public static interface


Known Indirect Subclasses


Public Methods
abstract void layout(FontStrikeDesc sd, float[] mat, int gmask, int baseIndex, TextRecord text, int typo_flags, Point2D.Float pt, GlyphLayout.GVData data)
Given a strike descriptor, text, rtl flag, and starting point, append information about glyphs, positions, and character indices to the glyphvector data, and advance the point.

Public Methods

public abstract void layout (FontStrikeDesc sd, float[] mat, int gmask, int baseIndex, TextRecord text, int typo_flags, Point2D.Float pt, GlyphLayout.GVData data)

Given a strike descriptor, text, rtl flag, and starting point, append information about glyphs, positions, and character indices to the glyphvector data, and advance the point. If the GVData does not have room for the glyphs, throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException and leave pt and the gvdata unchanged.