public abstract class


extends Object
implements Serializable
   ↳ org.hibernate.type.AlternativeLobTypes<S, T extends org.hibernate.type.LobType<S>>
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Provides alternative types for binding LOB values.


Nested Classes
class AlternativeLobTypes.BlobTypes<S, T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding BLOB values. 
class AlternativeLobTypes.ClobTypes<S, T extends LobType<S>> Provides alternative types for binding CLOB values. 
Public Methods
final T getDefaultType()
Returns the type that uses the default binding LOB values.
final T getLobBindingType()
Returns the type that explicitly binds the LOB value,
final T getStreamBindingType()
Returns the type that binds LOB values using streams.
Protected Methods
T createLobType(Class<? extends T> lobTypeClass, Constructor constructor, SqlTypeDescriptor sqlTypeDescriptor)
Constructor getConstructor(Class<? extends T> clazz)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Methods

public final T getDefaultType ()

Returns the type that uses the default binding LOB values.

  • type that uses the default binding
See Also

public final T getLobBindingType ()

Returns the type that explicitly binds the LOB value,

  • type that binds the LOB

public final T getStreamBindingType ()

Returns the type that binds LOB values using streams.

  • type that binds using a stream

Protected Methods

protected T createLobType (Class<? extends T> lobTypeClass, Constructor constructor, SqlTypeDescriptor sqlTypeDescriptor)

protected Constructor getConstructor (Class<? extends T> clazz)