public abstract class


extends Object
   ↳ javax.xml.crypto.dsig.XMLSignatureFactory

Class Overview

A factory for creating XMLSignature objects from scratch or for unmarshalling an XMLSignature object from a corresponding XML representation.

XMLSignatureFactory Type

Each instance of XMLSignatureFactory supports a specific XML mechanism type. To create an XMLSignatureFactory, call one of the static getInstance methods, passing in the XML mechanism type desired, for example:

XMLSignatureFactory factory = XMLSignatureFactory.getInstance("DOM");

The objects that this factory produces will be based on DOM and abide by the DOM interoperability requirements as defined in the DOM Mechanism Requirements section of the API overview. See the Service Providers section of the API overview for a list of standard mechanism types.

XMLSignatureFactory implementations are registered and loaded using the Provider mechanism. For example, a service provider that supports the DOM mechanism would be specified in the Provider subclass as:

     put("XMLSignatureFactory.DOM", "org.example.DOMXMLSignatureFactory");

An implementation MUST minimally support the default mechanism type: DOM.

Note that a caller must use the same XMLSignatureFactory instance to create the XMLStructures of a particular XMLSignature that is to be generated. The behavior is undefined if XMLStructures from different providers or different mechanism types are used together.

Also, the XMLStructures that are created by this factory may contain state specific to the XMLSignature and are not intended to be reusable.

Creating XMLSignatures from scratch

Once the XMLSignatureFactory has been created, objects can be instantiated by calling the appropriate method. For example, a Reference instance may be created by invoking one of the newReference methods.

Unmarshalling XMLSignatures from XML

Alternatively, an XMLSignature may be created from an existing XML representation by invoking the unmarshalXMLSignature method and passing it a mechanism-specific XMLValidateContext instance containing the XML content:

 DOMValidateContext context = new DOMValidateContext(key, signatureElement);
 XMLSignature signature = factory.unmarshalXMLSignature(context);
Each XMLSignatureFactory must support the required XMLValidateContext types for that factory type, but may support others. A DOM XMLSignatureFactory must support DOMValidateContext objects.

Signing and marshalling XMLSignatures to XML

Each XMLSignature created by the factory can also be marshalled to an XML representation and signed, by invoking the sign method of the XMLSignature object and passing it a mechanism-specific XMLSignContext object containing the signing key and marshalling parameters (see DOMSignContext). For example:
    DOMSignContext context = new DOMSignContext(privateKey, document);
Concurrent Access

The static methods of this class are guaranteed to be thread-safe. Multiple threads may concurrently invoke the static methods defined in this class with no ill effects.

However, this is not true for the non-static methods defined by this class. Unless otherwise documented by a specific provider, threads that need to access a single XMLSignatureFactory instance concurrently should synchronize amongst themselves and provide the necessary locking. Multiple threads each manipulating a different XMLSignatureFactory instance need not synchronize.


Protected Constructors
Default constructor, for invocation by subclasses.
Public Methods
static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance(String mechanismType, String provider)
Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"), as supplied by the specified provider.
static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance(String mechanismType, Provider provider)
Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"), as supplied by the specified provider.
static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance(String mechanismType)
Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the specified XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM").
static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance()
Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the default XML processing mechanism and representation type ("DOM").
final KeyInfoFactory getKeyInfoFactory()
Returns a KeyInfoFactory that creates KeyInfo objects.
final String getMechanismType()
Returns the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation supported by this XMLSignatureFactory (ex: "DOM").
final Provider getProvider()
Returns the provider of this XMLSignatureFactory.
abstract URIDereferencer getURIDereferencer()
Returns a reference to the URIDereferencer that is used by default to dereference URIs in Reference objects.
abstract boolean isFeatureSupported(String feature)
Indicates whether a specified feature is supported.
abstract CanonicalizationMethod newCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm, C14NMethodParameterSpec params)
Creates a CanonicalizationMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract CanonicalizationMethod newCanonicalizationMethod(String algorithm, XMLStructure params)
Creates a CanonicalizationMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract DigestMethod newDigestMethod(String algorithm, DigestMethodParameterSpec params)
Creates a DigestMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract Manifest newManifest(List references, String id)
Creates a Manifest containing the specified list of References and optional id.
abstract Manifest newManifest(List references)
Creates a Manifest containing the specified list of References.
abstract Reference newReference(String uri, DigestMethod dm, List appliedTransforms, Data result, List transforms, String type, String id)
Creates a Reference with the specified parameters.
abstract Reference newReference(String uri, DigestMethod dm)
Creates a Reference with the specified URI and digest method.
abstract Reference newReference(String uri, DigestMethod dm, List transforms, String type, String id)
Creates a Reference with the specified parameters.
abstract Reference newReference(String uri, DigestMethod dm, List transforms, String type, String id, byte[] digestValue)
Creates a Reference with the specified parameters and pre-calculated digest value.
abstract SignatureMethod newSignatureMethod(String algorithm, SignatureMethodParameterSpec params)
Creates a SignatureMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract SignatureProperties newSignatureProperties(List properties, String id)
Creates a SignatureProperties containing the specified list of SignaturePropertys and optional id.
abstract SignatureProperty newSignatureProperty(List content, String target, String id)
Creates a SignatureProperty containing the specified list of XMLStructures, target URI and optional id.
abstract SignedInfo newSignedInfo(CanonicalizationMethod cm, SignatureMethod sm, List references)
Creates a SignedInfo with the specified canonicalization and signature methods, and list of one or more references.
abstract SignedInfo newSignedInfo(CanonicalizationMethod cm, SignatureMethod sm, List references, String id)
Creates a SignedInfo with the specified parameters.
abstract Transform newTransform(String algorithm, XMLStructure params)
Creates a Transform for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract Transform newTransform(String algorithm, TransformParameterSpec params)
Creates a Transform for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.
abstract XMLObject newXMLObject(List content, String id, String mimeType, String encoding)
Creates an XMLObject from the specified parameters.
abstract XMLSignature newXMLSignature(SignedInfo si, KeyInfo ki, List objects, String id, String signatureValueId)
Creates an XMLSignature and initializes it with the specified parameters.
abstract XMLSignature newXMLSignature(SignedInfo si, KeyInfo ki)
Creates an XMLSignature and initializes it with the contents of the specified SignedInfo and KeyInfo objects.
abstract XMLSignature unmarshalXMLSignature(XMLStructure xmlStructure)
Unmarshals a new XMLSignature instance from a mechanism-specific XMLStructure instance.
abstract XMLSignature unmarshalXMLSignature(XMLValidateContext context)
Unmarshals a new XMLSignature instance from a mechanism-specific XMLValidateContext instance.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Protected Constructors

protected XMLSignatureFactory ()

Default constructor, for invocation by subclasses.

Public Methods

public static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance (String mechanismType, String provider)

Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"), as supplied by the specified provider. The specified provider must be registered in the security provider list.

Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.

mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation. See the Service Providers section of the API overview for a list of standard mechanism types.
provider the string name of the provider
  • a new XMLSignatureFactory
NoSuchProviderException if the specified provider is not registered in the security provider list
NullPointerException if provider or mechanismType is null
NoSuchMechanismException if an XMLSignatureFactory implementation for the specified mechanism is not available from the specified provider
See Also

public static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance (String mechanismType, Provider provider)

Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the requested XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM"), as supplied by the specified provider. Note that the specified Provider object does not have to be registered in the provider list.

mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation. See the Service Providers section of the API overview for a list of standard mechanism types.
provider the Provider object
  • a new XMLSignatureFactory
NullPointerException if provider or mechanismType is null
NoSuchMechanismException if an XMLSignatureFactory implementation for the specified mechanism is not available from the specified Provider object
See Also

public static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance (String mechanismType)

Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the specified XML processing mechanism and representation type (ex: "DOM").

This method uses the standard JCA provider lookup mechanism to locate and instantiate an XMLSignatureFactory implementation of the desired mechanism type. It traverses the list of registered security Providers, starting with the most preferred Provider. A new XMLSignatureFactory object from the first Provider that supports the specified mechanism is returned.

Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.

mechanismType the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation. See the Service Providers section of the API overview for a list of standard mechanism types.
  • a new XMLSignatureFactory
NullPointerException if mechanismType is null
NoSuchMechanismException if no Provider supports an XMLSignatureFactory implementation for the specified mechanism
See Also

public static XMLSignatureFactory getInstance ()

Returns an XMLSignatureFactory that supports the default XML processing mechanism and representation type ("DOM").

This method uses the standard JCA provider lookup mechanism to locate and instantiate an XMLSignatureFactory implementation of the default mechanism type. It traverses the list of registered security Providers, starting with the most preferred Provider. A new XMLSignatureFactory object from the first Provider that supports the DOM mechanism is returned.

Note that the list of registered providers may be retrieved via the Security.getProviders() method.

  • a new XMLSignatureFactory
NoSuchMechanismException if no Provider supports an XMLSignatureFactory implementation for the DOM mechanism
See Also

public final KeyInfoFactory getKeyInfoFactory ()

Returns a KeyInfoFactory that creates KeyInfo objects. The returned KeyInfoFactory has the same mechanism type and provider as this XMLSignatureFactory.

  • a KeyInfoFactory
NoSuchMechanismException if a KeyFactory implementation with the same mechanism type and provider is not available

public final String getMechanismType ()

Returns the type of the XML processing mechanism and representation supported by this XMLSignatureFactory (ex: "DOM").

  • the XML processing mechanism type supported by this XMLSignatureFactory

public final Provider getProvider ()

Returns the provider of this XMLSignatureFactory.

  • the provider of this XMLSignatureFactory

public abstract URIDereferencer getURIDereferencer ()

Returns a reference to the URIDereferencer that is used by default to dereference URIs in Reference objects.

  • a reference to the default URIDereferencer (never null)

public abstract boolean isFeatureSupported (String feature)

Indicates whether a specified feature is supported.

feature the feature name (as an absolute URI)
  • true if the specified feature is supported, false otherwise
NullPointerException if feature is null

public abstract CanonicalizationMethod newCanonicalizationMethod (String algorithm, C14NMethodParameterSpec params)

Creates a CanonicalizationMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the canonicalization algorithm
params algorithm-specific canonicalization parameters (may be null)
  • the CanonicalizationMethod
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract CanonicalizationMethod newCanonicalizationMethod (String algorithm, XMLStructure params)

Creates a CanonicalizationMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters. The parameters are specified as a mechanism-specific XMLStructure (ex: DOMStructure). This method is useful when the parameters are in XML form or there is no standard class for specifying the parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the canonicalization algorithm
params a mechanism-specific XML structure from which to unmarshal the parameters from (may be null if not required or optional)
  • the CanonicalizationMethod
ClassCastException if the type of params is inappropriate for this XMLSignatureFactory
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract DigestMethod newDigestMethod (String algorithm, DigestMethodParameterSpec params)

Creates a DigestMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the digest algorithm
params algorithm-specific digest parameters (may be null)
  • the DigestMethod
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract Manifest newManifest (List references, String id)

Creates a Manifest containing the specified list of References and optional id.

references a list of one or more References. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
id the id (may be null)
  • a Manifest
NullPointerException if references is null
IllegalArgumentException if references is empty
ClassCastException if references contains any entries that are not of type Reference

public abstract Manifest newManifest (List references)

Creates a Manifest containing the specified list of References.

references a list of one or more References. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
  • a Manifest
NullPointerException if references is null
IllegalArgumentException if references is empty
ClassCastException if references contains any entries that are not of type Reference

public abstract Reference newReference (String uri, DigestMethod dm, List appliedTransforms, Data result, List transforms, String type, String id)

Creates a Reference with the specified parameters.

This method is useful when a list of transforms have already been applied to the Reference. See for example, the OASIS-DSS (Digital Signature Services) specification.

When an XMLSignature containing this reference is generated, the specified transforms (if non-null) are applied to the specified result. The Transforms element of the resulting Reference element is set to the concatenation of the appliedTransforms and transforms.

uri the reference URI (may be null)
dm the digest method
appliedTransforms a list of Transforms that have already been applied. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. The list must contain at least one entry.
result the result of processing the sequence of appliedTransforms
transforms a list of Transforms that are to be applied when generating the signature. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be null or empty.
type the reference type, as a URI (may be null)
id the reference ID (may be null)
  • a Reference
ClassCastException if any of the transforms (in either list) are not of type Transform
IllegalArgumentException if uri is not RFC 2396 compliant or appliedTransforms is empty
NullPointerException if dm, appliedTransforms or result is null

public abstract Reference newReference (String uri, DigestMethod dm)

Creates a Reference with the specified URI and digest method.

uri the reference URI (may be null)
dm the digest method
  • a Reference
IllegalArgumentException if uri is not RFC 2396 compliant
NullPointerException if dm is null

public abstract Reference newReference (String uri, DigestMethod dm, List transforms, String type, String id)

Creates a Reference with the specified parameters.

uri the reference URI (may be null)
dm the digest method
transforms a list of Transforms. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be null or empty.
type the reference type, as a URI (may be null)
id the reference ID (may be null)
  • a Reference
ClassCastException if any of the transforms are not of type Transform
IllegalArgumentException if uri is not RFC 2396 compliant
NullPointerException if dm is null

public abstract Reference newReference (String uri, DigestMethod dm, List transforms, String type, String id, byte[] digestValue)

Creates a Reference with the specified parameters and pre-calculated digest value.

This method is useful when the digest value of a Reference has been previously computed. See for example, the OASIS-DSS (Digital Signature Services) specification.

uri the reference URI (may be null)
dm the digest method
transforms a list of Transforms. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be null or empty.
type the reference type, as a URI (may be null)
id the reference ID (may be null)
digestValue the digest value. The array is cloned to protect against subsequent modification.
  • a Reference
ClassCastException if any of the transforms are not of type Transform
IllegalArgumentException if uri is not RFC 2396 compliant
NullPointerException if dm or digestValue is null

public abstract SignatureMethod newSignatureMethod (String algorithm, SignatureMethodParameterSpec params)

Creates a SignatureMethod for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the signature algorithm
params algorithm-specific signature parameters (may be null)
  • the SignatureMethod
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract SignatureProperties newSignatureProperties (List properties, String id)

Creates a SignatureProperties containing the specified list of SignaturePropertys and optional id.

properties a list of one or more SignaturePropertys. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
id the id (may be null)
  • a SignatureProperties
NullPointerException if properties is null
IllegalArgumentException if properties is empty
ClassCastException if properties contains any entries that are not of type SignatureProperty

public abstract SignatureProperty newSignatureProperty (List content, String target, String id)

Creates a SignatureProperty containing the specified list of XMLStructures, target URI and optional id.

content a list of one or more XMLStructures. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
target the target URI of the Signature that this property applies to
id the id (may be null)
  • a SignatureProperty
NullPointerException if content or target is null
IllegalArgumentException if content is empty
ClassCastException if content contains any entries that are not of type XMLStructure

public abstract SignedInfo newSignedInfo (CanonicalizationMethod cm, SignatureMethod sm, List references)

Creates a SignedInfo with the specified canonicalization and signature methods, and list of one or more references.

cm the canonicalization method
sm the signature method
references a list of one or more References. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
  • a SignedInfo
ClassCastException if any of the references are not of type Reference
IllegalArgumentException if references is empty
NullPointerException if any of the parameters are null

public abstract SignedInfo newSignedInfo (CanonicalizationMethod cm, SignatureMethod sm, List references, String id)

Creates a SignedInfo with the specified parameters.

cm the canonicalization method
sm the signature method
references a list of one or more References. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification.
id the id (may be null)
  • a SignedInfo
ClassCastException if any of the references are not of type Reference
IllegalArgumentException if references is empty
NullPointerException if cm, sm, or references are null

public abstract Transform newTransform (String algorithm, XMLStructure params)

Creates a Transform for the specified algorithm URI and parameters. The parameters are specified as a mechanism-specific XMLStructure (ex: DOMStructure). This method is useful when the parameters are in XML form or there is no standard class for specifying the parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the transform algorithm
params a mechanism-specific XML structure from which to unmarshal the parameters from (may be null if not required or optional)
  • the Transform
ClassCastException if the type of params is inappropriate for this XMLSignatureFactory
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract Transform newTransform (String algorithm, TransformParameterSpec params)

Creates a Transform for the specified algorithm URI and parameters.

algorithm the URI identifying the transform algorithm
params algorithm-specific transform parameters (may be null)
  • the Transform
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException if the specified parameters are inappropriate for the requested algorithm
NoSuchAlgorithmException if an implementation of the specified algorithm cannot be found
NullPointerException if algorithm is null

public abstract XMLObject newXMLObject (List content, String id, String mimeType, String encoding)

Creates an XMLObject from the specified parameters.

content a list of XMLStructures. The list is defensively copied to protect against subsequent modification. May be null or empty.
id the Id (may be null)
mimeType the mime type (may be null)
encoding the encoding (may be null)
  • an XMLObject
ClassCastException if content contains any entries that are not of type XMLStructure

public abstract XMLSignature newXMLSignature (SignedInfo si, KeyInfo ki, List objects, String id, String signatureValueId)

Creates an XMLSignature and initializes it with the specified parameters.

si the signed info
ki the key info (may be null)
objects a list of XMLObjects (may be empty or null)
id the Id (may be null)
signatureValueId the SignatureValue Id (may be null)
  • an XMLSignature
NullPointerException if si is null
ClassCastException if any of the objects are not of type XMLObject

public abstract XMLSignature newXMLSignature (SignedInfo si, KeyInfo ki)

Creates an XMLSignature and initializes it with the contents of the specified SignedInfo and KeyInfo objects.

si the signed info
ki the key info (may be null)
  • an XMLSignature
NullPointerException if si is null

public abstract XMLSignature unmarshalXMLSignature (XMLStructure xmlStructure)

Unmarshals a new XMLSignature instance from a mechanism-specific XMLStructure instance. This method is useful if you only want to unmarshal (and not validate) an XMLSignature.

xmlStructure a mechanism-specific XML structure from which to unmarshal the signature from
  • the XMLSignature
NullPointerException if xmlStructure is null
ClassCastException if the type of xmlStructure is inappropriate for this factory
MarshalException if an unrecoverable exception occurs during unmarshalling

public abstract XMLSignature unmarshalXMLSignature (XMLValidateContext context)

Unmarshals a new XMLSignature instance from a mechanism-specific XMLValidateContext instance.

context a mechanism-specific context from which to unmarshal the signature from
  • the XMLSignature
NullPointerException if context is null
ClassCastException if the type of context is inappropriate for this factory
MarshalException if an unrecoverable exception occurs during unmarshalling