public class


extends Object
implements Serializable ResultTransformer
   ↳ org.hibernate.transform.AliasToBeanResultTransformer

Class Overview

Result transformer that allows to transform a result to a user specified class which will be populated via setter methods or fields matching the alias names.

 List resultWithAliasedBean = s.createCriteria(Enrolment.class)
 			.createAlias("student", "st")
 			.createAlias("course", "co")
 			.setProjection( Projections.projectionList()
 					.add("co.description"), "courseDescription" )
 			.setResultTransformer( new AliasToBeanResultTransformer(StudentDTO.class) )

StudentDTO dto = (StudentDTO)resultWithAliasedBean.get(0);


Public Constructors
AliasToBeanResultTransformer(Class resultClass)
Public Methods
boolean equals(Object o)
int hashCode()
List transformList(List collection)
Here we have an opportunity to perform transformation on the query result as a whole.
Object transformTuple(Object[] tuple, String[] aliases)
Tuples are the elements making up each "row" of the query result.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.hibernate.transform.ResultTransformer

Public Constructors

public AliasToBeanResultTransformer (Class resultClass)

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object o)

public int hashCode ()

public List transformList (List collection)

Here we have an opportunity to perform transformation on the query result as a whole. This might be useful to convert from one collection type to another or to remove duplicates from the result, etc.

collection The result.
  • The transformed result.

public Object transformTuple (Object[] tuple, String[] aliases)

Tuples are the elements making up each "row" of the query result. The contract here is to transform these elements into the final row.

tuple The result elements
aliases The result aliases ("parallel" array to tuple)
  • The transformed row.