statement. 
InsertStatement Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL "insert select" statement. 
InstantiationException Thrown if Hibernate can't instantiate an entity or component class at runtime. 
InstantiationOptimizerAdapter This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
InstantiationOptimizerAdapter The ReflectionOptimizer#InstantiationOptimizer implementation for Javassist which simply acts as an adapter to the FastClass class. 
Instantiator Contract for implementors responsible for instantiating entity/component instances. 
InstrumentedClassLoader A specialized classloader which performs bytecode enhancement on class definitions as they are loaded into the classloader scope. 
Instrumenter TODO : javadoc 
InstrumentTask This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated; use InstrumentTask instead  
InstrumentTask An Ant task for instrumenting persistent classes in order to enable field-level interception using Javassist. 
IntegerType A type that maps between INTEGER and @link Integer} 
IntegerTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Integer handling. 
IntegerTypeDescriptor Descriptor for INTEGER handling. 
IntegralDataTypeHolder Defines a common api for dealing with data of integral data type. 
InterbaseDialect An SQL dialect for Interbase. 
Interceptor Allows user code to inspect and/or change property values. 
IntoClause Represents an entity referenced in the INTO clause of an HQL INSERT statement. 
InvalidMappingException Thrown when a mapping is found to be invalid. 
InvalidPathException Exception thrown when an invalid path is found in a query. 
IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode IsNotNullLogicOperatorNode implementation 
IsNullLogicOperatorNode Represents a 'is null' check. 
IsolatedWork Represents work that needs to be performed in a manner which isolates it from any current application unit of work transaction. 
Isolater Class which provides the isolation semantics required by an IsolatedWork
Isolater.JdbcDelegate An isolation delegate for JDBC-based transactions. 
Isolater.JtaDelegate An isolation delegate for JTA-based transactions. 
IteratorImpl An implementation of java.util.Iterator that is returned by iterate() query execution methods. 


JACCConfiguration Adds Hibernate permissions to roles via JACC 
JACCPermissions Copied from JBoss and 
JACCPreDeleteEventListener Check security before any deletion 
JACCPreInsertEventListener Check security before an insertion 
JACCPreLoadEventListener Check security before any load 
JACCPreUpdateEventListener Check security before any update 
JACCSecurityListener Marker interface for JACC event listeners 
JavaConstantNode A node representing a static Java constant. 
JavassistClassTransformer Enhance the classes allowing them to implements InterceptFieldEnabled This interface is then used by Hibernate for some optimizations. 
JavassistInstrumenter Strategy for performing build-time instrumentation of persistent classes in order to enable field-level interception using Javassist. 
JavassistLazyInitializer A Javassist-based lazy initializer proxy. 
JavassistProxyFactory A ProxyFactory implementation for producing Javassist-based proxies. 
JavaTypeDescriptor<T> Descriptor for the Java side of a value mapping. 
JBossTransactionManagerLookup A TransactionManagerLookup lookup strategy for JBoss AS. 
JBossTSStandaloneTransactionManagerLookup Return a standalone JTA transaction manager for JBoss Transactions Known to work for org.jboss.jbossts:jbossjta:4.11.0.Final 
JDataStoreDialect A Dialect for JDataStore. 
JDBCConnectionException Implementation of JDBCException indicating problems with communicating with the database (can also include incorrect JDBC setup). 
JDBCContext Acts as the mediary between "entity-mode related" sessions in terms of their interaction with the JDBC data store. 
JdbcDateTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
JDBCException Wraps an SQLException
JDBCExceptionHelper Implementation of JDBCExceptionHelper. 
JDBCExceptionReporter.WarningHandler Contract for handling SQLWarning warnings  
JDBCExceptionReporter.WarningHandlerLoggingSupport Basic support for JDBCExceptionReporter.WarningHandler implementations which log  
JdbcSupport Isolates Hibernate interactions with JDBC in terms of variations between JDBC 3 (JDK 1.4 and 1.5) and JDBC 4 (JDK 1.6). 
JdbcSupportImpl TODO : javadoc 
JdbcSupportLoader Builds JdbcSupport instances based on the capabilities of the environment. 
JdbcTimestampTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
JdbcTimeTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
JDBCTransaction Transaction implementation based on transaction management through a JDBC java.sql.Connection. 
JDBCTransactionFactory Factory for JDBCTransaction instances. 
JdbcTypeNameMapper TODO : javadoc 
JNDITransactionManagerLookup Template implementation of TransactionManagerLookup where the underlying TransactionManager is available via JNDI lookup at the specified location - getName()
Joinable Anything that can be loaded by outer join - namely persisters for classes or collections. 
JoinedIterator An JoinedIterator is an Iterator that wraps a number of Iterators. 
JoinedSubclass A subclass in a table-per-subclass mapping 
JoinedSubclassEntityPersister An EntityPersister implementing the normalized "table-per-subclass" mapping strategy 
JoinFormula JoinFormula. 
JoinFragment An abstract SQL join fragment renderer 
JoinProcessor Performs the post-processing of the join information gathered during semantic analysis. 
JoinWalker Walks the metamodel, searching for joins, and collecting together information needed by OuterJoinLoader
JOnASTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for JOnAS  
JOTMTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for JOTM 
JPAMetadataProvider MetadataProvider aware of the JPA Deployment descriptor 
JPAOverridenAnnotationReader Encapsulates the overriding of Java annotations from an EJB 3.0 descriptor. 
JRun4TransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for JRun4 AS 
JTASessionContext An implementation of CurrentSessionContext which scopes the notion of a current session to a JTA transaction. 
JTASessionContext.CleanupSynch JTA transaction synch used for cleanup of the internal session map. 
JTATransaction Transaction implementation based on transaction management through a JTA UserTransaction. 
JTATransactionFactory Factory for JTATransaction instances. 
Junction A sequence of a logical expressions combined by some associative logical operator 


KeyValue Represents an identifying key of a table: the value for primary key of an entity, or a foreign key of a collection or join table or joined subclass table. 


LazyCollection Define the lazy status of a collection 
LazyCollectionOption Lazy options available for a collection 
LazyInitializationException Indicates access to unfetched data outside of a session context. 
LazyInitializer Handles fetching of the underlying entity for a proxy 
LazyPropertyInitializer Contract for controlling how lazy properties get initialized. 
LazyToOne Define the lazy status of a ToOne association (ie OneToOne or ManyToOne) 
LazyToOneOption Lazy options available for a ToOne association 
Lifecycle Provides callbacks from the Session to the persistent object. 
LikeExpression A criterion representing a "like" expression 
List A list mapping has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column. 
ListBinder Bind a list to the underlying Hibernate configuration 
LiteralNode Represents a literal. 
LiteralProcessor A delegate that handles literals and constants for HqlSqlWalker, performing the token replacement functions and classifying literals. 
LiteralType<T> Additional contract for a Type that may appear as an SQL literal 
Loadable Implemented by a EntityPersister that may be loaded using Loader
LoadContexts Maps ResultSet result-sets to specific contextual data related to processing that ResultSet result-sets. 
Loader Loader Annotation for overwriting Hibernate default FIND method 
Loader Abstract superclass of object loading (and querying) strategies. 
LoadEvent Defines an event class for the loading of an entity. 
LoadEventListener Defines the contract for handling of load events generated from a session. 
LoadingCollectionEntry Represents a collection currently being loaded. 
LoadQueryInfluencers Centralize all options which can influence the SQL query needed to load an entity. 
LobCreationContext Provides callback access into the context in which the LOB is to be created. 
LobCreationContext.Callback The callback contract for making use of the JDBC Connection. 
LobCreator Contract for creating various LOB references. 
LobHelper A session's helper for creating LOB data 
LobType<T> A base type used to define a LOB type; it also provides alternatives that can override this type via getAlternatives() getAlternatives()} 
LocaleType A type that maps between VARCHAR and @link Locale} 
LocaleTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
Lockable Contract for things that can be locked via a LockingStrategy
LockAcquisitionException Implementation of JDBCException indicating a problem acquiring lock on the database. 
LockEvent Defines an event class for the locking of an entity. 
LockEventListener Defines the contract for handling of lock events generated from a session. 
LockingStrategy A strategy abstraction for how locks are obtained in the underlying database. 
LockMode Instances represent a lock mode for a row of a relational database table. 
LockOptions Contains locking details (LockMode, Timeout and Scope). 
LoggableUserType Marker interface for user types which want to perform custom logging of their corresponding values 
Logger Provides an abstraction for how instrumentation does logging because it is usually run in environments (Ant/Maven) with their own logging infrastructure. 
LogicalExpression Superclass of binary logical expressions 
LongType A type that maps between BIGINT and Long 
LongTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Long handling. 
LongVarbinaryTypeDescriptor Descriptor for LONGVARBINARY handling. 
LongVarcharTypeDescriptor Descriptor for LONGVARCHAR handling. 
LRUMap A simple LRU cache that implements the Map interface. 


ManagedSessionContext Represents a CurrentSessionContext the notion of a contextual session is managed by some external entity (generally some form of interceptor, etc). 
ManyToAny Defined a ToMany association pointing to different entity types. 
ManyToOne A many-to-one association mapping 
ManyToOneType A many-to-one association to an entity. 
Map A map has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index columns. 
MapBinder Implementation to bind a Map 
MapEntryNode TODO : javadoc 
MapKey This @interface is deprecated. Use javax.persistence.MapKeyColumn This is the default behavior for Map properties marked as @OneToMany, @ManyToMany or @ElementCollection 
MapKeyManyToMany This @interface is deprecated. Use javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumn javax.persistence.MapKeyJoinColumns This is the default behavior for Map properties marked as @OneToMany, @ManyToMany or @ElementCollection 
MapKeyNode TODO : javadoc 
MapKeyType Allows defining the type of the key of a persistent map. 
MapLazyInitializer Lazy initializer for "dynamic-map" entity representations. 
MappedSuperclass Represents a @MappedSuperclass. 
Mapping Defines operations common to "compiled" mappings (ie. 
MappingException An exception that usually occurs at configuration time, rather than runtime, as a result of something screwy in the O-R mappings. 
MappingNotFoundException Thrown when a resource for a mapping could not be found. 
MappingReader Handles reading mapping documents, both hbm and orm varieties. 
Mappings A collection of mappings from classes and collections to relational database tables. 
Mappings.PropertyReference Represents a property-ref mapping. 
MapProxy Proxy for "dynamic-map" entity representations. 
MapValueNode TODO : javadoc 
MatchMode Represents an strategy for matching strings using "like". 
MaterializedBlobType A type that maps between BLOB and byte[] 
MaterializedClobType A type that maps between CLOB and String 
MckoiCaseFragment A Mckoi IF function. 
MckoiDialect An SQL dialect compatible with McKoi SQL 
MergeEvent An event class for merge() and saveOrUpdateCopy() 
MergeEventListener Defines the contract for handling of merge events generated from a session. 
MessageHelper MessageHelper methods for rendering log messages relating to managed entities and collections typically used in log statements and exception messages. 
MetaAttributable Common interface for things that can handle meta attributes. 
MetaAttribute A meta attribute is a named value or values. 
MetadataSource Enumeration of the known places from which a piece of metadata may come. 
MetadataSourceType Enumeration of the types of sources of mapping metadata 
MetaValue Represent a discriminator value associated to a given entity type 
MethodNode Represents a method call. 
MimerSQLDialect An Hibernate 3 SQL dialect for Mimer SQL. 
MultipleBagFetchException Exception used to indicate that a query is attempting to simultaneously fetch multiple bags 
MultipleHiLoPerTableGenerator A hilo IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. 
MultiTableDeleteExecutor Implementation of MultiTableDeleteExecutor. 
MultiTableUpdateExecutor Implementation of MultiTableUpdateExecutor. 
MutabilityPlan<T> TODO : javadoc 
MutableMutabilityPlan<T> Mutability plan for mutable objects 
MutableType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
MySQL5Dialect An SQL dialect for MySQL 5.x specific features. 
MySQLDialect An SQL dialect for MySQL (prior to 5.x). 


NamedNativeQueries Extends javax.persistence.NamedNativeQueries to hold hibernate NamedNativeQuery objects 
NamedNativeQuery Extends javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery with Hibernate features 
NamedParameterDescriptor Descriptor regarding a named parameter. 
NamedParameterSpecification Parameter bind specification for an explicit named parameter. 
NamedQueries Extends javax.persistence.NamedQueries to hold hibernate NamedQuery objects 
NamedQuery Extends javax.persistence.NamedQuery with Hibernate features 
NamedQueryCollectionInitializer A wrapper around a named query. 
NamedQueryDefinition Definition of a named query, defined in the mapping metadata. 
NamedQueryLoader Not really a Loader, just a wrapper around a named query. 
NamedSQLQueryDefinition Definition of a named native SQL query, defined in the mapping metadata. 
NameGenerator Provides utility methods for generating HQL / SQL names. 
NamingStrategy A set of rules for determining the physical column and table names given the information in the mapping document. 
NativeSQLQueryCollectionReturn Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a collection role in the form {classname}.{collectionrole}; it is used in defining a custom sql query for loading an entity's collection in non-fetching scenarios (i.e., loading the collection itself as the "root" of the result). 
NativeSQLQueryJoinReturn Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a fetched role. 
NativeSQLQueryNonScalarReturn Represents the base information for a non-scalar return defined as part of a native sql query. 
NativeSQLQueryPlan Defines a query execution plan for a native-SQL query. 
NativeSQLQueryReturn Describes a return in a native SQL query. 
NativeSQLQueryRootReturn Represents a return defined as part of a native sql query which names a "root" entity. 
NativeSQLQueryScalarReturn Describes a scalar return in a native SQL query. 
NativeSQLQuerySpecification Defines the specification or blue-print for a native-sql query. 
NaturalId This specifies that a property is part of the natural id of the entity. 
NClobImplementer Marker interface for non-contextually created java.sql.NClob instances.. 
NClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs for non-contextual creation, including proxy creation and handling proxy invocations. 
NoArgSQLFunction A function which takes no arguments 
NoCacheProvider Implementation of NoCacheProvider. 
NoCachingEnabledException Implementation of NoCachingEnabledException. 
NoCachingRegionFactory Factory used if no caching enabled in config... 
Node Base node class for use by Hibernate within its AST trees. 
Node General contract for AST nodes. 
NodeSupport Basic implementation of a Node
NodeTraverser A visitor for traversing an AST tree. 
NonBatchingBatcher An implementation of the Batcher interface that does no batching 
NonBatchingBatcherFactory A BatcherFactory implementation which constructs Batcher instances that do not perform batch operations. 
NonContextualLobCreator LobCreator implementation using non-contextual or local creation, meaning that we generate the LOB references ourselves as opposed to delegating to the JDBC java.sql.Connection. 
NonScalarReturn Represents some non-scalar (entity/collection) return within the query result. 
NonstrictReadWriteCache Caches data that is sometimes updated without ever locking the cache. 
NonUniqueObjectException This exception is thrown when an operation would break session-scoped identity. 
NonUniqueResultException Thrown when the application calls Query.uniqueResult() and the query returned more than one result. 
NoopAccessor Used to declare properties not represented at the pojo level 
NotExpression Negates another criterion 
NotFound Action to do when an element is not found on a association whiel beeing expected 
NotFoundAction Actoin to use when an element is not found in DB while beeing expected 
NotNullExpression Constrains a property to be non-null 
NotYetImplementedException Mapping not yet implemented 
Nullability Are the columns forced to null, not null or not forced 
Nullability Implements the algorithm for validating property values for illegal null values 
NullableType This class is deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead  
NullExpression Constrains a property to be null 
NullSynchronizationException TODO : javadoc 
NumericBooleanType A type that maps between INTEGER and Boolean (using 1 and 0) 
NumericTypeDescriptor Descriptor for NUMERIC handling. 
NvlFunction Emulation of coalesce() on Oracle, using multiple nvl() calls 


ObjectDeletedException Thrown when the user tries to do something illegal with a deleted object. 
ObjectNameNormalizer Provides centralized normalization of how database object names are handled. 
ObjectNameNormalizer.NamingStrategyHelper Helper contract for dealing with NamingStrategy in different situations. 
ObjectNameSource Source for database object names (identifiers). 
ObjectNotFoundException Thrown when Session.load() fails to select a row with the given primary key (identifier value). 
ObjectType Specific adaptation of the "any" type to the old deprecated "object" type 
OC4JTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup for the OC4J (Oracle) AS. 
OnDelete Strategy to use on collections, arrays and on joined subclasses delete OnDelete of secondary tables currently not supported. 
OnDeleteAction Possible actions on deletes 
OneToMany A mapping for a one-to-many association 
OneToManyJoinWalker Walker for one-to-many associations 
OneToManyLoader Loads one-to-many associations

The collection persister must implement QueryableCOllection
OneToManyPersister Collection persister for one-to-many associations. 
OneToOne A one-to-one association mapping 
OneToOneSecondPass We have to handle OneToOne in a second pass because: -  
OneToOneType A one-to-one association to an entity 
OnLockVisitor When a transient entity is passed to lock(), we must inspect all its collections and 1. 
OnReplicateVisitor When an entity is passed to replicate(), and there is an existing row, we must inspect all its collections and 1. 
OnUpdateVisitor When an entity is passed to update(), we must inspect all its collections and 1. 
OperatorNode Contract for nodes representing operators (logic or arithmetic). 
OptimisticCache A contract for transactional cache implementations which support optimistic locking of items within the cache. 
OptimisticCacheSource Contract for sources of optimistically lockable data sent to the second level cache. 
OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy An optimistic locking strategy that forces an increment of the version (after verifying that version hasn't changed). 
OptimisticLock Whether or not update entity's version on property's change If the annotation is not present, the property is involved in the optimistic lock srategy (default) 
OptimisticLockException Throw when an optimistic locking conflict occurs. 
OptimisticLockingStrategy An optimistic locking strategy that verifies that the version hasn't changed (prior to transaction commit). 
OptimisticLockType Optimistic locking strategy VERSION is the default and recommanded one 
Optimizer Performs optimization on an optimizable identifier generator. 
OptimizerFactory Factory for OptimizerFactory.InitialValueAwareOptimizer instances. 
OptimizerFactory.HiLoOptimizer Optimizer which applies a 'hilo' algorithm in memory to achieve optimization. 
OptimizerFactory.InitialValueAwareOptimizer Marker interface for optimizer which wish to know the user-specified initial value. 
OptimizerFactory.NoopOptimizer An optimizer that performs no optimization. 
OptimizerFactory.OptimizerSupport Common support for optimizer implementations. 
OptimizerFactory.PooledOptimizer Optimizer which uses a pool of values, storing the next low value of the range in the database. 
Oracle10gDialect A dialect specifically for use with Oracle 10g. 
Oracle8iDialect A dialect for Oracle 8i. 
Oracle9Dialect This class is deprecated. Use either Oracle9iDialect or Oracle10gDialect instead 
Oracle9iDialect A dialect for Oracle 9i databases. 
OracleDialect This class is deprecated. Use Oracle8iDialect instead. 
OracleJoinFragment An Oracle-style (theta) join 
Order Represents an order imposed upon a Criteria result set 
OrderBy Order a collection using SQL ordering (not HQL ordering) 
OrderByClause Implementation of OrderByClause. 
OrderByFragment Represents a parsed order-by mapping fragment. 
OrderByFragmentParser Extension of the Antlr-generated parser for the purpose of adding our custom parsing behavior. 
OrderByFragmentRenderer TODO : javadoc 
OrderByFragmentTranslator A translator which coordinates translation of an order-by mapping. 
OrderByParser Parses the ORDER BY clause of a query  
OrderedMapType A specialization of the map type, with (resultset-based) ordering. 
OrderedSetType A specialization of the set type, with (resultset-based) ordering. 
OrderingSpecification Models an ordering specification (ASCENDING or DESCENDING) within a SortSpecification
Origin Describes the origin of an xml document 
OriginImpl Basic implementation of Origin 
OrionTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for Orion 
OuterJoinableAssociation Part of the Hibernate SQL rendering internals. 
OuterJoinLoadable A EntityPersister that may be loaded by outer join using the OuterJoinLoader hierarchy and may be an element of a one-to-many association. 
OuterJoinLoader Implements logic for walking a tree of associated classes. 


ParamDef A parameter definition 
Parameter Parameter (basically key/value pattern) 
ParameterBinder Centralizes the commonality regarding binding of parameter values into PreparedStatements as this logic is used in many places. 
ParameterContainer Currently this is needed in order to deal with FromElements which contain "hidden" JDBC parameters from applying filters. 
ParameterizedType Support for parameterizable types. 
ParameterMetadata Encapsulates metadata about parameters encountered within a query. 
ParameterNode Implementation of ParameterNode. 
ParameterParser The single available method parse(String, ParameterParser.Recognizer) is responsible for parsing a query string and recognizing tokens in relation to parameters (either named, JPA-style, or ordinal) and providing callbacks about such recognitions. 
ParameterSpecification Maintains information relating to parameters which need to get bound into a JDBC PreparedStatement. 
ParameterTranslations Defines available information about the parameters encountered during query translation. 
ParameterTranslationsImpl Defines the information available for parameters encountered during query translation through the antlr-based parser. 
ParamLocationRecognizer Implements a parameter parser recognizer specifically for the purpose of journaling parameter locations. 
Parent Reference the property as a pointer back to the owner (generally the owning entity) 
ParseErrorHandler Defines the behavior of an error handler for the HQL parsers. 
Parser A parser is a state machine that accepts a string of tokens, bounded by start() and end() and modifies a QueryTranslator. 
PassThroughResultTransformer ??? 
PathExpressionParser Parses an expression of the form and builds up an expression involving two less table joins than there are path components. 
PathHelper Provides utility methods for paths. 
PathNode An AST node with a path property. 
PersistenceContext Holds the state of the persistence context, including the first-level cache, entries, snapshots, proxies, etc. 
PersistentArrayHolder A persistent wrapper for an array. 
PersistentBag An unordered, unkeyed collection that can contain the same element multiple times. 
PersistentClass Mapping for an entity. 
PersistentCollection Persistent collections are treated as value objects by Hibernate. 
PersistentElementHolder A persistent wrapper for an XML element 
PersistentIdentifierBag An IdentifierBag implements "bag" semantics more efficiently than a regular Bag by adding a synthetic identifier column to the table. 
PersistentIdentifierGenerator An IdentifierGenerator that requires creation of database objects. 
PersistentIndexedElementHolder A persistent wrapper for an XML element 
PersistentList A persistent wrapper for a java.util.List
PersistentMap A persistent wrapper for a java.util.Map
PersistentObjectException Thrown when the user passes a persistent instance to a Session method that expects a transient instance. 
PersistentSet A persistent wrapper for a java.util.Set
PersistentSortedMap A persistent wrapper for a java.util.SortedMap
PersistentSortedSet A persistent wrapper for a java.util.SortedSet
Persister Specify a custom persister. 
PersisterClassProvider Provides persister classes based on the entity or collection role. 
PersisterFactory Factory for EntityPersister and CollectionPersister instances 
PersistEvent An event class for persist() 
PersistEventListener Defines the contract for handling of create events generated from a session. 
PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy A pessimistic locking strategy that increments the version immediately (obtaining an exclusive write lock). 
PessimisticLockException Thrown when a pessimistic locking conflict occurs. 
PessimisticReadSelectLockingStrategy A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements. 
PessimisticReadUpdateLockingStrategy A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements. 
PessimisticWriteSelectLockingStrategy A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements. 
PessimisticWriteUpdateLockingStrategy A pessimistic locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements. 
PointbaseDialect A Dialect for Pointbase. 
PojoComponentTuplizer A ComponentTuplizer specific to the pojo entity mode. 
PojoEntityTuplizer An EntityTuplizer specific to the pojo entity mode. 
PojoInstantiator Defines a POJO-based instantiator for use from the tuplizers. 
PolymorphismType Type of available polymorphism for a particular entity 
PositionalParameterSpecification Parameter bind specification for an explicit positional (or ordinal) parameter. 
PositionSubstringFunction Emulation of locate() on PostgreSQL 
PostCollectionRecreateEvent An event that occurs after a collection is recreated 
PostCollectionRecreateEventListener Called after recreating a collection 
PostCollectionRemoveEvent An event that occurs after a collection is removed 
PostCollectionRemoveEventListener Called after removing a collection 
PostCollectionUpdateEvent An event that occurs after a collection is updated 
PostCollectionUpdateEventListener Called after updating a collection 
PostDeleteEvent Occurs after deleting an item from the datastore 
PostDeleteEventListener Called after deleting an item from the datastore 
PostgresPlusDialect An SQL dialect for Postgres Plus 
PostgreSQLDialect An SQL dialect for Postgres

For discussion of BLOB support in Postgres, as of 8.4, have a peek at

PostgresUUIDType Specialized type mapping for UUID and the Postgres UUID data type (which is mapped as OTHER in its JDBC driver). 
PostInsertEvent Occurs after inserting an item in the datastore 
PostInsertEventListener Called after insterting an item in the datastore 
PostInsertIdentityPersister A persister that may have an identity assigned by execution of a SQL INSERT
PostLoadEvent Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded. 
PostLoadEventListener Occurs after an an entity instance is fully loaded. 
PostUpdateEvent Occurs after the datastore is updated 
PostUpdateEventListener Called after updating the datastore 
PreCollectionRecreateEvent An event that occurs before a collection is recreated 
PreCollectionRecreateEventListener Called before recreating a collection 
PreCollectionRemoveEvent An event that occurs before a collection is removed 
PreCollectionRemoveEventListener Called before removing a collection 
PreCollectionUpdateEvent An event that occurs before a collection is updated 
PreCollectionUpdateEventListener Called before updating a collection 
PreDeleteEvent Represents a pre-delete event, which occurs just prior to performing the deletion of an entity from the database. 
PreDeleteEventListener Called before deleting an item from the datastore 
PreInsertEvent Represents a pre-insert event, which occurs just prior to performing the insert of an entity into the database. 
PreInsertEventListener Called before inserting an item in the datastore 
PreLoadEvent Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. 
PreLoadEventListener Called before injecting property values into a newly loaded entity instance. 
PreUpdateEvent Represents a pre-update event, which occurs just prior to performing the update of an entity in the database. 
PreUpdateEventListener Called before updating the datastore 
PrimaryKey A primary key constraint 
PrimitiveArray A primitive array has a primary key consisting of the key columns + index column. 
PrimitiveByteArrayBlobType This class is deprecated. replaced by MaterializedBlobType  
PrimitiveByteArrayTypeDescriptor Descriptor for byte[] handling. 
PrimitiveCharacterArrayClobType Map a char[] to a Clob 
PrimitiveCharacterArrayTypeDescriptor TODO : javadoc 
PrimitiveType<T> Additional contract for primitive / primitive wrapper types. 
Printer Renders entities to a nicely readable string. 
ProgressDialect An SQL dialect compatible with Progress 9.1C

Connection Parameters required:
  • hibernate.dialect org.hibernate.sql.ProgressDialect
  • hibernate.driver com.progress.sql.jdbc.JdbcProgressDriver
  • hibernate.url jdbc:JdbcProgress:T:host:port:dbname;WorkArounds=536870912
  • hibernate.username username
  • hibernate.password password
The WorkArounds parameter in the URL is required to avoid an error in the Progress 9.1C JDBC driver related to PreparedStatements. 
Projection An object-oriented representation of a query result set projection in a Criteria query. 
Projections The criterion package may be used by applications as a framework for building new kinds of Projection
PropertiesHelper Collection of helper methods for dealing with java.util.Properties objects. 
Property A factory for property-specific criterion and projection instances 
Property Represents a property as part of an entity or a component. 
Property Defines the basic contract of a Property within the runtime metamodel. 
PropertyAccessException A problem occurred accessing a property of an instance of a persistent class by reflection, or via CGLIB. 
PropertyAccessor Abstracts the notion of a "property". 
PropertyAccessorFactory A factory for building/retrieving PropertyAccessor instances. 
PropertyExpression superclass for comparisons between two properties (with SQL binary operators) 
PropertyFactory Responsible for generation of runtime metamodel Property representations. 
PropertyGeneration Indicates whether given properties are generated by the database and, if so, at what time(s) they are generated. 
PropertyHolder Property holder abstract property containers from their direct implementation 
PropertyHolderBuilder This factory is here ot build a PropertyHolder and prevent .mapping interface adding 
PropertyInferredData Retrieve all inferred data from an annnoted element 
PropertyMapping Abstraction of all mappings that define properties: entities, collection elements. 
PropertyNotFoundException Indicates that an expected getter or setter method could not be found on a class. 
PropertyPath TODO : javadoc 
PropertyProjection A property value, or grouped property value 
PropertySubqueryExpression A comparison between a property value in the outer query and the result of a subquery 
PropertyValueException Thrown when the (illegal) value of a property can not be persisted. 
Proxy Lazy and proxy configuration of a particular class 
ProxyFactory Contract for run-time, proxy-based lazy initialization proxies. 
ProxyFactoryFactory An interface for factories of proxy factory instances. 
ProxyFactoryFactoryImpl This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
ProxyFactoryFactoryImpl A factory for Javassist-based ProxyFactory instances. 
ProxyVisitor Reassociates uninitialized proxies with the session 


Query An object-oriented representation of a Hibernate query. 
Queryable Extends the generic EntityPersister contract to add operations required by the Hibernate Query Language 
QueryableCollection A collection role that may be queried or loaded by outer join. 
QueryBinder Query binder 
QueryCache Defines the contract for caches capable of storing query results. 
QueryCacheFactory Defines a factory for query cache instances. 
QueryException A problem occurred translating a Hibernate query to SQL due to invalid query syntax, etc. 
QueryExecutionRequestException Expecting to execute an illegal operation regarding the query type 
QueryImpl default implementation of the Query interface, for "ordinary" HQL queries (not collection filters) 
QueryJoinFragment A join that appears in a translated HQL query 
QueryKey A key that identifies a particular query with bound parameter values. 
QueryLoader A delegate that implements the Loader part of QueryTranslator. 
QueryMetadata Defines metadata regarding a translated HQL or native-SQL query. 
QueryNode Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL select statement. 
QueryParameterException Parameter invalid or not found in the query 
QueryPlanCache Acts as a cache for compiled query plans, as well as query-parameter metadata. 
QueryResultsRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store query results. 
QueryResultsRegionAdapter Adapter specifically briding QueryResultsRegion to Cache
QuerySecondPass Bind query 
QuerySelect A translated HQL query 
QuerySplitter Provides query splitting methods, which were originally in QueryTranslator. 
QueryStatistics Query statistics (HQL and SQL)

Note that for a cached query, the cache miss is equals to the db count 

QueryStatisticsImpl Query statistics (HQL and SQL)

Note that for a cached query, the cache miss is equals to the db count 

QuerySyntaxException Exception thrown when there is a syntax error in the HQL. 
QueryTimeoutException Thrown when a database query timeout occurs. 
QueryTranslator Defines the contract of an HQL->SQL translator. 
QueryTranslatorFactory Facade for generation of QueryTranslator and FilterTranslator instances. 
QueryTranslatorImpl A QueryTranslator that uses an Antlr-based parser. 
QueryTranslatorImpl An instance of QueryTranslator translates a Hibernate query string to SQL. 


RDMSOS2200Dialect This is the Hibernate dialect for the Unisys 2200 Relational Database (RDMS). 
ReaderInputStream Exposes a Reader as an InputStream. 
ReaderInputStream This class is deprecated. Should not be used anymore.  
ReadOnlyCache Caches data that is never updated. 
ReadWriteCache Caches data that is sometimes updated while maintaining the semantics of "read committed" isolation level. 
ReadWriteCache.Item An item of cached data, timestamped with the time it was cached,. 
ReadWriteCache.Lock A soft lock which supports concurrent locking, timestamped with the time it was released 
RealTypeDescriptor Descriptor for REAL handling. 
ReattachVisitor Abstract superclass of visitors that reattach collections. 
RecoverableException Should neven be exposed to the client An exception that wrap an underlying exception whith the hope subsequent processing will recover from it. 
ReflectHelper Utility class for various reflection operations. 
ReflectionOptimizer Represents reflection optimization for a particular class. 
ReflectionOptimizer.AccessOptimizer Represents optimized entity property access. 
ReflectionOptimizer.InstantiationOptimizer Represents optimized entity instantiation. 
ReflectionOptimizerImpl This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
ReflectionOptimizerImpl ReflectionOptimizer implementation for Javassist. 
RefreshEvent Defines an event class for the refreshing of an object. 
RefreshEventListener Defines the contract for handling of refresh events generated from a session. 
Region Defines a contract for accessing a particular named region within the underlying cache implementation. 
RegionFactory Contract for building second level cache regions. 
RegionFactoryCacheProviderBridge Acts as a bridge between the RegionFactory contract and the older CacheProvider contract. 
RelationalModel A relational object which may be created using DDL 
ReplicateEvent Defines an event class for the replication of an entity. 
ReplicateEventListener Defines the contract for handling of replicate events generated from a session. 
ReplicationMode Represents a replication strategy. 
ResinTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for Resin 
ResolvableNode The contract for expression sub-trees that can resolve themselves. 
RestrictableStatement Type definition for Statements which are restrictable via a where-clause (and thus also having a from-clause). 
Restrictions The criterion package may be used by applications as a framework for building new kinds of Criterion
ResultCheckStyle Possible checks on Sql Insert, Delete, Update 
ResultColumnReferenceStrategy Defines how we need to reference columns in the group-by, having, and order-by clauses. 
ResultSetIdentifierConsumer An optional contract for Type or UserType implementations to handle generated id values any way they see fit as opposed to being limited to the discrete set of numeric types handled by IdentifierGeneratorHelper 
ResultSetMappingDefinition Keep a description of the resultset mapping 
ResultSetWrapperProxy A proxy for a ResultSet delegate, responsible for locally caching the columnName-to-columnIndex resolution that has been found to be inefficient in a few vendor's drivers (i.e., Oracle and Postgres). 
ResultTransformer Implementors define a strategy for transforming query results into the actual application-visible query result list. 
ResultVariableRefNode Represents a reference to a result_variable as defined in the JPA 2 spec. 
Return Represents a return in a custom query. 
RootClass The root class of an inheritance hierarchy 
RootEntityResultTransformer ResultTransformer implementation which limits the result tuple to only the "root entity". 
RootReturn Represents a return which names a "root" entity. 
RowCountProjection A row count 
RowSelection Represents a selection of rows in a JDBC ResultSet 


SAPDBDialect An SQL dialect compatible with SAP DB. 
SaveOrUpdateEvent An event class for saveOrUpdate() 
SaveOrUpdateEventListener Defines the contract for handling of update events generated from a session. 
ScalarReturn Represent a scalar (aka simple value) return within a query result. 
SchemaExport Commandline tool to export table schema to the database. 
SchemaExportTask An Ant task for SchemaExport
SchemaUpdate A commandline tool to update a database schema. 
SchemaUpdateTask An Ant task for SchemaUpdate
SchemaValidator A commandline tool to update a database schema. 
SchemaValidatorTask An Ant task for SchemaUpdate
ScrollableResults A result iterator that allows moving around within the results by arbitrary increments. 
ScrollableResultsImpl Implementation of the ScrollableResults interface 
ScrollMode Specifies the type of JDBC scrollable result set to use underneath a ScrollableResults 
SecondLevelCacheStatistics Second level cache statistics of a specific region 
SecondLevelCacheStatisticsImpl Second level cache statistics of a specific region 
SecondPass Second pass operation 
Select A simple SQL SELECT statement 
SelectClause Represents the list of expressions in a SELECT clause. 
SelectExpression Represents an element of a projection list, i.e. 
SelectExpression TODO : javadoc 
SelectExpressionImpl A select expression that was generated by a FROM element. 
SelectExpressionList Common behavior - a node that contains a list of select expressions. 
SelectFragment A fragment of an SQL SELECT clause 
SelectGenerator A generator that selects the just inserted row to determine the identifier value assigned by the database. 
SelectGenerator.SelectGeneratorDelegate The delegate for the select generation strategy. 
SelectLockingStrategy A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through select statements. 
SelectParser Parsers the select clause of a Hibernate query. 
SequenceGenerator sequence

Generates long values using an oracle-style sequence. 
SequenceHiLoGenerator seqhilo

An IdentifierGenerator that combines a hi/lo algorithm with an underlying oracle-style sequence that generates hi values. 
SequenceIdentityGenerator A generator which combines sequence generation with immediate retrieval through JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys
SequenceStructure Describes a sequence. 
SequenceStyleGenerator Generates identifier values based on an sequence-style database structure. 
SerializableBlobProxy Manages aspects of proxying Blob Blobs to add serializability. 
SerializableClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying Clob Clobs to add serializability. 
SerializableNClobProxy Manages aspects of proxying java.sql.NClobs to add serializability. 
SerializableProxy This class is deprecated. Per HHH-5451 support for cglib as a bytecode provider has been deprecated.  
SerializableProxy Serializable placeholder for Javassist proxies  
SerializableType<T extends Serializable> A type that maps between a VARBINARY and Serializable classes. 
SerializableTypeDescriptor<T extends Serializable> TODO : javadoc 
SerializableTypeDescriptor.SerializableMutabilityPlan<S extends Serializable>  
SerializationException Thrown when a property cannot be serializaed/deserialized 

Assists with the serialization process and performs additional functionality based on serialization. 

Session The main runtime interface between a Java application and Hibernate. 
Session An extension of the Session API, including all deprecated methods from Hibernate2. 
Session.LockRequest Contains locking details (LockMode, Timeout and Scope). 
SessionException Thrown when the user calls a method of a Session that is in an inappropropriate state for the given call (for example, the the session is closed or disconnected). 
SessionFactory The main contract here is the creation of Session instances. 
SessionFactoryAwareNode Interface for nodes which require access to the SessionFactory 
SessionFactoryHelper Helper for performing common and/or complex operations with the SessionFactoryImplementor during translation of an HQL query. 
SessionFactoryImpl Concrete implementation of the SessionFactory interface. 
SessionFactoryImplementor Defines the internal contract between the SessionFactory and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type
SessionFactoryObjectFactory Resolves SessionFactory instances during JNDI look-ups as well as during deserialization  
SessionFactoryObserver Allows reaction to basic SessionFactory occurrences. 
SessionFactoryStub A flyweight for SessionFactory
SessionImpl Concrete implementation of a Session, and also the central, organizing component of Hibernate's internal implementation. 
SessionImplementor Defines the internal contract between the Session and other parts of Hibernate such as implementors of Type or EntityPersister
SessionStatistics Information about the first-level (session) cache for a particular session instance 
Set A set with no nullable element columns. 
SetBinder Bind a set. 
Setter Sets values to a particular property. 
Settings Settings that affect the behaviour of Hibernate at runtime. 
SettingsFactory Reads configuration properties and builds a Settings instance. 
ShortType A type that maps between SMALLINT and Short 
ShortTypeDescriptor Descriptor for Short handling. 
SimpleAuxiliaryDatabaseObject A simple implementation of AbstractAuxiliaryDatabaseObject in which the CREATE and DROP strings are provided up front. 
SimpleExpression superclass for "simple" comparisons (with SQL binary operators) 
SimpleMRUCache Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRU) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache. 
SimpleProjection A single-column projection that may be aliased 
SimpleSelect An SQL SELECT statement with no table joins 
SimpleSubqueryExpression A comparison between a constant value and the the result of a subquery 
SimpleValue Any value that maps to columns. 
SingleColumnType<T> Provide convenient methods for binding and extracting values for use with BasicType
SingleTableEntityPersister The default implementation of the EntityPersister interface. 
SmallIntTypeDescriptor Descriptor for SMALLINT handling. 
SoftLimitMRUCache Cache following a "Most Recently Used" (MRU) algorithm for maintaining a bounded in-memory size; the "Least Recently Used" (LRU) entry is the first available for removal from the cache. 
SoftLock Moved up from inner definition on the now deprecated CacheConcurrencyStrategy
Sort Collection sort (Java level sorting) 
SortKey Models the container node for the sort key, which is the term given by the ANSI SQL specification to the expression upon which to sort for each SortSpecification 
SortSpecification Models each sorting exprersion. 
SortType Sort strategies 
Source Optional annotation in conjunction with javax.persistence.Version and timestamp version properties. 
SourceType Where should Hibernate retrieve the value from? From the database, or from the current JVM? 
SpecialOneToOneType A one-to-one association that maps to specific formula(s) instead of the primary key column of the owning entity. 
SqlASTFactory Custom AST factory the intermediate tree that causes ANTLR to create specialized AST nodes, given the AST node type (from HqlSqlTokenTypes). 
SQLCriterion A SQL fragment. 
SQLCustomQuery Implements Hibernate's built-in support for native SQL queries. 
SQLDelete SqlDelete Annotation for overwriting Hibernate default DELETE method 
SQLDeleteAll SqlDelete Annotation for overwriting Hibernate default DELETE ALL method 
SQLExceptionConverter Defines a contract for implementations that know how to convert a SQLException into Hibernate's JDBCException hierarchy. 
SQLExceptionConverterFactory A factory for building SQLExceptionConverter instances. 
SqlFragment Represents an SQL fragment in the AST. 
SQLFunction Provides support routines for the HQL functions as used in the various SQL Dialects Provides an interface for supporting various HQL functions that are translated to SQL. 
SQLFunctionTemplate Represents HQL functions that can have different representations in different SQL dialects. 
SqlGenerator Generates SQL by overriding callback methods in the base class, which does the actual SQL AST walking. 
SQLGrammarException Implementation of JDBCException indicating that the SQL sent to the database server was invalid (syntax error, invalid object references, etc). 
SQLInsert SqlInsert Annotation for overwriting Hibernate default INSERT INTO method 
SQLLoadable A class persister that supports queries expressed in the platform native SQL dialect 
SqlNode A base AST node for the intermediate tree. 
SQLProjection A SQL fragment. 
SQLQuery Represents a "native sql" query and allows the user to define certain aspects about its execution, such as:
SQLQuery.FetchReturn Allows access to further control how join fetch returns are mapped back from result sets  
SQLQuery.ReturnProperty Allows access to further control how properties within a root or join fetch are mapped back from the result set. 
SQLQuery.RootReturn Allows access to further control how root returns are mapped back from result sets  
SQLQueryImpl Implementation of the SQLQuery contract. 
SQLQueryResultMappingBuilder Allows programmatic access from SQLQuery to define how to map SQL java.sql.ResultSet results back to in-memory objects, both entities as well as scalars. 
SQLQueryReturnProcessor Responsible for processing the series of returns defined by a NativeSQLQuerySpecification and breaking them down into a series of returns for use within the CustomLoader
SQLServer2005Dialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL 2005. 
SQLServer2008Dialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 with JDBC Driver 3.0 and above 
SQLServerDialect A dialect for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 
SQLStateConverter A SQLExceptionConverter implementation which performs converion based on the underlying SQLState. 
SQLStatementLogger Centralize logging handling for SQL statements. 
SqlTypeDescriptor Descriptor for the SQL/JDBC side of a value mapping. 
SQLUpdate SqlUpdate Annotation for overwriting Hibernate default UPDATE method 
StaleObjectStateException A StaleStateException that carries information about a particular entity instance that was the source of the failure. 
StaleStateException Thrown when a version number or timestamp check failed, indicating that the Session contained stale data (when using long transactions with versioning). 
StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions TODO : javadoc 
StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.AvgFunction Definition of a standard ANSI SQL compliant AVG function  
StandardAnsiSqlAggregationFunctions.CountFunction Definition of a standard ANSI SQL compliant COUNT function  
StandardBasicTypes Centralizes access to the standard set of basic types
StandardDialectResolver The standard Hibernate resolver. 
StandardJDBCEscapeFunction Analogous to StandardSQLFunction except that standard JDBC escape sequences (i.e. 
StandardProperty Represents a basic property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. 
StandardQueryCache The standard implementation of the Hibernate QueryCache interface. 
StandardQueryCacheFactory Standard Hibernate implementation of the QueryCacheFactory interface. 
StandardRandomStrategy Implements a "random" UUID generation strategy as defined by the randomUUID() method. 
StandardSQLFunction Provides a standard implementation that supports the majority of the HQL functions that are translated to SQL. 
StatefulPersistenceContext A PersistenceContext represents the state of persistent "stuff" which Hibernate is tracking. 
StatelessSession A command-oriented API for performing bulk operations against a database. 
Statement Common interface modeling the different HQL statements (i.e., INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT). 
StatementExecutor Encapsulates the strategy required to execute various types of update, delete, and insert statements issued through HQL. 
Statistics Statistics for a particular SessionFactory
StatisticsImpl This class is deprecated. Use ConcurrentStatisticsImpl instead  
StatisticsImplementor Statistics SPI for the Hibernate core. 
StatisticsService JMX service for Hibernate statistics

Register this MBean in your JMX server for a specific session factory
 //build the ObjectName you want
 Hashtable tb = new Hashtable();
 tb.put("type", "statistics");
 tb.put("sessionFactory", "myFinancialApp");
 ObjectName on = new ObjectName("hibernate", tb);
 StatisticsService stats = new StatisticsService();
 server.registerMBean(stats, on);
And call the MBean the way you want

Register this MBean in your JMX server with no specific session factory
 //build the ObjectName you want
 Hashtable tb = new Hashtable();
 tb.put("type", "statistics");
 tb.put("sessionFactory", "myFinancialApp");
 ObjectName on = new ObjectName("hibernate", tb);
 StatisticsService stats = new StatisticsService();
 server.registerMBean(stats, on);
And call the MBean by providing the SessionFactoryJNDIName first. 
StatisticsServiceMBean MBean exposing Session Factory statistics 
Status Represents the status of an entity with respect to this session. 
StreamUtils Stream copying utilities 
StringClobType This class is deprecated. replaced by MaterializedClobType  
StringRepresentableType<T> Additional, optional contract for types capable of rendering and consuming their values to/from strings. 
StringType A type that maps between VARCHAR and String 
StringTypeDescriptor Descriptor for String handling. 
Subclass A sublass in a table-per-class-hierarchy mapping 
Subqueries Factory class for criterion instances that represent expressions involving subqueries. 
Subselect Map an immutable and read-only entity to a given SQL subselect expression: 
SubselectCollectionLoader Implements subselect fetching for a collection 
SubselectOneToManyLoader Implements subselect fetching for a one to many association 
SunONETransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for Sun ONE Application Server 7 and above 
Sybase11Dialect A SQL dialect suitable for use with Sybase 11.9.2 (specifically: avoids ANSI JOIN syntax) 
Sybase11JoinFragment An old Sybase-style join (before Sybase supported the ANSI style "inner join" etc syntax) This is needed for Sybase 11.9.2 and earlier, using the HQL 2.* syntax with Collections. 
SybaseAnywhereDialect SQL Dialect for Sybase Anywhere extending Sybase (Enterprise) Dialect (Tested on ASA 8.x) 
SybaseASE15Dialect An SQL dialect targeting Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15 and higher. 
SybaseDialect This class is deprecated. use AbstractTransactSQLDialect, SybaseASE15Dialect or SQLServerDialect instead depending on need. 
SynchronizationRegistry Manages a registry of Synchronization Synchronizations. 
Synchronize Ensures that auto-flush happens correctly and that queries against the derived entity do not return stale data. 
SyntheticAndFactory Creates synthetic and nodes based on the where fragment part of a JoinSequence. 
SyntheticProperty Models a property which does not actually exist in the model. 


Table Complementary information to a table either primary or secondary 
Table A relational table 
TableBinder Table related operations 
TableGenerator An IdentifierGenerator that uses a database table to store the last generated value. 
TableGenerator An enhanced version of table-based id generation. 
TableHiLoGenerator hilo

An IdentifierGenerator that returns a Long, constructed using a hi/lo algorithm. 
TableMetadata JDBC table metadata 
TableOwner Interface allowing to differenciate SubClasses from Classes, JoinedSubClasses and UnionSubClasses The first one has not its own table while the others have 
Tables Plural of Table 
TableStructure Describes a table used to mimic sequence behavior 
Target Define an explicit target,a voiding reflection and generics resolving 
Template Parses SQL fragments specified in mapping documents 
TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter Knows how to extract a violated constraint name from an error message based on the fact that the constraint name is templated within the message. 
TemplateRenderer Delegate for handling function "templates". 
TeradataDialect A dialect for the Teradata database created by MCR as part of the dialect certification process. 
TextType A type that maps between LONGVARCHAR and String 
ThreadLocalSessionContext A CurrentSessionContext impl which scopes the notion of current session by the current thread of execution. 
ThreadLocalSessionContext.CleanupSynch JTA transaction synch used for cleanup of the internal session map. 
Timestamper Generates increasing identifiers (in a single VM only). 
TimestampsRegion Defines the contract for a cache region which will specifically be used to store entity "update timestamps". 
TimestampsRegionAdapter Adapter specifically briding TimestampsRegion to Cache
TimestampType A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and java.sql.Timestamp 
TimestampTypeDescriptor Descriptor for TIMESTAMP handling. 
TimesTenDialect A SQL dialect for TimesTen 5.1. 
TimeType A type that maps between TIME and Time 
TimeTypeDescriptor Descriptor for TIME handling. 
TimeZoneType A type mapping VARCHAR and TimeZone 
TimeZoneTypeDescriptor Descriptor for TimeZone handling. 
TinyIntTypeDescriptor Descriptor for TINYINT handling. 
ToListResultTransformer Tranforms each result row from a tuple into a List, such that what you end up with is a List of List Lists. 
TooManyRowsAffectedException Indicates that more rows were affected then we were expecting to be. 
ToOne A simple-point association (ie. 
ToOneBinder Work in progress The goal of this class is to aggregate all operations related to ToOne binding operations 
ToOneFkSecondPass Enable a proper set of the FK columns in respect with the id column order Allow the correct implementation of the default EJB3 values which needs both sides of the association to be resolved 
Transaction Allows the application to define units of work, while maintaining abstraction from the underlying transaction implementation (eg. 
TransactionalCache Support for fully transactional cache implementations like JBoss TreeCache. 
TransactionalDataRegion Defines contract for regions which hold transactionally-managed data. 
TransactionAwareCache Marker interface for identifying cache impls which are aware of JTA transactions 
TransactionException Indicates that a transaction could not be begun, committed or rolled back. 
TransactionFactory Contract for generating Hibernate Transaction instances. 
TransactionFactory.Context Callback mechanism; a context is always a Session in the Hibernate usage. 
TransactionFactoryFactory Helper for creating TransactionFactory instances. 
TransactionHelper Allows work to be done outside the current transaction, by suspending it, and performing work in a new transaction 
TransactionManagerLookup Contract for locating the JTA TransactionManager on given platform. 
TransactionManagerLookupFactory Helper for generating TransactionManagerLookup instances. 
TransientObjectException Thrown when the user passes a transient instance to a Session method that expects a persistent instance. 
TranslationContext Contract for contextual information required to perform translation. 
TrimFunctionTemplate Defines the basic template support for TRIM functions 
TrueFalseType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'T' and 'F') 
Tuplizer Define a tuplizer for an entity or a component 
Tuplizer A tuplizer defines the contract for things which know how to manage a particular representation of a piece of data, given that representation's EntityMode (the entity-mode essentially defining which representation). 
Tuplizers Define a set of tuplizer for an entity or a component 
TwoPhaseLoad Functionality relating to Hibernate's two-phase loading process, that may be reused by persisters that do not use the Loader framework 
Type hibernate type 
Type Defines a mapping between a Java type and one or more JDBC java.sql.Types types, as well as describing the in-memory semantics of the given java type (how do we check it for 'dirtiness', how do we copy values, etc). 
TypeDef Type definition 
TypeDef Placeholder for typedef information  
TypeDefs Type definition array 
TypeDiscriminatorMetadata Essentially a wrapper around a DiscriminatorMetadata and the proper sql alias to use. 
TypedValue An ordered pair of a value and its Hibernate type. 
TypeFactory Used internally to build instances of Type, specifically it builds instances of Used internally to obtain instances of Type
TypeHelper Provides access to the various Type instances associated with the SessionFactory
TypeHelper Collection of convenience methods relating to operations across arrays of types... 
TypeLocatorImpl Implementation of TypeHelper 
TypeMismatchException Used when a user provided type does not match the expected one 
TypeNames This class maps a type to names. 
TypeResolver Acts as the contract for getting types and as the mediator between BasicTypeRegistry and TypeFactory


UnaryLogicOperatorNode Represents a unary operator node. 
UnaryOperatorNode Contract for nodes representing unary operators. 
UnionSubclass A subclass in a table-per-concrete-class mapping 
UnionSubclassEntityPersister Implementation of the "table-per-concrete-class" or "roll-down" mapping strategy for an entity and its inheritence hierarchy. 
UniqueConstraintHolder javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint annotations are handled via second pass. 
UniqueEntityLoader Loads entities for a EntityPersister 
UniqueKey A relational unique key constraint 
UnknownProfileException Used to indicate a request against an unknown profile name. 
UnresolvableObjectException Thrown when Hibernate could not resolve an object by id, especially when loading an association. 
Update An SQL UPDATE statement 
UpdateLockingStrategy A locking strategy where the locks are obtained through update statements. 
UpdateStatement Defines a top-level AST node representing an HQL update statement. 
UpdateTimestampsCache Tracks the timestamps of the most recent updates to particular tables. 
UrlType A type that maps between VARCHAR and URL 
UrlTypeDescriptor Descriptor for URL handling. 
UserCollectionType A custom type for mapping user-written classes that implement PersistentCollection 
UserSuppliedConnectionProvider An implementation of the ConnectionProvider interface that simply throws an exception when a connection is requested. 
UserType This interface should be implemented by user-defined "types". 
UserVersionType A user type that may be used for a version property 
UUIDBinaryType A type mapping BINARY and UUID 
UUIDCharType A type mapping CHAR (or VARCHAR) and java.util.UUID 
UUIDGenerationStrategy A strategy for generating a variant 2 UUID value. 
UUIDGenerator An IdentifierGenerator which generates UUID values using a pluggable generation strategy
UUIDHexGenerator uuid

A UUIDGenerator that returns a string of length 32, This string will consist of only hex digits. 
UUIDTypeDescriptor Descriptor for UUID handling. 


Validatable Implemented by persistent classes with invariants that must be checked before inserting into or updating the database. 
ValidationFailure Thrown from Validatable.validate() when an invariant was violated. 
Value A value is anything that is persisted by value, instead of by reference. 
ValueBinder<X> Contract for binding values to a PreparedStatement. 
ValueExtractor<X> Contract for extracting a value from a ResultSet. 
ValueInclusion An enum of the different ways a value might be "included". 
VarArgsSQLFunction Support for slightly more general templating than StandardSQLFunction, with an unlimited number of arguments. 
VarbinaryTypeDescriptor Descriptor for VARBINARY handling. 
VarcharTypeDescriptor Descriptor for VARCHAR handling. 
Version Information about the Hibernate version. 
Version This class is deprecated. Use Version instead  
Versioning Utilities for dealing with optimisitic locking values. 
VersionProperty Represents a version property within the Hibernate runtime-metamodel. 
VersionType<T> Additional contract for types which may be used to version (and optimistic lock) data. 
VersionTypeSeedParameterSpecification Parameter bind specification used for optimisitc lock version seeding (from insert statements). 
VersionValue A strategy for determining if a version value is an version of a new transient instance or a previously persistent transient instance. 
ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter Defines a contract for implementations that can extract the name of a violated constraint from a SQLException that is the result of that constraint violation. 


WeblogicTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManager lookup strategy for WebLogic 
WebSphereExtendedJTATransactionLookup TransactionManagerLookup implementation intended for use with WebSphere Application Server (WAS). 
WebSphereTransactionManagerLookup TransactionManagerLookup strategy for WebSphere (versions 4, 5.0 and 5.1) 
Where Where clause to add to the element Entity or target entity of a collection The clause is written in SQL 
WhereJoinTable Where clause to add to the colleciton join table The clause is written in SQL 
WhereParser Parses the where clause of a hibernate query and translates it to an SQL where clause. 
Work Contract for performing a discrete piece of JDBC work. 
WrappedBlob Contract for Blob wrappers. 
WrappedClob Contract for Clob wrappers. 
WrappedMaterializedBlobType A type that maps JDBC BLOB and Byte[]
WrapperBinaryType A type mapping VARBINARY and Byte Byte[] 
WrapperOptions TODO : javadoc 
WrapVisitor Wrap collections in a Hibernate collection wrapper. 
WrongClassException Thrown when Session.load() selects a row with the given primary key (identifier value) but the row's discriminator value specifies a subclass that is not assignable to the class requested by the user. 


XmlDocument Describes a parsed xml document. 
XmlDocumentImpl Basic implemementation of XmlDocument 
XMLHelper Small helper class that lazy loads DOM and SAX reader and keep them for fast use afterwards. 
XmlRepresentableType<T> Additional, optional contract for types whose values can be represented as XML text (either as attribute or element value). 


YesNoType A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'Y' and 'N')