public class


extends AbstractMapBasedHandlerMapping<K>
     ↳ org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
       ↳ org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.AbstractMapBasedHandlerMapping<K>
         ↳ org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping

Class Overview

Implementation of the HandlerMapping interface to map from the current PortletMode and a request parameter to request handler beans. The mapping consists of two levels: first the PortletMode and then the parameter value. In order to be mapped, both elements must match the mapping definition.

This is a combination of the methods used in PortletModeHandlerMapping and ParameterHandlerMapping. Unlike those two classes, this mapping cannot be initialized with properties since it requires a two-level map.

The default name of the parameter is "action", but can be changed using setParameterName().

By default, the same parameter value may not be used in two different portlet modes. This is so that if the portal itself changes the portlet mode, the request will no longer be valid in the mapping. This behavior can be changed with setAllowDupParameters().

The bean configuration for this mapping will look somthing like this:

 <bean id="portletModeParameterHandlerMapping" class="org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping">
   <property name="portletModeParameterMap">
       <entry key="view"> <!-- portlet mode: view -->
           <entry key="add"><ref bean="addItemHandler"/></entry>
           <entry key="edit"><ref bean="editItemHandler"/></entry>
           <entry key="delete"><ref bean="deleteItemHandler"/></entry>
       <entry key="edit"> <!-- portlet mode: edit -->
           <entry key="prefs"><ref bean="preferencesHandler"/></entry>
           <entry key="resetPrefs"><ref bean="resetPreferencesHandler"/></entry>

This mapping can be chained ahead of a PortletModeHandlerMapping, which can then provide defaults for each mode and an overall default as well.

Thanks to Rainer Schmitz and Yujin Kim for suggesting this mapping strategy!


String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_NAME Default request parameter name to use for mapping to handlers: "action".
Inherited Constants
From interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
Public Methods
void initApplicationContext()
Calls the registerHandlers method in addition to the superclass's initialization.
void setAllowDuplicateParameters(boolean allowDuplicateParameters)
Set whether to allow duplicate parameter values across different portlet modes.
void setParameterName(String parameterName)
Set the name of the parameter used for mapping to handlers.
void setPortletModeParameterMap(Map<StringMap<String, ?>> portletModeParameterMap)
Set a Map with portlet mode names as keys and another Map as values.
Protected Methods
PortletModeParameterLookupKey getLookupKey(PortletRequest request)
Returns a lookup key that combines the current PortletMode and the current value of the specified parameter.
void registerHandler(PortletMode mode, Map<String, ?> parameterMap)
Register all handlers specified in the given parameter map.
void registerHandler(PortletMode mode, String parameter, Object handler)
Register the given handler instance for the given PortletMode and parameter value, under an appropriate lookup key.
void registerHandlersByModeAndParameter(Map<StringMap<String, ?>> portletModeParameterMap)
Register all handlers specified in the Portlet mode map for the corresponding modes.
Inherited Methods
From class org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.AbstractMapBasedHandlerMapping
From class org.springframework.web.portlet.handler.AbstractHandlerMapping
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
From interface org.springframework.core.Ordered
From interface org.springframework.web.portlet.HandlerMapping


public static final String DEFAULT_PARAMETER_NAME

Default request parameter name to use for mapping to handlers: "action".

Constant Value: "action"

Public Constructors

public PortletModeParameterHandlerMapping ()

Public Methods

public void initApplicationContext ()

Calls the registerHandlers method in addition to the superclass's initialization.

public void setAllowDuplicateParameters (boolean allowDuplicateParameters)

Set whether to allow duplicate parameter values across different portlet modes. Default is "false".

Doing this is dangerous because the portlet mode can be changed by the portal itself and the only way to see that is a rerender of the portlet. If the same parameter value is legal in multiple modes, then a change in mode could result in a matched mapping that is not intended and the user could end up in a strange place in the application.

public void setParameterName (String parameterName)

Set the name of the parameter used for mapping to handlers.

Default is "action".

public void setPortletModeParameterMap (Map<StringMap<String, ?>> portletModeParameterMap)

Set a Map with portlet mode names as keys and another Map as values. The sub-map has parameter names as keys and handler bean or bean names as values.

Convenient for population with bean references.

portletModeParameterMap two-level map of portlet modes and parameters to handler beans

Protected Methods

protected PortletModeParameterLookupKey getLookupKey (PortletRequest request)

Returns a lookup key that combines the current PortletMode and the current value of the specified parameter.

request current portlet request
  • the lookup key (never null)
See Also

protected void registerHandler (PortletMode mode, Map<String, ?> parameterMap)

Register all handlers specified in the given parameter map.

parameterMap Map with parameter names as keys and handler beans or bean names as values

protected void registerHandler (PortletMode mode, String parameter, Object handler)

Register the given handler instance for the given PortletMode and parameter value, under an appropriate lookup key.

mode the PortletMode for which this mapping is valid
parameter the parameter value to which this handler is mapped
handler the handler instance bean
BeansException if the handler couldn't be registered
IllegalStateException if there is a conflicting handler registered

protected void registerHandlersByModeAndParameter (Map<StringMap<String, ?>> portletModeParameterMap)

Register all handlers specified in the Portlet mode map for the corresponding modes.

portletModeParameterMap Map with mode names as keys and parameter Maps as values