public interface

Known Indirect Subclasses

Class Overview

This interface is implemented by a mechanism specific instance of a GSS security context. A GSSContextSpi object can be thought of having 3 states: -before initialization -during initialization with its peer -after it is established

The context options can only be requested in state 1. In state 3, the per message operations are available to the callers. The get methods for the context options will return the requested options while in state 1 and 2, and the established values in state 3. Some mechanisms may allow the access to the per-message operations and the context flags before the context is fully established. The isProtReady method is used to indicate that these services are available.

Context establishment tokens are defined in a mechanism independent format in section 3.1 of RFC 2743. The GSS-Framework will add and remove the mechanism independent header portion of this token format depending on whether a token is received or is being sent. The mechanism should only generate or expect to read the inner-context token portion..

On the other hands, tokens used for per-message calls are generated entirely by the mechanism. It is possible that the mechanism chooses to encase inner-level per-message tokens in a header similar to that used for initial tokens, however, this is upto the mechanism to do. The token to/from the per-message calls are opaque to the GSS-Framework.

An attempt has been made to allow for reading the peer's tokens from an InputStream and writing tokens for the peer to an OutputStream. This allows applications to pass in streams that are obtained from their network connections and thus minimize the buffer copies that will happen. This is especially important for tokens generated by wrap() which are proportional in size to the length of the application data being wrapped, and are probably also the most frequently used type of tokens.

It is anticipated that most applications will want to use wrap() in a fashion where they obtain the application bytes to wrap from a byte[] but want to output the wrap token straight to an OutputStream. Similarly, they will want to use unwrap() where they read the token directly form an InputStream but output it to some byte[] for the application to process. Unfortunately the high level GSS bindings do not contain overloaded forms of wrap() and unwrap() that do just this, however we have accomodated those cases here with the expectation that this will be rolled into the high level bindings sooner or later.


Public Methods
abstract byte[] acceptSecContext(InputStream is, int mechTokenSize)
Acceptor's context establishment call.
abstract void dispose()
Releases context resources and terminates the context between 2 peer.
abstract byte[] export()
Produces a token representing this context.
abstract boolean getAnonymityState()
abstract boolean getConfState()
abstract boolean getCredDelegState()
abstract GSSCredentialSpi getDelegCred()
abstract boolean getIntegState()
abstract int getLifetime()
abstract byte[] getMIC(byte[] inMsg, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)
abstract void getMIC(InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)
Applies per-message integrity services.
abstract Oid getMech()
abstract boolean getMutualAuthState()
abstract Provider getProvider()
abstract boolean getReplayDetState()
abstract boolean getSequenceDetState()
abstract GSSNameSpi getSrcName()
abstract GSSNameSpi getTargName()
abstract int getWrapSizeLimit(int qop, boolean confReq, int maxTokSize)
Queries the context for largest data size to accomodate the specified protection and for the token to remain less then maxTokSize.
abstract byte[] initSecContext(InputStream is, int mechTokenSize)
Initiator context establishment call.
abstract boolean isEstablished()
abstract boolean isInitiator()
abstract boolean isProtReady()
abstract boolean isTransferable()
abstract void requestAnonymity(boolean state)
abstract void requestConf(boolean state)
abstract void requestCredDeleg(boolean state)
abstract void requestInteg(boolean state)
abstract void requestLifetime(int lifetime)
abstract void requestMutualAuth(boolean state)
abstract void requestReplayDet(boolean state)
abstract void requestSequenceDet(boolean state)
abstract void setChannelBinding(ChannelBinding cb)
abstract byte[] unwrap(byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)
For apps that want simplicity and dont care about buffer copies.
abstract void unwrap(InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)
Retrieves the message token previously encapsulated in the wrap call.
abstract void verifyMIC(InputStream is, InputStream msgStr, MessageProp mProp)
Checks the integrity of the supplied tokens.
abstract void verifyMIC(byte[] inTok, int tokOffset, int tokLen, byte[] inMsg, int msgOffset, int msgLen, MessageProp msgProp)
abstract byte[] wrap(byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)
For apps that want simplicity and don't care about buffer copies.
abstract void wrap(InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)
Provides per-message token encapsulation.

Public Methods

public abstract byte[] acceptSecContext (InputStream is, int mechTokenSize)

Acceptor's context establishment call. This method may be required to be called several times. A CONTINUE_NEEDED return call indicates that more calls are needed after the next token is received from the peer.

This method is called by the GSS-Framework when the application calls the acceptSecContext method on the GSSContext implementation that it has a reference to.

All overloaded forms of GSSContext.acceptSecContext() can be handled with this mechanism level acceptSecContext. Since the output token from this method is a fixed size, not exeedingly large, and a one time deal, an overloaded form that takes an OutputStream has not been defined. The GSS-Framwork can write the returned byte[] to any application provided OutputStream. Similarly, any application input int he form of byte arrays will be wrapped in an input stream by the GSS-Framework and then passed here.

The GSS-Framework will strip off the leading mechanism independent GSS-API header. In other words, only the mechanism specific inner-context token of RFC 2743 section 3.1 will be available on the InputStream.

is contains the inner context token portion of the GSS token received from the peer.
mechTokenSize the size of the inner context token as read by the GSS-Framework from the mechanism independent GSS-API level header.
  • any inner-context token required to be sent to the peer as part of a GSS token. The mechanism should not add the mechanism independent part of the token. The GSS-Framework will add that on the way out.
GSSException may be thrown

public abstract void dispose ()

Releases context resources and terminates the context between 2 peer.

GSSException may be thrown

public abstract byte[] export ()

Produces a token representing this context. After this call the context will no longer be usable until an import is performed on the returned token.

  • exported context token
GSSException may be thrown

public abstract boolean getAnonymityState ()

public abstract boolean getConfState ()

public abstract boolean getCredDelegState ()

public abstract GSSCredentialSpi getDelegCred ()


public abstract boolean getIntegState ()

public abstract int getLifetime ()

public abstract byte[] getMIC (byte[] inMsg, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)


public abstract void getMIC (InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)

Applies per-message integrity services.

is the user-provided message
os the token to be sent to the peer along with the message token. The message token is not encapsulated.
msgProp on input the desired QOP and output the applied QOP

public abstract Oid getMech ()


public abstract boolean getMutualAuthState ()

public abstract Provider getProvider ()

public abstract boolean getReplayDetState ()

public abstract boolean getSequenceDetState ()

public abstract GSSNameSpi getSrcName ()


public abstract GSSNameSpi getTargName ()


public abstract int getWrapSizeLimit (int qop, boolean confReq, int maxTokSize)

Queries the context for largest data size to accomodate the specified protection and for the token to remain less then maxTokSize.

qop the quality of protection that the context will be asked to provide.
confReq a flag indicating whether confidentiality will be requested or not
  • the maximum size for the input message that can be provided to the wrap() method in order to guarantee that these requirements are met.
GSSException may be thrown

public abstract byte[] initSecContext (InputStream is, int mechTokenSize)

Initiator context establishment call. This method may be required to be called several times. A CONTINUE_NEEDED return call indicates that more calls are needed after the next token is received from the peer.

This method is called by the GSS-Framework when the application calls the initSecContext method on the GSSContext implementation that it has a reference to.

All overloaded forms of GSSContext.initSecContext() can be handled with this mechanism level initSecContext. Since the output token from this method is a fixed size, not exeedingly large, and a one time deal, an overloaded form that takes an OutputStream has not been defined. The GSS-Framwork can write the returned byte[] to any application provided OutputStream. Similarly, any application input int he form of byte arrays will be wrapped in an input stream by the GSS-Framework and then passed here.

The GSS-Framework will strip off the leading mechanism independent GSS-API header. In other words, only the mechanism specific inner-context token of RFC 2743 section 3.1 will be available on the InputStream.

is contains the inner context token portion of the GSS token received from the peer. On the first call to initSecContext, there will be no token hence it will be ignored.
mechTokenSize the size of the inner context token as read by the GSS-Framework from the mechanism independent GSS-API level header.
  • any inner-context token required to be sent to the peer as part of a GSS token. The mechanism should not add the mechanism independent part of the token. The GSS-Framework will add that on the way out.
GSSException may be thrown

public abstract boolean isEstablished ()

public abstract boolean isInitiator ()

public abstract boolean isProtReady ()

public abstract boolean isTransferable ()


public abstract void requestAnonymity (boolean state)


public abstract void requestConf (boolean state)


public abstract void requestCredDeleg (boolean state)


public abstract void requestInteg (boolean state)


public abstract void requestLifetime (int lifetime)


public abstract void requestMutualAuth (boolean state)


public abstract void requestReplayDet (boolean state)


public abstract void requestSequenceDet (boolean state)


public abstract void setChannelBinding (ChannelBinding cb)


public abstract byte[] unwrap (byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)

For apps that want simplicity and dont care about buffer copies.


public abstract void unwrap (InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)

Retrieves the message token previously encapsulated in the wrap call.

is the token from the peer
os unprotected message data
msgProp will contain the applied qop and confidentiality of the input token and any informatory status values
GSSException may be thrown
See Also
  • MessageInfo
  • wrap

public abstract void verifyMIC (InputStream is, InputStream msgStr, MessageProp mProp)

Checks the integrity of the supplied tokens. This token was previously generated by getMIC.

is token generated by getMIC
msgStr the message to check integrity for
GSSException may be thrown

public abstract void verifyMIC (byte[] inTok, int tokOffset, int tokLen, byte[] inMsg, int msgOffset, int msgLen, MessageProp msgProp)


public abstract byte[] wrap (byte[] inBuf, int offset, int len, MessageProp msgProp)

For apps that want simplicity and don't care about buffer copies.


public abstract void wrap (InputStream is, OutputStream os, MessageProp msgProp)

Provides per-message token encapsulation.

is the user-provided message to be protected
os the token to be sent to the peer. It includes the message from is with the requested protection.
GSSException may be thrown
See Also
  • MessageInfo
  • unwrap