public class


extends Object

Class Overview

This class provides a set of static methods that allow you to manipulate the browser's Document Object Model (DOM). It contains methods for manipulating both elements and events.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
static void addEventPreview(EventPreview preview)
This method is deprecated. replaced by addNativePreviewHandler(Event.NativePreviewHandler)
static void appendChild(Element parent, Element child)
Appends one element to another's list of children.
static Element clone(Element elem, boolean deep)
Clones an element.
static boolean compare(Element elem1, Element elem2)
This method is deprecated. Use identity comparison.
static Element createAnchor()
Creates an HTML A element.
static Element createButton()
Creates an HTML BUTTON element.
static Element createCaption()
Creates an HTML CAPTION element.
static Element createCol()
Creates an HTML COL element.
static Element createColGroup()
Creates an HTML COLGROUP element.
static Element createDiv()
Creates an HTML DIV element.
static Element createElement(String tagName)
Creates an HTML element.
static Element createFieldSet()
Creates an HTML FIELDSET element.
static Element createForm()
Creates an HTML FORM element.
static Element createIFrame()
Creates an HTML IFRAME element.
static Element createImg()
Creates an HTML IMG element.
static Element createInputCheck()
Creates an HTML INPUT type='CHECK' element.
static Element createInputPassword()
Creates an HTML INPUT type='PASSWORD' element.
static Element createInputRadio(String name)
Creates an HTML INPUT type='RADIO' element.
static Element createInputText()
Creates an HTML INPUT type='TEXT' element.
static Element createLabel()
Creates an HTML LABEL element.
static Element createLegend()
Creates an HTML LEGEND element.
static Element createOption()
Creates an HTML OPTION element.
static Element createOptions()
This method is deprecated. there is no "options" element; use createOption() instead
static Element createSelect(boolean multiple)
Creates an HTML SELECT element.
static Element createSelect()
Creates a single-selection HTML SELECT element.
static Element createSpan()
Creates an HTML SPAN element.
static Element createTBody()
Creates an HTML TBODY element.
static Element createTD()
Creates an HTML TD element.
static Element createTFoot()
Creates an HTML TFOOT element.
static Element createTH()
Creates an HTML TH element.
static Element createTHead()
Creates an HTML THEAD element.
static Element createTR()
Creates an HTML TR element.
static Element createTable()
Creates an HTML TABLE element.
static Element createTextArea()
Creates an HTML TEXTAREA element.
static String createUniqueId()
Generates a unique DOM id.
static void eventCancelBubble(Event evt, boolean cancel)
Cancels bubbling for the given event.
static boolean eventGetAltKey(Event evt)
Gets whether the ALT key was depressed when the given event occurred.
static int eventGetButton(Event evt)
Gets the mouse buttons that were depressed when the given event occurred.
static int eventGetClientX(Event evt)
Gets the mouse x-position within the browser window's client area.
static int eventGetClientY(Event evt)
Gets the mouse y-position within the browser window's client area.
static boolean eventGetCtrlKey(Event evt)
Gets whether the CTRL key was depressed when the given event occurred.
static Event eventGetCurrentEvent()
Gets the current event that is being fired.
static Element eventGetCurrentTarget(Event evt)
Gets the current target element of the given event.
static Element eventGetFromElement(Event evt)
Gets the element from which the mouse pointer was moved (valid for ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT).
static int eventGetKeyCode(Event evt)
Gets the key code associated with this event.
static boolean eventGetMetaKey(Event evt)
Gets whether the META key was depressed when the given event occurred.
static int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY(Event evt)
Gets the velocity of the mouse wheel associated with the event along the Y axis.
static boolean eventGetRepeat(Event evt)
This method is deprecated. not supported in any browser but IE
static int eventGetScreenX(Event evt)
Gets the mouse x-position on the user's display.
static int eventGetScreenY(Event evt)
Gets the mouse y-position on the user's display.
static boolean eventGetShiftKey(Event evt)
Gets whether the shift key was depressed when the given event occurred.
static Element eventGetTarget(Event evt)
Returns the element that was the actual target of the given event.
static Element eventGetToElement(Event evt)
Gets the element to which the mouse pointer was moved (only valid for ONMOUSEOUT and ONMOUSEOVER).
static int eventGetType(Event evt)
Gets the enumerated type of this event (as defined in Event).
static String eventGetTypeString(Event evt)
Gets the type of the given event as a string.
static void eventPreventDefault(Event evt)
Prevents the browser from taking its default action for the given event.
static void eventSetKeyCode(Event evt, char key)
This method is deprecated. this method only works in IE and should not have been added to the API
static String eventToString(Event evt)
Returns a stringized version of the event.
static int getAbsoluteLeft(Element elem)
Gets an element's absolute left coordinate in the document's coordinate system.
static int getAbsoluteTop(Element elem)
Gets an element's absolute top coordinate in the document's coordinate system.
static String getAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named getElementProperty(Element, String) instead.
static boolean getBooleanAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named getElementPropertyBoolean(Element, String) instead.
static Element getCaptureElement()
Gets the element that currently has mouse capture.
static Element getChild(Element parent, int index)
Gets an element's n-th child element.
static int getChildCount(Element parent)
Gets the number of child elements present in a given parent element.
static int getChildIndex(Element parent, Element child)
Gets the index of a given child element within its parent.
static String getElementAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
Gets the named attribute from the element.
static Element getElementById(String id)
Gets the element associated with the given unique id within the entire document.
static String getElementProperty(Element elem, String prop)
Gets any named property from an element, as a string.
static boolean getElementPropertyBoolean(Element elem, String prop)
Gets any named property from an element, as a boolean.
static int getElementPropertyInt(Element elem, String prop)
Gets any named property from an element, as an int.
static EventListener getEventListener(Element elem)
Gets the EventListener that will receive events for the given element.
static int getEventsSunk(Element elem)
Gets the current set of events sunk by a given element.
static Element getFirstChild(Element elem)
Gets the first child element of the given element.
static String getImgSrc(Element img)
Gets the src attribute of an img element.
static String getInnerHTML(Element elem)
Gets an HTML representation of an element's children.
static String getInnerText(Element elem)
Gets the text contained within an element.
static int getIntAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named getElementPropertyInt(Element, String) instead.
static int getIntStyleAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
Gets an integer attribute on a given element's style.
static Element getNextSibling(Element elem)
Gets an element's next sibling element.
static Element getParent(Element elem)
Gets an element's parent element.
static String getStyleAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
Gets an attribute of the given element's style.
static void insertBefore(Element parent, Element child, Element before)
Inserts an element as a child of the given parent element, before another child of that parent.
static void insertChild(Element parent, Element child, int index)
Inserts an element as a child of the given parent element.
static void insertListItem(Element selectElem, String item, String value, int index)
Creates an <option> element and inserts it as a child of the specified <select> element.
static boolean isOrHasChild(Element parent, Element child)
Determine whether one element is equal to, or the child of, another.
static void releaseCapture(Element elem)
Releases mouse/touch/gesture capture on the given element.
static void removeChild(Element parent, Element child)
Removes a child element from the given parent element.
static void removeElementAttribute(Element elem, String attr)
Removes the named attribute from the given element.
static void removeEventPreview(EventPreview preview)
This method is deprecated. use HandlerRegistration returned from addNativePreviewHandler(Event.NativePreviewHandler)
static void scrollIntoView(Element elem)
Scrolls the given element into view.
static void setAttribute(Element elem, String attr, String value)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named setElementProperty(Element, String, String) instead.
static void setBooleanAttribute(Element elem, String attr, boolean value)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named setElementPropertyBoolean(Element, String, boolean) instead.
static void setCapture(Element elem)
Sets mouse/touch/gesture capture on the given element.
static void setElementAttribute(Element elem, String attr, String value)
Sets an attribute on a given element.
static void setElementProperty(Element elem, String prop, String value)
Sets a property on the given element.
static void setElementPropertyBoolean(Element elem, String prop, boolean value)
Sets a boolean property on the given element.
static void setElementPropertyInt(Element elem, String prop, int value)
Sets an int property on the given element.
static void setEventListener(Element elem, EventListener listener)
Sets the EventListener to receive events for the given element.
static void setImgSrc(Element img, String src)
Sets the src attribute of an img element.
static void setInnerHTML(Element elem, String html)
Sets the HTML contained within an element.
static void setInnerText(Element elem, String text)
Sets the text contained within an element.
static void setIntAttribute(Element elem, String attr, int value)
This method is deprecated. Use the more appropriately named setElementPropertyInt(Element, String, int) instead.
static void setIntStyleAttribute(Element elem, String attr, int value)
Sets an integer attribute on the given element's style.
static void setOptionText(Element select, String text, int index)
Sets the option text of the given select object.
static void setStyleAttribute(Element elem, String attr, String value)
Sets an attribute on the given element's style.
static void sinkEvents(Element elem, int eventBits)
Sets the current set of events sunk by a given element.
static String toString(Element elem)
Returns a stringized version of the element.
static int windowGetClientHeight()
This method is deprecated. As of GWT 1.5, replaced by getClientHeight()
static int windowGetClientWidth()
This method is deprecated. As of GWT 1.5, replaced by getClientWidth()
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public DOM ()

Public Methods

public static void addEventPreview (EventPreview preview)

This method is deprecated.
replaced by addNativePreviewHandler(Event.NativePreviewHandler)

Adds an event preview to the preview stack. As long as this preview remains on the top of the stack, it will receive all events before they are fired to their listeners. Note that the event preview will receive all events, including those received due to bubbling, whereas normal event handlers only receive explicitly sunk events.

preview the event preview to be added to the stack.

public static void appendChild (Element parent, Element child)

Appends one element to another's list of children.

parent the parent element
child its new child

public static Element clone (Element elem, boolean deep)

Clones an element.

elem the element to be cloned
deep should children be cloned as well?

public static boolean compare (Element elem1, Element elem2)

This method is deprecated.
Use identity comparison.

Compares two elements for equality. Note that this method is now deprecated because reference identity accurately reports equality.

elem1 the first element to be compared
elem2 the second element to be compared
  • true if they are in fact the same element

public static Element createAnchor ()

Creates an HTML A element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createButton ()

Creates an HTML BUTTON element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createCaption ()

Creates an HTML CAPTION element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createCol ()

Creates an HTML COL element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createColGroup ()

Creates an HTML COLGROUP element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createDiv ()

Creates an HTML DIV element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createElement (String tagName)

Creates an HTML element.

tagName the HTML tag of the element to be created
  • the newly-created element

public static Element createFieldSet ()

Creates an HTML FIELDSET element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createForm ()

Creates an HTML FORM element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createIFrame ()

Creates an HTML IFRAME element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createImg ()

Creates an HTML IMG element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createInputCheck ()

Creates an HTML INPUT type='CHECK' element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createInputPassword ()

Creates an HTML INPUT type='PASSWORD' element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createInputRadio (String name)

Creates an HTML INPUT type='RADIO' element.

name the name of the group with which this radio button will be associated
  • the newly-created element

public static Element createInputText ()

Creates an HTML INPUT type='TEXT' element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createLabel ()

Creates an HTML LABEL element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createLegend ()

Creates an HTML LEGEND element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createOption ()

Creates an HTML OPTION element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createOptions ()

This method is deprecated.
there is no "options" element; use createOption() instead

Creates an HTML OPTIONS element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createSelect (boolean multiple)

Creates an HTML SELECT element.

multiple true if multiple selection of options is allowed
  • the newly-created element

public static Element createSelect ()

Creates a single-selection HTML SELECT element. Equivalent to


  • the newly-created element

public static Element createSpan ()

Creates an HTML SPAN element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTBody ()

Creates an HTML TBODY element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTD ()

Creates an HTML TD element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTFoot ()

Creates an HTML TFOOT element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTH ()

Creates an HTML TH element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTHead ()

Creates an HTML THEAD element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTR ()

Creates an HTML TR element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTable ()

Creates an HTML TABLE element.

  • the newly-created element

public static Element createTextArea ()

Creates an HTML TEXTAREA element.

  • the newly-created element

public static String createUniqueId ()

Generates a unique DOM id. The id is of the form "gwt-id-".

  • a unique DOM id

public static void eventCancelBubble (Event evt, boolean cancel)

Cancels bubbling for the given event. This will stop the event from being propagated to parent elements.

evt the event on which to cancel bubbling
cancel true to cancel bubbling

public static boolean eventGetAltKey (Event evt)

Gets whether the ALT key was depressed when the given event occurred.

evt the event to be tested
  • true if ALT was depressed when the event occurred

public static int eventGetButton (Event evt)

Gets the mouse buttons that were depressed when the given event occurred.

evt the event to be tested

public static int eventGetClientX (Event evt)

Gets the mouse x-position within the browser window's client area.

evt the event to be tested
  • the mouse x-position

public static int eventGetClientY (Event evt)

Gets the mouse y-position within the browser window's client area.

evt the event to be tested
  • the mouse y-position

public static boolean eventGetCtrlKey (Event evt)

Gets whether the CTRL key was depressed when the given event occurred.

evt the event to be tested
  • true if CTRL was depressed when the event occurred

public static Event eventGetCurrentEvent ()

Gets the current event that is being fired. The current event is only available within the lifetime of the onBrowserEvent function. Once the onBrowserEvent method returns, the current event is reset to null.

  • the current event

public static Element eventGetCurrentTarget (Event evt)

Gets the current target element of the given event. This is the element whose listener fired last, not the element which fired the event initially.

evt the event
  • the event's current target element

public static Element eventGetFromElement (Event evt)

Gets the element from which the mouse pointer was moved (valid for ONMOUSEOVER and ONMOUSEOUT).

evt the event to be tested
  • the element from which the mouse pointer was moved

public static int eventGetKeyCode (Event evt)

Gets the key code associated with this event.

For ONKEYPRESS, this method returns the Unicode value of the character generated. For ONKEYDOWN and ONKEYUP, it returns the code associated with the physical key.

evt the event to be tested
  • the Unicode character or key code.
See Also

public static boolean eventGetMetaKey (Event evt)

Gets whether the META key was depressed when the given event occurred.

evt the event to be tested
  • true if META was depressed when the event occurred

public static int eventGetMouseWheelVelocityY (Event evt)

Gets the velocity of the mouse wheel associated with the event along the Y axis.

The velocity of the event is an artifical measurement for relative comparisons of wheel activity. It is affected by some non-browser factors, including choice of input hardware and mouse acceleration settings. The sign of the velocity measurement agrees with the screen coordinate system; negative values are towards the origin and positive values are away from the origin. Standard scrolling speed is approximately ten units per event.

evt the event to be examined.
  • The velocity of the mouse wheel.

public static boolean eventGetRepeat (Event evt)

This method is deprecated.
not supported in any browser but IE

Gets the key-repeat state of this event. Only IE supports this attribute.

evt the event to be tested
  • true if this key event was an auto-repeat

public static int eventGetScreenX (Event evt)

Gets the mouse x-position on the user's display.

evt the event to be tested
  • the mouse x-position

public static int eventGetScreenY (Event evt)

Gets the mouse y-position on the user's display.

evt the event to be tested
  • the mouse y-position

public static boolean eventGetShiftKey (Event evt)

Gets whether the shift key was depressed when the given event occurred.

evt the event to be tested
  • true if shift was depressed when the event occurred

public static Element eventGetTarget (Event evt)

Returns the element that was the actual target of the given event.

evt the event to be tested
  • the target element

public static Element eventGetToElement (Event evt)

Gets the element to which the mouse pointer was moved (only valid for ONMOUSEOUT and ONMOUSEOVER).

evt the event to be tested
  • the element to which the mouse pointer was moved

public static int eventGetType (Event evt)

Gets the enumerated type of this event (as defined in Event).

evt the event to be tested
  • the event's enumerated type, or -1 if not defined

public static String eventGetTypeString (Event evt)

Gets the type of the given event as a string.

evt the event to be tested
  • the event's type name

public static void eventPreventDefault (Event evt)

Prevents the browser from taking its default action for the given event.

evt the event whose default action is to be prevented

public static void eventSetKeyCode (Event evt, char key)

This method is deprecated.
this method only works in IE and should not have been added to the API

Sets the key code associated with the given keyboard event.

evt the event whose key code is to be set
key the new key code

public static String eventToString (Event evt)

Returns a stringized version of the event. This string is for debugging purposes and will NOT be consistent on different browsers.

evt the event to stringize
  • a string form of the event

public static int getAbsoluteLeft (Element elem)

Gets an element's absolute left coordinate in the document's coordinate system.

elem the element to be measured
  • the element's absolute left coordinate

public static int getAbsoluteTop (Element elem)

Gets an element's absolute top coordinate in the document's coordinate system.

elem the element to be measured
  • the element's absolute top coordinate

public static String getAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named getElementProperty(Element, String) instead.

Gets any named attribute from an element, as a string.

elem the element whose attribute is to be retrieved
attr the name of the attribute
  • the attribute's value

public static boolean getBooleanAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named getElementPropertyBoolean(Element, String) instead.

Gets a boolean attribute on the given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be set
attr the name of the attribute to be set
  • the attribute's value as a boolean

public static Element getCaptureElement ()

Gets the element that currently has mouse capture.

  • a handle to the capture element, or null if none exists

public static Element getChild (Element parent, int index)

Gets an element's n-th child element.

parent the element whose child is to be retrieved
index the index of the child element
  • the n-th child element

public static int getChildCount (Element parent)

Gets the number of child elements present in a given parent element.

parent the element whose children are to be counted
  • the number of children

public static int getChildIndex (Element parent, Element child)

Gets the index of a given child element within its parent.

parent the parent element
child the child element
  • the child's index within its parent, or -1 if it is not a child of the given parent

public static String getElementAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

Gets the named attribute from the element.

elem the element whose property is to be retrieved
attr the name of the attribute
  • the value of the attribute

public static Element getElementById (String id)

Gets the element associated with the given unique id within the entire document.

id the id whose associated element is to be retrieved
  • the associated element, or null if none is found

public static String getElementProperty (Element elem, String prop)

Gets any named property from an element, as a string.

elem the element whose property is to be retrieved
prop the name of the property
  • the property's value

public static boolean getElementPropertyBoolean (Element elem, String prop)

Gets any named property from an element, as a boolean.

elem the element whose property is to be retrieved
prop the name of the property
  • the property's value as a boolean

public static int getElementPropertyInt (Element elem, String prop)

Gets any named property from an element, as an int.

elem the element whose property is to be retrieved
prop the name of the property
  • the property's value as an int

public static EventListener getEventListener (Element elem)

Gets the EventListener that will receive events for the given element. Only one such listener may exist for a single element.

elem the element whose listener is to be set
  • the element's event listener

public static int getEventsSunk (Element elem)

Gets the current set of events sunk by a given element.

elem the element whose events are to be retrieved
  • a bitfield describing the events sunk on this element (its possible values are described in Event)

public static Element getFirstChild (Element elem)

Gets the first child element of the given element.

elem the element whose child is to be retrieved
  • the child element

public static String getImgSrc (Element img)

Gets the src attribute of an img element. This method is paired with setImgSrc(Element, String) so that it always returns the correct url.

img a non-null img whose src attribute is to be read.
  • the src url of the img

public static String getInnerHTML (Element elem)

Gets an HTML representation of an element's children.

elem the element whose HTML is to be retrieved
  • the HTML representation of the element's children

public static String getInnerText (Element elem)

Gets the text contained within an element. If the element has child elements, only the text between them will be retrieved.

elem the element whose inner text is to be retrieved
  • the text inside this element

public static int getIntAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named getElementPropertyInt(Element, String) instead.

Gets an integer attribute on a given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be retrieved
attr the name of the attribute to be retrieved
  • the attribute's value as an integer

public static int getIntStyleAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

Gets an integer attribute on a given element's style.

elem the element whose style attribute is to be retrieved
attr the name of the attribute to be retrieved
  • the style attribute's value as an integer

public static Element getNextSibling (Element elem)

Gets an element's next sibling element.

elem the element whose sibling is to be retrieved
  • the sibling element

public static Element getParent (Element elem)

Gets an element's parent element.

elem the element whose parent is to be retrieved
  • the parent element

public static String getStyleAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

Gets an attribute of the given element's style.

elem the element whose style attribute is to be retrieved
attr the name of the style attribute to be retrieved
  • the style attribute's value

public static void insertBefore (Element parent, Element child, Element before)

Inserts an element as a child of the given parent element, before another child of that parent.

parent the parent element
child the child element to add to parent
before an existing child element of parent before which child will be inserted

public static void insertChild (Element parent, Element child, int index)

Inserts an element as a child of the given parent element.

parent the parent element
child the child element to add to parent
index the index before which the child will be inserted (any value greater than the number of existing children will cause the child to be appended)

public static void insertListItem (Element selectElem, String item, String value, int index)

Creates an <option> element and inserts it as a child of the specified <select> element. If the index is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of the list, then the option element will be appended to the end of the list.

selectElem the <select> element
item the text of the new item; cannot be null
value the value attribute for the new <option>; cannot be null
index the index at which to insert the child

public static boolean isOrHasChild (Element parent, Element child)

Determine whether one element is equal to, or the child of, another.

parent the potential parent element
child the potential child element
  • true if the relationship holds

public static void releaseCapture (Element elem)

Releases mouse/touch/gesture capture on the given element. Calling this method has no effect if the element does not currently have mouse/touch/gesture capture.

elem the element to release capture

public static void removeChild (Element parent, Element child)

Removes a child element from the given parent element.

parent the parent element
child the child element to be removed

public static void removeElementAttribute (Element elem, String attr)

Removes the named attribute from the given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be removed
attr the name of the element to remove

public static void removeEventPreview (EventPreview preview)

This method is deprecated.
use HandlerRegistration returned from addNativePreviewHandler(Event.NativePreviewHandler)

Removes an element from the preview stack. This element will no longer capture events, though any preview underneath it will begin to do so.

preview the event preview to be removed from the stack

public static void scrollIntoView (Element elem)

Scrolls the given element into view.

This method crawls up the DOM hierarchy, adjusting the scrollLeft and scrollTop properties of each scrollable element to ensure that the specified element is completely in view. It adjusts each scroll position by the minimum amount necessary.

elem the element to be made visible

public static void setAttribute (Element elem, String attr, String value)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named setElementProperty(Element, String, String) instead.

Sets an attribute on the given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be set
attr the name of the attribute to be set
value the new attribute value

public static void setBooleanAttribute (Element elem, String attr, boolean value)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named setElementPropertyBoolean(Element, String, boolean) instead.

Sets a boolean attribute on the given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be set
attr the name of the attribute to be set
value the attribute's new boolean value

public static void setCapture (Element elem)

Sets mouse/touch/gesture capture on the given element. This element will directly receive all mouse events until releaseCapture(Element) is called on it.

elem the element on which to set mouse/touch/gesture capture

public static void setElementAttribute (Element elem, String attr, String value)

Sets an attribute on a given element.

elem element whose attribute is to be set
attr the name of the attribute
value the value to which the attribute should be set

public static void setElementProperty (Element elem, String prop, String value)

Sets a property on the given element.

elem the element whose property is to be set
prop the name of the property to be set
value the new property value

public static void setElementPropertyBoolean (Element elem, String prop, boolean value)

Sets a boolean property on the given element.

elem the element whose property is to be set
prop the name of the property to be set
value the new property value as a boolean

public static void setElementPropertyInt (Element elem, String prop, int value)

Sets an int property on the given element.

elem the element whose property is to be set
prop the name of the property to be set
value the new property value as an int

public static void setEventListener (Element elem, EventListener listener)

Sets the EventListener to receive events for the given element. Only one such listener may exist for a single element.

elem the element whose listener is to be set
listener the listener to receive events

public static void setImgSrc (Element img, String src)

Sets the src attribute of an img element. This method ensures that imgs only ever have their contents requested one single time from the server.

img a non-null img whose src attribute will be set.
src a non-null url for the img

public static void setInnerHTML (Element elem, String html)

Sets the HTML contained within an element.

elem the element whose inner HTML is to be set
html the new html

public static void setInnerText (Element elem, String text)

Sets the text contained within an element. If the element already has children, they will be destroyed.

elem the element whose inner text is to be set
text the new text

public static void setIntAttribute (Element elem, String attr, int value)

This method is deprecated.
Use the more appropriately named setElementPropertyInt(Element, String, int) instead.

Sets an integer attribute on the given element.

elem the element whose attribute is to be set
attr the name of the attribute to be set
value the attribute's new integer value

public static void setIntStyleAttribute (Element elem, String attr, int value)

Sets an integer attribute on the given element's style.

elem the element whose style attribute is to be set
attr the name of the style attribute to be set
value the style attribute's new integer value

public static void setOptionText (Element select, String text, int index)

Sets the option text of the given select object.

select the select object whose option text is being set
text the text to set
index the index of the option whose text should be set

public static void setStyleAttribute (Element elem, String attr, String value)

Sets an attribute on the given element's style.

elem the element whose style attribute is to be set
attr the name of the style attribute to be set
value the style attribute's new value

public static void sinkEvents (Element elem, int eventBits)

Sets the current set of events sunk by a given element. These events will be fired to the nearest EventListener specified on any of the element's parents.

elem the element whose events are to be retrieved
eventBits a bitfield describing the events sunk on this element (its possible values are described in Event)

public static String toString (Element elem)

Returns a stringized version of the element. This string is for debugging purposes and will NOT be consistent on different browsers.

elem the element to stringize
  • a string form of the element

public static int windowGetClientHeight ()

This method is deprecated.
As of GWT 1.5, replaced by getClientHeight()

public static int windowGetClientWidth ()

This method is deprecated.
As of GWT 1.5, replaced by getClientWidth()