public class


extends MockPortletResponse
   ↳ org.springframework.mock.web.portlet.MockPortletResponse
     ↳ org.springframework.mock.web.portlet.MockMimeResponse
Known Direct Subclasses

Class Overview

Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.MimeResponse interface.


Public Constructors
Create a new MockMimeResponse with a default MockPortalContext.
MockMimeResponse(PortalContext portalContext)
Create a new MockMimeResponse.
MockMimeResponse(PortalContext portalContext, PortletRequest request)
Create a new MockMimeResponse.
Public Methods
PortletURL createActionURL()
PortletURL createRenderURL()
ResourceURL createResourceURL()
void flushBuffer()
int getBufferSize()
CacheControl getCacheControl()
String getCharacterEncoding()
byte[] getContentAsByteArray()
String getContentAsString()
String getContentType()
String getForwardedUrl()
String getIncludedUrl()
Locale getLocale()
OutputStream getPortletOutputStream()
PrintWriter getWriter()
boolean isCommitted()
void reset()
void resetBuffer()
void setBufferSize(int bufferSize)
void setCharacterEncoding(String characterEncoding)
void setCommitted(boolean committed)
void setContentType(String contentType)
void setForwardedUrl(String forwardedUrl)
void setIncludedUrl(String includedUrl)
void setLocale(Locale locale)
Inherited Methods
From class org.springframework.mock.web.portlet.MockPortletResponse
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public MockMimeResponse ()

Create a new MockMimeResponse with a default MockPortalContext.

public MockMimeResponse (PortalContext portalContext)

Create a new MockMimeResponse.

portalContext the PortalContext defining the supported PortletModes and WindowStates

public MockMimeResponse (PortalContext portalContext, PortletRequest request)

Create a new MockMimeResponse.

portalContext the PortalContext defining the supported PortletModes and WindowStates
request the corresponding render/resource request that this response is being generated for

Public Methods

public PortletURL createActionURL ()

public PortletURL createRenderURL ()

public ResourceURL createResourceURL ()

public void flushBuffer ()

public int getBufferSize ()

public CacheControl getCacheControl ()

public String getCharacterEncoding ()

public byte[] getContentAsByteArray ()

public String getContentAsString ()

public String getContentType ()

public String getForwardedUrl ()

public String getIncludedUrl ()

public Locale getLocale ()

public OutputStream getPortletOutputStream ()


public PrintWriter getWriter ()

public boolean isCommitted ()

public void reset ()

public void resetBuffer ()

public void setBufferSize (int bufferSize)

public void setCharacterEncoding (String characterEncoding)

public void setCommitted (boolean committed)

public void setContentType (String contentType)

public void setForwardedUrl (String forwardedUrl)

public void setIncludedUrl (String includedUrl)

public void setLocale (Locale locale)