public final class


extends Object
   ↳ sun.text.normalizer.Utility


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static StringBuffer appendNumber(StringBuffer result, int n, int radix, int minDigits)
Append a number to the given StringBuffer in the given radix.
final static boolean arrayRegionMatches(char[] source, int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int len)
Convenience utility to compare two char[]s.
final static String escape(String s)
Convert characters outside the range U+0020 to U+007F to Unicode escapes, and convert backslash to a double backslash.
static boolean escapeUnprintable(StringBuffer result, int c)
Escape unprintable characters using uxxxx notation for U+0000 to U+FFFF and Uxxxxxxxx for U+10000 and above.
static void getChars(StringBuffer src, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)
Similar to StringBuffer.getChars, version 1.3.
static String hex(int ch, int width)
Convert a integer to size width (minimum) hex uppercase digits.
static StringBuffer hex(int ch, int width, StringBuffer output)
Convert a integer to size width hex uppercase digits.
static boolean isUnprintable(int c)
Return true if the character is NOT printable ASCII.
static int skipWhitespace(String str, int pos)
Skip over a sequence of zero or more white space characters at pos.
static int unescapeAt(String s, int[] offset16)
Convert an escape to a 32-bit code point value.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public Utility ()

Public Methods

public static StringBuffer appendNumber (StringBuffer result, int n, int radix, int minDigits)

Append a number to the given StringBuffer in the given radix. Standard digits '0'-'9' are used and letters 'A'-'Z' for radices 11 through 36.

result the digits of the number are appended here
n the number to be converted to digits; may be negative. If negative, a '-' is prepended to the digits.
radix a radix from 2 to 36 inclusive.
minDigits the minimum number of digits, not including any '-', to produce. Values less than 2 have no effect. One digit is always emitted regardless of this parameter.
  • a reference to result

public static final boolean arrayRegionMatches (char[] source, int sourceStart, char[] target, int targetStart, int len)

Convenience utility to compare two char[]s.

len the length to compare. The start indices and start+len must be valid.

public static final String escape (String s)

Convert characters outside the range U+0020 to U+007F to Unicode escapes, and convert backslash to a double backslash.

public static boolean escapeUnprintable (StringBuffer result, int c)

Escape unprintable characters using uxxxx notation for U+0000 to U+FFFF and Uxxxxxxxx for U+10000 and above. If the character is printable ASCII, then do nothing and return FALSE. Otherwise, append the escaped notation and return TRUE.

public static void getChars (StringBuffer src, int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin)

Similar to StringBuffer.getChars, version 1.3. Since JDK 1.2 implements StringBuffer.getChars differently, this method is here to provide consistent results. To be removed after JDK 1.2 ceased to be the reference platform.

src source string buffer
srcBegin offset to the start of the src to retrieve from
srcEnd offset to the end of the src to retrieve from
dst char array to store the retrieved chars
dstBegin offset to the start of the destination char array to store the retrieved chars

public static String hex (int ch, int width)

Convert a integer to size width (minimum) hex uppercase digits. E.g., hex('a', 4, str) => "0041". If the integer requires more than width digits, more will be used.

public static StringBuffer hex (int ch, int width, StringBuffer output)

Convert a integer to size width hex uppercase digits. E.g., hex('a', 4, str) => "0041". Append the output to the given StringBuffer. If width is too small to fit, nothing will be appended to output.

public static boolean isUnprintable (int c)

Return true if the character is NOT printable ASCII. The tab, newline and linefeed characters are considered unprintable.

public static int skipWhitespace (String str, int pos)

Skip over a sequence of zero or more white space characters at pos. Return the index of the first non-white-space character at or after pos, or str.length(), if there is none.

public static int unescapeAt (String s, int[] offset16)

Convert an escape to a 32-bit code point value. We attempt to parallel the icu4c unescapeAt() function.

offset16 an array containing offset to the character after the backslash. Upon return offset16[0] will be updated to point after the escape sequence.
  • character value from 0 to 10FFFF, or -1 on error.