public class


extends GraphicsPrimitive
   ↳ sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive
     ↳ sun.java2d.loops.MaskBlit
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

MaskBlit 1) copies rectangle of pixels from one surface to another 2) performs compositing of colors based upon a Composite parameter 3) blends result of composite with destination using an alpha coverage mask 4) the mask may be null in which case it should be treated as if it were an array of all opaque values (0xff) precise behavior is undefined if the source surface and the destination surface are the same surface with overlapping regions of pixels


Inherited Constants
From class sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive
public static final String methodSignature
public static final int primTypeID
Inherited Fields
From class sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive
Public Constructors
MaskBlit(long pNativePrim, SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)
Protected Constructors
MaskBlit(SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)
Public Methods
void MaskBlit(SurfaceData src, SurfaceData dst, Composite comp, Region clip, int srcx, int srcy, int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height, byte[] mask, int maskoff, int maskscan)
All MaskBlit implementors must have this invoker method
static MaskBlit getFromCache(SurfaceType src, CompositeType comp, SurfaceType dst)
static MaskBlit locate(SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)
GraphicsPrimitive makePrimitive(SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)
GraphicsPrimitive traceWrap()
Inherited Methods
From class sun.java2d.loops.GraphicsPrimitive
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String methodSignature

public static final int primTypeID

Public Constructors

public MaskBlit (long pNativePrim, SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)

Protected Constructors

protected MaskBlit (SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)

Public Methods

public void MaskBlit (SurfaceData src, SurfaceData dst, Composite comp, Region clip, int srcx, int srcy, int dstx, int dsty, int width, int height, byte[] mask, int maskoff, int maskscan)

All MaskBlit implementors must have this invoker method

public static MaskBlit getFromCache (SurfaceType src, CompositeType comp, SurfaceType dst)

public static MaskBlit locate (SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)

public GraphicsPrimitive makePrimitive (SurfaceType srctype, CompositeType comptype, SurfaceType dsttype)

public GraphicsPrimitive traceWrap ()