public final enum


extends Enum<E extends Enum<E>>
   ↳ java.lang.Enum<E extends java.lang.Enum<E>>
     ↳ java.sql.RowIdLifetime

Class Overview

Enumeration for RowId life-time values.


Enum Values
RowIdLifetime  ROWID_UNSUPPORTED  Indicates that this data source does not support the ROWID type. 
RowIdLifetime  ROWID_VALID_FOREVER  Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is, effectively, unlimited. 
RowIdLifetime  ROWID_VALID_OTHER  Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is indeterminate; but not one of ROWID_VALID_TRANSACTION, ROWID_VALID_SESSION, or, ROWID_VALID_FOREVER. 
RowIdLifetime  ROWID_VALID_SESSION  Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is at least the containing session. 
RowIdLifetime  ROWID_VALID_TRANSACTION  Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is at least the containing transaction. 
Public Methods
static RowIdLifetime valueOf(String name)
final static RowIdLifetime[] values()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Enum
From class java.lang.Object
From interface java.lang.Comparable

Enum Values

public static final RowIdLifetime ROWID_UNSUPPORTED

Indicates that this data source does not support the ROWID type.

public static final RowIdLifetime ROWID_VALID_FOREVER

Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is, effectively, unlimited.

public static final RowIdLifetime ROWID_VALID_OTHER

Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is indeterminate; but not one of ROWID_VALID_TRANSACTION, ROWID_VALID_SESSION, or, ROWID_VALID_FOREVER.

public static final RowIdLifetime ROWID_VALID_SESSION

Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is at least the containing session.

public static final RowIdLifetime ROWID_VALID_TRANSACTION

Indicates that the lifetime of a RowId from this data source is at least the containing transaction.

Public Methods

public static RowIdLifetime valueOf (String name)

public static final RowIdLifetime[] values ()