


DisposerRecord This class is used to hold the resource to be disposed. 
DisposerTarget This is an interface which should be implemented by the classes which use Disposer. 
FontSupport Font support for graphics environment  
StateTrackable This interface is implemented by classes which contain complex state so that other objects can track whether or not their state has changed since earlier interactions with the object. 
StateTracker This interface is used to track changes to the complex data of an object that implements the StateTrackable interface. 


DefaultDisposerRecord This class is the default DisposerRecord implementation which holds pointers to the native disposal method and the data to be disposed. 
Disposer This class is used for registering and disposing the native data associated with java objects. 
HeadlessGraphicsEnvironment Headless decorator implementation of a SunGraphicsEnvironment  
NullSurfaceData This class provides an empty implementation of the SurfaceData abstract superclass. 
Spans Maintains a list of half-open intervals, called Spans. 
StateTrackableDelegate This class provides a basic pre-packaged implementation of the complete StateTrackable interface with implementations of the required methods in the interface and methods to manage transitions in the state of the object. 
SunGraphics2D This is a the master Graphics2D superclass for all of the Sun Graphics implementations. 
SunGraphicsEnvironment This is an implementation of a GraphicsEnvironment object for the default local GraphicsEnvironment. 
SurfaceData This class provides various pieces of information relevant to a particular drawing surface. 
SurfaceDataProxy The proxy class encapsulates the logic for managing alternate SurfaceData representations of a primary SurfaceData. 


StateTrackable.State An enumeration describing the current state of a trackable object. 


InvalidPipeException Signals that some part of a graphics pipeline is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.