public class


extends Object
   ↳ org.springframework.mock.web.portlet.MockPortalContext

Class Overview

Mock implementation of the javax.portlet.PortalContext interface.


Public Constructors
Create a new MockPortalContext with default PortletModes (VIEW, EDIT, HELP) and default WindowStates (NORMAL, MAXIMIZED, MINIMIZED).
MockPortalContext(List<PortletMode> supportedPortletModes, List<WindowState> supportedWindowStates)
Create a new MockPortalContext with the given PortletModes and WindowStates.
Public Methods
String getPortalInfo()
String getProperty(String name)
Enumeration<String> getPropertyNames()
Enumeration<PortletMode> getSupportedPortletModes()
Enumeration<WindowState> getSupportedWindowStates()
void setProperty(String name, String value)
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public MockPortalContext ()

Create a new MockPortalContext with default PortletModes (VIEW, EDIT, HELP) and default WindowStates (NORMAL, MAXIMIZED, MINIMIZED).

See Also
  • javax.portlet.PortletMode
  • javax.portlet.WindowState

public MockPortalContext (List<PortletMode> supportedPortletModes, List<WindowState> supportedWindowStates)

Create a new MockPortalContext with the given PortletModes and WindowStates.

supportedPortletModes the List of supported PortletMode instances
supportedWindowStates the List of supported WindowState instances
See Also
  • javax.portlet.PortletMode
  • javax.portlet.WindowState

Public Methods

public String getPortalInfo ()

public String getProperty (String name)

public Enumeration<String> getPropertyNames ()

public Enumeration<PortletMode> getSupportedPortletModes ()

public Enumeration<WindowState> getSupportedWindowStates ()

public void setProperty (String name, String value)