public static abstract @interface


implements Annotation

Class Overview

Provides alternate forms of a message, such as are needed when plural forms are used or a placeholder has known gender. The selection of which form to use is based on the value of the arguments marked PluralCount and/or Select.


   @DefaultMessage("You have {0} widgets.")
   @AlternateMessage({"one", "You have one widget.")
   String example(@PluralCount int count);

If multiple Messages.PluralCount or Messages.Select parameters are supplied, the forms for each, in the order they appear in the parameter list, are supplied separated by a vertical bar ("|"). Example:

   @DefaultMessage("You have {0} messages and {1} notifications.")
       "=0|=0", "You have no messages or notifications."
       "=0|one", "You have a notification."
       "one|=0", "You have a message."
       "one|one", "You have one message and one notification."
       "other|one", "You have {0} messages and one notification."
       "one|other", "You have one message and {1} notifications."
   String messages(@PluralCount int msgCount,
       @PluralCount int notifyCount);
Note that the number of permutations can grow quickly, and that the default message is used when every Messages.PluralCount or Messages.Select would use the "other" value.


Inherited Methods
From interface java.lang.annotation.Annotation