public class


extends Object
implements DatabasePopulator
   ↳ org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.ResourceDatabasePopulator

Class Overview

Populates a database from SQL scripts defined in external resources.

Call addScript(Resource) to add a SQL script location. Call setSqlScriptEncoding(String) to set the encoding for all added scripts.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
void addScript(Resource script)
Add a script to execute to populate the database.
void populate(Connection connection)
Populate the database using the JDBC connection provided.
void setCommentPrefix(String commentPrefix)
Set the line prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script.
void setContinueOnError(boolean continueOnError)
Flag to indicate that all failures in SQL should be logged but not cause a failure.
void setIgnoreFailedDrops(boolean ignoreFailedDrops)
Flag to indicate that a failed SQL DROP statement can be ignored.
void setScripts(Resource[] scripts)
Set the scripts to execute to populate the database.
void setSqlScriptEncoding(String sqlScriptEncoding)
Specify the encoding for SQL scripts, if different from the platform encoding.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.init.DatabasePopulator

Public Constructors

public ResourceDatabasePopulator ()

Public Methods

public void addScript (Resource script)

Add a script to execute to populate the database.

script the path to a SQL script

public void populate (Connection connection)

Populate the database using the JDBC connection provided.

connection the JDBC connection to use to populate the db; already configured and ready to use

public void setCommentPrefix (String commentPrefix)

Set the line prefix that identifies comments in the SQL script. Default is "--".

public void setContinueOnError (boolean continueOnError)

Flag to indicate that all failures in SQL should be logged but not cause a failure. Defaults to false.

public void setIgnoreFailedDrops (boolean ignoreFailedDrops)

Flag to indicate that a failed SQL DROP statement can be ignored.

This is useful for non-embedded databases whose SQL dialect does not support an IF EXISTS clause in a DROP. The default is false so that if the populator runs accidentally, it will fail fast when the script starts with a DROP.

public void setScripts (Resource[] scripts)

Set the scripts to execute to populate the database.

scripts the scripts to execute

public void setSqlScriptEncoding (String sqlScriptEncoding)

Specify the encoding for SQL scripts, if different from the platform encoding. Note setting this property has no effect on added scripts that are already encoded resources.